Television DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN (Set Photos of the Punisher, post #250)

They can give Stick some of that The Hand revive the dead person magic something something... unless they used it all up.

I read a rumor that Netflix Foggy and Karen might be back after they said DD Netflix is official Marvel timeline. They can re-cast Elektra with some hotter sexier actress.
They can give Stick some of that The Hand revive the dead person magic something something... unless they used it all up.

I read a rumor that Netflix Foggy and Karen might be back after they said DD Netflix is official Marvel timeline. They can re-cast Elektra with some hotter sexier actress.

I think that's all but officially confirmed at this point. What I heard was that in the original script, Karen and Foggy were killed off-screen by the Kingpin, so Matt goes looking for revenge on Fisk.

Feige didn't like this and it was dumped along with most of the rest of the OG script when he fired the director.

I'm glad they're bringing Foggy and Karen back. I would drag my dick over broken glass just to stand in Woll's shadow while I jerked off. :)
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I think that's all but officially confirmed at this point. What I heard was that in the original script, Karen and Foggy were killed off-screen by Fisk, which causes Matt to go looking for revenge.

Feige didn't like this and it was dumped along with most of the rest of the OG script.

I'm glad they're bringing Foggy and Karen back. I would drag my dick over broken glass just to stand in Woll's shadow while I jerked off. :)
I saw a picture on Bernthal's IG yesterday which already pointed towards this direction. NICE! :cool: Even though I'd still love a Punisher movie with him.
So, it was announced that Dario Scarlapane who was writer at The Punisher is hired as showrunner and Benson and Moorhead hired as directors (Moon Knight, Loki).
Drew Goddard. Steven De Knight.

How fucking hard is it to understand? If you buy an existing property, maybe you should get the original guys that made it great?

Great actors cannot overcome shitty writing
Drew Goddard. Steven De Knight.

How fucking hard is it to understand? If you buy an existing property, maybe you should get the original guys that made it great?

Great actors cannot overcome shitty writing
Benson & Moorhead are good
More head is always better than less, but otherwise, these guys were useless.

I started moon Knight and Loki and just quit after 4 or so episodes because they weren't interesting.
they’re the reason those shows looked as interesting as they did (much more so the latter, the second season of which was elevated just by its atmosphere & creative design; Moon Knight seemed more instep w/ Mohammed Dieb’s vision), but they weren’t showrunners or writers on either show. iirc, Benson & Moorhead will be more involved w/ this project.

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