Do you think the best MMA fighter at HW is the most dangerous human alive? (At hand to hand combat)

Do you think the best MMA fighter at HW is the most dangerous human alive? (At hand to hand combat)

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The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Inspired by this thread.

Like he can beat virtually beat any human alive in hand to hand combat? Meaning no rules. You can gouge the eyes, you can strike the throat. You can bite. All that craziness you can do in a real fight.

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Inspired by this thread.

Like he can beat virtually beat any human alive in hand to hand combat?

I think Jones is too compassionate to be considered the most dangerous. It would probably be some psychopath or someone who is trained in krav maga or some 7 foot giant living in the mountains who hunts animals would be considered the most dangerous
Inspired by this thread.

Like he can beat virtually beat any human alive in hand to hand combat?

In general, yes. Theres always a slight caveat about rules, but they have the broadest skillset to win in the most ways.

But LMAO at Tom Aspinal being any way shape or form the best HW in MMA or the most dangerous fighter.

Also, MMA knowledge and training is now far more widespread and the sport is much bigger. Theres is simply now a huge pool of people who, on any given day could KTFO or submit a guy like Aspinal.

It's a totally different era and conversation to when this guy was given that title.

On one hand martial arts is very different from no holds-barred combat, but on the other hand I'm having a hard time coming up with someone who'd be more dangerous.

If we look back at ancient history I'm sure there have been warriors who were absolutely lethal without weapons, but the best soldiers today are the best because they can like snipe someone from a mile away or place a bomb undetected or stuff like that, not because they necessarily could break someone's neck with their hands.

Maybe theres some beastly mountain giant somewhere in the world, but that's just speculation without much substance.
On one hand martial arts is very different from no holds-barred combat, but on the other hand I'm having a hard time coming up with someone who'd be more dangerous.

If we look back at ancient history I'm sure there have been warriors who were absolutely lethal without weapons, but the best soldiers today are the best because they can like snipe someone from a mile away or place a bomb undetected or stuff like that, not because they necessarily could break someone's neck with their hands.

Maybe theres some beastly mountain giant somewhere in the world, but that's just speculation without much substance.

Some super giant that stands 10 feet tall, and weighs 600 lbs. lol
I did not think so when Ngannou was champ, and it was proven he wasn't when he fought boxers. He didn't have any kind of kicking offense and was not good on the ground. However, I feel like Jon Jones could beat anyone in a no holds barred fight. No boxers want to come to the Octagon to prove how tough they are, so I have to figure they know they can't compete in a fight that involves more than punching.
On one hand martial arts is very different from no holds-barred combat, but on the other hand I'm having a hard time coming up with someone who'd be more dangerous.

If we look back at ancient history I'm sure there have been warriors who were absolutely lethal without weapons, but the best soldiers today are the best because they can like snipe someone from a mile away or place a bomb undetected or stuff like that, not because they necessarily could break someone's neck with their hands.

Maybe theres some beastly mountain giant somewhere in the world, but that's just speculation without much substance.

Im choosing to believe this because it sounds awesome.
Yeah but that is limited rules. We're talking about real fight fight here, where there is no rules at all.
I dont think nnganou, who is primarily a stand up fighter with his hands as his main weapon, could have done anything much differently.
I did not think so when Ngannou was champ, and it was proven he wasn't when he fought boxers. He didn't have any kind of kicking offense and was not good on the ground. However, I feel like Jon Jones could beat anyone in a no holds barred fight. No boxers want to come to the Octagon to prove how tough they are, so I have to figure they know they can't compete in a fight that involves more than punching.
Ngannou has 4 submission wins, all by a different technique. Not against the best out there, but his ground skills are surely enough to fuck up a boxer.
It depends. If 3 dudes comes at me at once i'd rather be Anthony Joshua than Tom Aspinall. Just swing for my life.
What would be the difference if you were swinging for your life as Joshua or Aspinall? Either way, you're a 6'5+ 260 lb dude who will put out someone's out lights the second you connect. And it's not like there's a massive difference in hand speed between the two guys.

I'd take the downgrade in boxing skill for the ability to grapple any day. Plus knees and elbows would surely help against multiple opponents.

Ngannou has 4 submission wins, all by a different technique. Not against the best out there, but his ground skills are surely enough to fuck up a boxer.

They were definitely enough to fuck up a kickboxer who had been training MMA for five years, and enough to stop the takedowns of a D1 wrestler.
I think Jones is too compassionate to be considered the most dangerous. It would probably be some psychopath or someone who is trained in krav maga or some 7 foot giant living in the mountains who hunts animals would be considered the most dangerous


Jon Jones is like Superman, except without the weakness to green rocks of course…

He could take over the world if he wanted to, but he is too pious for that. He is more likely to kill you with kindness than with his bare hands…