Civil War movie

Shoulda made it more realistic. Texas and California teaming up doesn't make sense. THey shoulda made it liberal vs conservative states
We get that every 4 years irl already

I guess they could have had an orange haired narcissist and a senile octogenarian duke it out on the battle field
It was interesting but not what I expected. As a commentary on war journalism and what that is like, I thought it was enjoyable. I don't know much about the subject and have never really thought about what it takes to provide the images that accompany the news stories I read.

But I was expecting a more political film with rights and wrongs and a message about who deserved to win or lose. They distinctly avoided all of that. So, I appreciate that while also feeling like the advertising misled me, lol.
I saw it opening weekend. I figured they wouldn't touch on why the war started, who all is involved, etc etc but outside of one or two lines they do not cover it at all. The trailer pretty much covers everything about the background of the war. That wasn't going to be a deal breaker because I knew the movie was going to focus on the press/photographers. I was fine with the movie overall until the ending. The last 10-15 minutes of the movie ruined it, especially the ending.

Also these fuckers would be deaf by the end of this, running around a battle field with ARs, tanks, explosions, etc with no ear protection.
I'm a bit surprised that San Diego and Orange County are blue, I just always assumed they were much stronger red than they are, i guess
Trump fucked things up for the GOP in those counties.
Seemed like they went out of their way not to make it overly political.
That’s exactly what I read. They used Texas and California to make it seem less red vs blue-ish.

Also didn’t give much if any background info on what led to civil war.
Also, Kirsten Dunst didn't age well...
I thought so, too, but I think they purposely made her look (more) old and grizzled.
Yeah, lack of buzz in the 'Berry and no @Dragonlordxxxxx review...

wait for a boring streaming night
I saw it in the theaters with AVX (I guess that’s like the IMAX version for audio) and it sounded AWESOME.

Didn’t even realize what it was until the guns/bombs sounded like they were inches away from me.
Having red states va blue states would have been very on the nose. They could have had something interesting with regional succession groups, though.
the main appeal of this movie when I first heard about it was the political angle and how they would handle that. I wanted to see red necks vs the bad hombres. Elites from both sides getting brought down by the masses. Disappointed to hear they avoided it
I think its weird how everyone is so focused on the potential politics and worldbuilding of Civil War... when the movie itself cared fuck all about those details. It was just fluff to get the story going.

The movie is basically a civil war random event generator. The kind of vignettes you run into during a domestic conflict. Oh, and war journalism too I suppose (which felt a bit old hat in the age of social media).

No movie that ends with the coward President of the United States getting killed gangland-style can ever be bad.
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Americans and their fantasies of killing each other in a continent wide battle. What you actually get is a ever-degrading quality of life, meaningless and more expensive consumerism, like the rest of us.
- I thought this thread was aboth that movie weres Spider-Man jobbed to that can, Captain America.:(
Dang, you are fatter than @lsa


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