Opinion cellphone whatsapp restrictions - Whats up ?

I haven't even looked into this, and I can guarantee you Whatsapp isn't "rooting" your phone. They're doing the same thing every other app in existence is doing: asking you for your permissino to access and control other apps and information on your phone. Fucking flashlight apps do this, and people let them.

All those "free" apps...they record your contacts, your message habits, your location history, all of it. All Snapchat and Whatsapp are trying to do is to keep you from using other apps or even your phone's OS-level features that enable you to take a screenshot within their app when your own app doesn't allow you to do that. So the app asks for your permission to access the necessary software, and alter it. You say yes, you allow it, because you want to have Whatsapp. That's the deal.


If you don’t pay for the product the product is you! It’s crazy when you read (or don’t as most don’t) the terms and conditions of some of this shit. A friend tried to get me on some shitty app years ago. The terms weren’t that bad but I could use it as the keyboard was disabled, went you went to add the keyboard function new terms and conditions came up - you agreed to give them access to your keyboard at all times!!! Effectively giving them permission to read all your texts, all your emails, all your sherdog posts!