Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Israel

There always seem to be a pattern of orchestrated chaos during the election year and it extends way past the summer...and laughing at the
Genocide" comment... A vast majority of these agitators are Paid and bought for Pamphlet Protesters and just Punch Lines of human beings. Even the liberal networks are basically mocking these worthless clowns now.
I don't particularly like shit lib college students, at all really, but you're fooling yourself if you think this is all paid and people don't actually have a gripe with their tax dollars, and country, aiding in a genocide in Gaza.

There isn't anything funny about genocide.
Do you really think there will be more orchestrated Riots when Trump takes the White House back? What would the muppets actual excuse be though?
Well, for starters, let's just say that he'll be letting and encouraging Israel to do whatever the fuck they want to Palestine. There won't even be a hint of lip service paid to the blur hair brigade, about Israel needing to kill them softly.

Trump himself will also be a lightning rod to these goofs, and they'll be out there protesting the election results, and predictably shitting on themselves and hypocritically demanding the election results be overturned.

The left is angry now, with Biden in charge. There's no reason to believe they won't be out there at every opportunity with Trump at the helm. They're gonna lose their fucking minds if he wins.
I don't particularly like shit lib college students, at all really, but you're fooling yourself if you think this is all paid and people don't actually have a gripe with their tax dollars, and country, aiding in a genocide in Gaza.

There isn't anything funny about genocide.
It’s amazing how easy it is to turn a rational population against a righteous cause, no? Emphasize /amplify the voice/message of the minority of kooks and agitators to taint the underlying message… as an aside, didn’t the US govt “poison the well” during the Vietnam protests?

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover issued directives governing COINTELPRO, ordering FBI agents to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize" the activities of these movements and especially their leaders.[22][23]

Could there be a similar thing going on here…?
I don't understand this "election year" narrative.

Genocide Joe, Trump, and RFK Jr. all support the Israel Genocide in Gaza.

There is no candidate pushing back against this. Well, Cornball West but he's just trying to sell a book he's not actually running.

I dunno, ask all the big democrat donors finding the protests
As news like this comes out, students and/or parents should sue the shit out of these schools. They let campus life be completely interrupted by allowing encampments and protests by people who aren’t even students, and armed with weapons and shit, including guns.

We already saw it at Columbia where half of those arrested were not affiliated with either Columbia or city college. Imagine your child who wasn’t involved in the protests cannot have their commencement ceremony because the university was bullied into submission by non-students lmao

23 years ago these people were celebrating 9/11 and now our youth identify more with a group of Islamic religious zealots than their own country. By the way, these women know that a many women in “Palestine” are subjected female genital mutilation? How you can support that government and root for their occupation River to sea… crazy.

I honestly can’t picture the United States being any more than fractured until our eventual collapse.
You know this is false, they don't identify with Islamic zealots. They support Palestinians (Christians, Muslims and other), not a group of Islamic zealots.

Also, even if female genital mutilation does happen it still doesn't change the fact that Israel is murdering civilians and committing war crimes.
You know this is false, they don't identify with Islamic zealots. They support Palestinians (Christians, Muslims and other), not a group of Islamic zealots.

Also, even if female genital mutilation does happen it still doesn't change the fact that Israel is murdering civilians and committing war crimes.

Add a few trucks with some dead bodies in the back and it's identical to the scum celebrating on 10/7
There is no way this happens unless the President of the University wants this to happen. They could have easily done like so many other schools and gotten rid of the antisemitism, but they don't wan to. A degree from Columbia will mean shit to business leaders moving forward. Talk about a quick way to lose respect. Even UCLA knew, you can't have this shit going on and ended it, but not Columbia.
On one hand, you have tolerant Christians where Gays can be ministers. On the other, you have Allah, who stones gays to death. What’s weird is the LGBTQIA2S+ brigade wants to side with Allah because they bought into the marketing that Christian = Bad.
Timing is everything.

Right before 10/7 in halifax, students and such were all mobilizing to counter protest these anti LGBTQ+ protests that they were convinced were going to be full of proud boys and white supremacists.

Some hilarity followed when they realized the dominant demographic at these protests were middle eastern immigrants.

If you want to read a pretty far left sub-reddit agonizing over this and how disappointed they are , here ya go LOL
Timing is everything.

Right before 10/7 in halifax, students and such were all mobilizing to counter protest these anti LGBTQ+ protests that they were convinced were going to be full of proud boys and white supremacists.

Some hilarity followed when they realized the dominant demographic at these protests were middle eastern immigrants.

If you want to read a pretty far left sub-reddit agonizing over this and how disappointed they are , here ya go LOL

The lack of self awareness by these far left woke waterheads is astonishing.

Man, these folks... Chickens for KFC ffs
People REALLY hate themselves over here now. No wonder depression and suicide rates are rising. Taught to hate yourself, and those you want to like hate you too. Lose-Lose

Speaking of KFC

This girl could go a few months with no food and still be fine


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