Social Creep (piano cover) by subtlySteve


Magical Motherfucker
Jan 27, 2021
Reaction score
This is a cover I did of "Creep" by Radiohead.

I typically play guitar on these, but on this one I'm on the piano, it's not exactly like the original, but it is a cover after all.

I hope you dig it!

Nice! Thanks for this, and putting yourself out there. What all do you play, and for how long have you?

Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the kind words! I play several instruments: drums, guitar, bass guitar, and piano.

I've been playing drums since 1994, so it's been a while. As for guitar and bass guitar, I've been at it for about 15 years, but I've only started taking it seriously in the last five years. I picked up the piano a little over a year ago, so still very much a novice!

Self-taught on all of them, however, I am going to hire a piano teacher in the near future.

Thanks again!
Nice one bro. The vocal could be better imo but I really like the piano arrangement.

Reminds me of my creepy bud @Question

Thanks, I'm glad you liked the piano arrangement.

You're right, I could have put more effort in the vocals, but as David Lee Roth said in 1985:

I'm not trying to achieve a standard of excellence in the singing field. (obviously)

Especially not on an impromptu cover.
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