Media Chito accuses O’Malley of greasing

Pathetic, and very unlikeable person. People talk about Sean being unlikeable but when you hear Vera interviews he is just vile and has nothing nice to say about anyone. Sean won fair and square, the grease thing is funny because there was virtually no grabbing, it was a striking fight and a lot of it at range too.
Chito had one of the most pathetic showings in a championship fight I've ever seen. They could have blow dried O'Malleys entire body between rounds and he still would have destroyed Chito. Dude needs to STFU. And I don't even like O'Malley, but in hindsight I'm glad he won and not Chito. O'Malley seems like less of a drama queen, despite how he looks. Chito is insufferable and didn't show up for the most important fight of his life.
I never understood the hype behind Chito… but anyway, I’m glad he got his shit pushed. So gratifying… the little prick shower good ole Frankie the middle finger for no reason. Disrespectful man.
Never got the whole Chito fan base. He's okay, seems cool enough. Fight went how I thought it was going to. I'm honestly surprised he's gotten as far as he has tbh. The mystic of relying on one big shot yet losing a lot of the fight isn't a great one. Hell, Pedro beat him IMO.
Pedro got the short end on a lot of decisions unfortunately.
Based on how Chito fought, all the grease in the world wouldn't have made a difference I feel; Chito didn't pressure forward or do any grappling/clinch work and the punches weren't exactly sliding off O'Malley's face from what I saw.
Imagine talking all this “show me crap” then going in and doing nothing on route to get shut out all 5 rounds. Shut up Chito, you had your undeserved chance and got completely dominated. Nobody cares what you have to say.
Chito got beat up fair and square. It wasn’t a blow out like Sean said though. At times Chito got rough in there and when he made it a brawl Sean took some blows. His face alone frames the fight
O’Malley could mess with him “you can investigate my hair if you also investigate cheating to make weight”
I highly doubt it, plus tbh I don't think that putting gel in your hair is against the rules anyway lol. Not sure but it's not like he put vaseline on his body to defend from grappling. Besides the officials check his head and face before the fight.

Low chance it turns into something interesting.
It’s illegal to have anything in your hair. Gel would be the stupidest thing you could put in there bc as you sweat it’s going to run into your eyes and make it hard to see.

Regardless you always see referees or athletic commissioners check the fighters hair before they get into the cage
I rooted for Chito but I highly doubt it. More like Chito did nothing for nearly 3 minutes every round.

Yeah, dude should of tried to take the fight to O'Malley when they fought instead of making excuses after the fight. And i like Chito a lot more than Sean.
for a guy with 4-5 kids or whatever it is. you'd think he'd have a little more fire in his fights to improve his family's life.
If you honestly thought he was greased then why not bring it to the ref's attention after the 1st round to take a look at him?
Weak. Chito fan but lost alot of respect for him with this bullshit.
Yeah cause grease does so much to striking
Greasing prevents grappling and getting a hold of one's opponent, so it will advantage a pure striker versus a grappler or a rounded opponent.

Marlon Chito Vera is 23-9 with 8 KO, 10 submission, 5 decisions.

By contrast, O'Malley is 18-1 with 12 KO, 1 submission and 5 decision.

So if Chito greased it would basically mean nothing, but if O'Malley greased, he would inhibit somewhat the grappling ability of his opponent Marlon Chito Vera who has the majority of his wins via submission. Although it may not be apparent at first glance, greasing can have quite an effect on striking in an MMA fight.
There was no grappling so how could he tell? I guess punches could still slide off the face with enough grease. But that requires punches to be thrown first.

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