Carnivore Diet

Chad R. Thundercock

Cooler than the other side of the pillow.
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
I'm kicking off the New Year with a one 3 month trial of the Carnivore Diet. This isn't my first rodeo with a diet log. I've done IIFYM, IF, and Keto in the past with decent results. I'm pretty sure those diet logs are buried beneath here somewhere.

My diet will consist of nothing more than steak, bacon, and eggs. (EDIT: I'll also be consuming organ meat, fish, and collagen). No condiments aside from salt, pepper, and carb free steak rubs will be consumed. I'm writing this log down here for disciplinary purposes and do not wish to utilize it to promote nor advocate this diet. My reasons for embarking on this diet are to

  • Eliminate my adrenal fatigue
  • Eliminate joint pain
  • Eliminate excess fat
  • Improve performance in the gym

Age: 30
Weight: 215 lbs, give or take 2 lbs
Height: 5'11"
Bodyfat: 12%

This is not a cutting diet. I will be eating until I feel fully satiated and fast for the next 24 hours. In other words, I'll be eating only once a day a la Intermittent Fasting.

I will post pictures from time to time to track my transformation. I will also post my training log in the S&C Training Log subforum to complement this regimen. Here's the link to my training log:
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Thursday Jan 3rd, 2019

2 lb Ribeye
1 lb New York Strip
6 eggs, sunny side up

Fasted all day.
Last edited:
Friday Jan 4, 2019

.250 grams of bacon
.660 grams of New York Strip

I'm no longer coating my steaks with olive oil. Instead, I'm using leftover bacon grease in addition to the freshly ground black pepper and pink Himalayan salt to coat the steaks prior to grilling.

Fasted all day.
Saturday 1/5/2019

.650 grams of New York Strip
.400 grams of Cowboy steak
Do you think you'll add in any organ meats for some extra nutrition? Any collagen? I'd say collagen is really important too because eating all of that muscle meat is going to throw off your methionine production and the glycine in the collagen will help balance things out. I guess it's nature's way of telling you to eat nose to tail.

Sub'd to your thread and looking forward to your results.
Do you think you'll add in any organ meats for some extra nutrition? Any collagen? I'd say collagen is really important too because eating all of that muscle meat is going to throw off your methionine production and the glycine in the collagen will help balance things out. I guess it's nature's way of telling you to eat nose to tail.

Sub'd to your thread and looking forward to your results.

Speak of the devil. I'm going to buy some liver and tripe at the supermarket today. I'm not fond of organ meat, but they're rich in vitamins and minerals, which I have been substituting with multivitamins. Also, I'm going to pick up some mackerel so I can get some omega 3 in my diet.

I have collagen powder made from grass fed cows, but I'm going to try getting them in by drinking bone broth. If I'm out of bone broth or don't have time to make it, then I'll just consume the powder.
Okay, a few more tweaks to my diet:

  • I'm no longer eating cured bacon treated with sulfite. I will only consume the uncured ones.
  • I'm taking out eggs from my diet.
  • I will no longer consume oil derived from plants e.g. olive oil, avocado oil, etc. Instead, I will use lard or tallow.
  • I will be consuming more fish (for the omega 3), organ meat (for the extra vitamins and minerals), and bone broth/bone marrow (for the collagen). I think this will complete my vitamin and mineral profiles.
  • I'll be cutting out all forms of diet soda, calorie free energy drinks and beverages. I'm sticking with plain old coffee. Black, no sugar.
Speak of the devil. I'm going to buy some liver and tripe at the supermarket today. I'm not fond of organ meat, but they're rich in vitamins and minerals, which I have been substituting with multivitamins. Also, I'm going to pick up some mackerel so I can get some omega 3 in my diet.

I have collagen powder made from grass fed cows, but I'm going to try getting them in by drinking bone broth. If I'm out of bone broth or don't have time to make it, then I'll just consume the powder.


Okay, a few more tweaks to my diet:

  • I'm no longer eating cured bacon treated with sulfite. I will only consume the uncured ones.
  • I'm taking out eggs from my diet.
  • I will no longer consume oil derived from plants e.g. olive oil, avocado oil, etc. Instead, I will use lard or tallow.
  • I will be consuming more fish (for the omega 3), organ meat (for the extra vitamins and minerals), and bone broth/bone marrow (for the collagen). I think this will complete my vitamin and mineral profiles.
  • I'll be cutting out all forms of diet soda, calorie free energy drinks and beverages. I'm sticking with plain old coffee. Black, no sugar.

fucking smart
A snapshot of what was in my shopping bag today:

The items on the left were bought at a Filipino supermarket called Seafood City in Chula Vista, CA. I bought


  • 6 filets of mackerel
  • Liver
  • Tripe
  • Roughly 5 lbs/2 kgs of cheap sirloin
  • Ox tail (to make bone broth)
And to the right are the items I purchased from Aldi, a German supermarket which happened to be less than a mile away from Seafood City:

  • 4 packs of Ribeye weighing roughly 1 lb each
  • 2 packs of tritip, each weighing roughly a little over 2 lbs or 1kg each.
Tools of the trade:


I cook my steak with a sous vide (the machine at the top right corner) , normally at a temperature of about 130-133 degrees F for about 1-2 hours, depending on the width of the steak.

I slow cook the steaks in a vacuum sealed bag. The vacuum sealer is below the sous vide machine.

Then I sear the steaks with a propane torch (bottom left) on top of my propane grill, which is in the balcony outside of my kitchen.

And finally the device on the bottom right is a food scale.

fucking smart

Thanks for the support and advice. I'll be extending my trial to 3 months so I can have the opportunity to experience the benefits after the adaptation phase. I'll be constantly posting update along with the log in regards to the status of my arthritis, mood, adrenal fatigue, etc. I'll probably also get blood work done towards the end of the 3 month trial to check my lipid, vitamin, and mineral profiles.
Sunday 1/6/2019

5 oz liver
2 lbs ribeye
6 grams of fish oil


That liver was really unpalatable. The texture and the taste were so unappetizing that I had to alternate between eating the ribeye and liver to refresh my taste buds.
I don't know if it would be helpful but sometimes you can find some pretty healthy looking organ sausage or liverwurst online or at butcher shops. I wonder if a butcher shop could make a nice
pâté or terrine for you if you told them what you're looking for. Or find a recipe and experiment. They usually contain some kind of vegetable though. I dunno if that'll put you off if you're really trying to go strict carnivore.
sous vide makes great food! on a different note, is it too early to tell if the diet has left you constipated or otherwise changed bowel movements?
I don't know if it would be helpful but sometimes you can find some pretty healthy looking organ sausage or liverwurst online or at butcher shops. I wonder if a butcher shop could make a nice
pâté or terrine for you if you told them what you're looking for. Or find a recipe and experiment. They usually contain some kind of vegetable though. I dunno if that'll put you off if you're really trying to go strict carnivore.

I was thinking about getting some liverwurst and bratwurst yesterday, but as you have mentioned, some of them contain ingredients that are plant-derived, such as soy and gluten. Gluten fucks me up like no other, so it's something I can't risk eating unless I know exactly what the ingredients are.
sous vide makes great food! on a different note, is it too early to tell if the diet has left you constipated or otherwise changed bowel movements?

I'm making less trips to the bathroom, but my bowel movement is fine. However, I do urinate frequently, but that's because I drink a lot of water, which is a necessity on this diet.
I was thinking about getting some liverwurst and bratwurst yesterday, but as you have mentioned, some of them contain ingredients that are plant-derived, such as soy and gluten. Gluten fucks me up like no other, so it's something I can't risk eating unless I know exactly what the ingredients are.

I know the struggle bro, I have celiac disease so sourcing really good sausage from a butcher shop where they don't use butcher's rusk can be pretty fucking hard. Glandulars may be of some use to you if you can't find another way to get those organs down. Ancestral Supplements has all kinds of desiccated organ capsules from grassfed beef. Pricey but people seem to give them good reviews.
I know the struggle bro, I have celiac disease so sourcing really good sausage from a butcher shop where they don't use butcher's rusk can be pretty fucking hard. Glandulars may be of some use to you if you can't find another way to get those organs down. Ancestral Supplements has all kinds of desiccated organ capsules from grassfed beef. Pricey but people seem to give them good reviews.

I used to eat a lot of bratwurst (usually from Johnsonville) when I was doing keto and IF in the past, but I wasn't aware that some brands contain soy and gluten and other hidden ingredients. Now I can't trust any food that doesn't comes in a package in its raw state. I have to know where the source is, what the exact ingredients are, and other minute details before I consume it. Anything that says "processed in a plant with peanuts, gluten, soy, etc" or even, hell, "processed" for that matter is no-go for me.

Funny that you mentioned supplements. I forgot I had a bottle of dessicated liver tablets made from grass fed cows sitting in my cupboard til now. Ideally speaking, I don't want to deal with supplements, but there will be moments when I'll have to ingest the collagen powder, fish oil capsules, and the aforementioned dessicated liver tablets if I don't have the time.
sous vide makes great food! on a different note, is it too early to tell if the diet has left you constipated or otherwise changed bowel movements?

Also, another thing I want to mention regarding constipation is that the effects of eating fiber can actually be conducive to getting/aggravating constipation. Quite ironic, I know, but I saw a video on YouTube of this Australian scientist who explained the ill effects of consuming fiber and how people who consumed no fiber at all suffered from zero constipation, zero hemmoroids, zero anal bleeding, etc. It was an eye opener. I will post the video later on this log later when I get on my computer.
Also, another thing I want to mention regarding constipation is that the effects of eating fiber can actually be conducive to getting/aggravating constipation. Quite ironic, I know, but I saw a video on YouTube of this Australian scientist who explained the ill effects of consuming fiber and how people who consumed no fiber at all suffered from zero constipation, zero hemmoroids, zero anal bleeding, etc. It was an eye opener. I will post the video later on this log later when I get on my computer.

I'll save you some time.
