Anyone had any results using CBD oil for treatment of tinitus?
Don’t get ripped off by these companies... their entire business model is based off preying on people’s ignorance on the subject. They will take 20bucks wholesale worth of raw cbd flower and then turn it into a tincture and sell it for 60-80 bucks. Just buy the cbd flower and make the tincture yourself and save $$$!!

The same goes for THC edibles as well as cbd. Don’t buy a pot brownie for 20 bucks at the marijuana dispensary. Instead buy 20 bucks worth of raw pot and then make 10+ damn brownies yourself for the same price.

to give you an idea of how much they are ripping you off with these products... just do the simple math. An 8th oz of cbd flower should cost about 20 bucks. Let’s say it is 20 percent cbd.. that would be roughly 700 mg of cbd for about 20 bucks (8th oz =3500 mg. Multiplied by 20 percent=700)...now go look at cbd product prices. How much does a 700 mg cbd tincture cost? 50- 60 bucks? 80 bucks? 100 bucks?

Their markup for cooking raw flower into edibles and sublinguals is highway robbery. Making your own is the way to go

not everyone can afford to test positive, most respectable jobs drug test. You’re paying for the elimination of thc, which even exists in hemp products.
not everyone can afford to test positive, most respectable jobs drug test. You’re paying for the elimination of thc, which even exists in hemp products.

No respectable job drug tests. Drug testing is a civil rights n privacy violation. I have no respect for any company that violates peoples’ privacy.

You’re right tho. I should have included that since it’s pretty important. Don’t make your own tincture or edibles from raw cbd flower if you have a drug tested job since raw cbd flower has a little bit of thc content. It’s Usually less than 1 percent.. but enough to show thc trances on drug tests...and then good luck explaining to yur boss that your THC positive test was from your Home made cbd edibles.

If you have nobody violating your civil rights by checking on your piss n hair then there’s no reason to not make your own cbd and thc tinctures n edibles to save money. A shop markup even on a tincture that has a trace amount of THC is still well over twice the price to make it yourself
99% of ppl will not [get high] as it is non psychoactive. What can occur if you are hypersensitive or at times, elderly, is the minute thc accompanying high amounts of cbd can cause you to get a mild high plus anxiety which makes it feel compounded.
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I heard that you want to use it with a little bit of thc to 'activate' it. It's more effective than using cbd by itself
I heard that you want to use it with a little bit of thc to 'activate' it. It's more effective than using cbd by itself

Entourage effect.
Should ideally also have its terpenes intact, sadly extraction methods can remove it.
I used CDB oil as a sleep aid. The first time I took it (only 3 drops under my tongue), I watched tv and fell asleep immediately. I was so happy that it worked that I started to take it every day. I got used to it and it stopped working, so now I rarely take it.

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