News Dog Behavior and the Kristi Noem execution of her dog

Kristi said the dog nipped at her when she attempted to stop him from killing the neighbors livestock. That's called aggression.

"That's called aggression."

This is absolutely NOT true. This is what someone who doesn't understand what they're seeing may interpret it as. The video I shared above demonstrates this perfectly. The dog in the video bit her owner in the face, MUCH worse than what Cricket did.

Are you the type of person who is willing to learn or do you double down because of ego?
She adopted the dog at 14 months clown.
Again you're just repeating the same bullshit that somebody else already called you out on:

Wait a second she shot it the same month she adopted it?

So just no attempt at training whatsoever then.

Kristi said the dog nipped at her when she attempted to stop him from killing the neighbors livestock. That's called aggression.
No, that's called a dog acting normally when you try to grab it while it's in the middle of a fight. Both dogs and cats will do that. It doesn't mean you kill them.

I bet if this story came from Hillary Clinton you wouldn't be talking this nonsense. You're just repeating all of the same lines like a mindless Kristi stan.
Dee Reynolds no longer the woman to treat Cricket the worst.

She basically put an untrained dog into very extreme situations in a dumb and arrogant fashion, the dog became very hyper and nipped her due to it and she killed it out of frustration.
"That's called aggression."

This is absolutely NOT true. This is what someone who doesn't understand what they're seeing may interpret it as. The video I shared above demonstrates this perfectly. The dog in the video bit her owner in the face, MUCH worse than what Cricket did.

Are you the type of person who is willing to learn or do you double down because of ego?

If im being honest, I think Kristi felt embarrassed the way her dog behaved on the hunt. Combine that with the dog killing her neighbors livestock, she was angry. She probably considered trying to find it a home or a shelter, but due to her simmering rage she didnt want to put any more effort into the dog. I agree a better decision could have been made. I personally would not have shot the dog. But then again, I wasn't there. What the dog did is only in our imaginations by reading the story.

I'm a big fan of Kristi Noem due to her political stance. I also grew up on a farm. I've had to put animals down. Admittedly im a bit biased. I would be willing to give her the benefit of doubt based on these things. The animal is not more important than Kristi Noem. People are issuing death threats towards her over this which is insane.

I don't see any of these people camping out and protesting at animal shelters that kill thousands of dogs everyday for just being unwanted.
If im being honest, I think Kristi felt embarrassed the way her dog behaved on the hunt. Combine that with the dog killing her neighbors livestock, she was angry. She probably considered trying to find it a home or a shelter, but due to her simmering rage she didnt want to put any more effort into the dog. I agree a better decision could have been made. I personally would not have shot the dog. But then again, I wasn't there. What the dog did is only in our imaginations by reading the story.

I'm a big fan of Kristi Noem due to her political stance. I also grew up on a farm. I've had to put animals down. Admittedly im a bit biased. I would be willing to give her the benefit of doubt based on these things. The animal is not more important than Kristi Noem. People are issuing death threats towards her over this which is insane.

I don't see any of these people camping out and protesting at animal shelters that kill thousands of dogs everyday for just being unwanted.

Looks like someone finally sobered up and realized how stupid they are
I guess that's a start
If im being honest, I think Kristi felt embarrassed the way her dog behaved on the hunt. Combine that with the dog killing her neighbors livestock, she was angry. She probably considered trying to find it a home or a shelter, but due to her simmering rage she didnt want to put any more effort into the dog. I agree a better decision could have been made. I personally would not have shot the dog. But then again, I wasn't there. What the dog did is only in our imaginations by reading the story.

I'm a big fan of Kristi Noem due to her political stance. I also grew up on a farm. I've had to put animals down. Admittedly im a bit biased. I would be willing to give her the benefit of doubt based on these things. The animal is not more important than Kristi Noem. People are issuing death threats towards her over this which is insane.

I don't see any of these people camping out and protesting at animal shelters that kill thousands of dogs everyday for just being unwanted.

This is your best post of the thread, and is very wise. I agree with you that Noem's life is more valuable than Cricket's life, and she should not be receiving death threats over it.

I also agree that she was embarrassed, angry, and I feel she didn't know how to properly handle a dog. She made a decision to end it all right then. I feel this was the wrong way to handle this and that her conclusions about the dog were made out of ignorance and emotion.

I wouldn't say that she cannot be redeemed for this mistake, but I will say that in most people's eyes, this was a line that your political career will not come back from.

That's all a separate issue though than what I am focused on. I'm not a political advisor so my input there won't mean much. I was simply more focused on the situation with the dog because I do have a bit more insight to share there.
This is your best post of the thread, and is very wise. I agree with you that Noem's life is more valuable than Cricket's life, and she should not be receiving death threats over it.

I also agree that she was embarrassed, angry, and I feel she didn't know how to properly handle a dog. She made a decision to end it all right then. I feel this was the wrong way to handle this and that her conclusions about the dog were made out of ignorance and emotion.

I wouldn't say that she cannot be redeemed for this mistake, but I will say that in most people's eyes, this was a line that your political career will not come back from.

That's all a separate issue though than what I am focused on. I'm not a political advisor so my input there won't mean much. I was simply more focused on the situation with the dog because I do have a bit more insight to share there.

That tells us all we need to know about the prior posts you've made in this thread. React as if the story came from Hillary Clinton and you'd have a better perspective. Put your fandom aside and it's obvious why people are reacting negatively.

People were going way too hard on Kristi, even wishing death upon her. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. That's why I came out swinging. This thread simmered down quick after that didn't it?

You read my last couple of posts in this thread. Now you know what a man looks like. You could have popped in and gave me some credit, but you saw weakness instead of strength in my last couples of posts due to the fact that you are naturally a weak person. That's why you jumped in here to attack like a coward would do. Beat a guy when you think they are down, satisfy the ego.

Man up chump.
People were going way too hard on Kristi, even wishing death upon her. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. That's why I came out swinging. This thread simmered down quick after that didn't it?

You read my last couple of posts in this thread. Now you know what a man looks like. You could have popped in and gave me some credit, but you saw weakness instead of strength in my last couples of posts due to the fact that you are naturally a weak person. That's why you jumped in here to attack like a coward would do. Beat a guy when you think they are down, satisfy the ego.

Man up chump.

I see youre back on the liquor again
If im being honest, I think Kristi felt embarrassed the way her dog behaved on the hunt. Combine that with the dog killing her neighbors livestock, she was angry. She probably considered trying to find it a home or a shelter, but due to her simmering rage she didnt want to put any more effort into the dog. I agree a better decision could have been made. I personally would not have shot the dog. But then again, I wasn't there. What the dog did is only in our imaginations by reading the story.

I'm a big fan of Kristi Noem due to her political stance. I also grew up on a farm. I've had to put animals down. Admittedly im a bit biased. I would be willing to give her the benefit of doubt based on these things. The animal is not more important than Kristi Noem. People are issuing death threats towards her over this which is insane.

I don't see any of these people camping out and protesting at animal shelters that kill thousands of dogs everyday for just being unwanted.

I appreciate your honesty and firmly agree with your first paragraph.

I don't know Noem's stances or voting record well, but even if she were someone who's platforms and legislative record I agreed with I'd have a hard time voting for her after knowing this.

Death threats on the issue are morally wrong to an insane degree.

Accurately calling her actions, from her description, stupid and cruel is entirely fair.

I don't recall seeing any threats, just insults, in this particular thread. This mayberry, not the war room.

But regardless of the forum, a death threat would be fundamentally wrong.

My stance is that life matters.

I've gutted and butchered food animals.

I was always raised to believe that culling an animal for an emotional reason is fundamentally wrong.

On a farm or in the woods, we kill because it had to be done. Never because we were upset.

Party don't matter. I would not trust her to lead anything.

But I'd never suggest someone harm her life.

Life is precious, life matters. That's why people are offended.
No offense TS, but we didn’t need a dissertation to come to the conclusion this chick is a psychopath
I do wonder who thought this was a good idea to publish these stories in her book. Baffling. Reminds me of Prince Andrews interview were he thought he had nailed it when he had destroyed.His reputation forever.

She seems kinda sociopathic . Not a bad trait for a politician.
I had a Staffordshire Bull Terrier for years, a breed notorious for merking chickens. I also had chickens. After she killed about the third, I tied her on a very short lead in the backyard, with the latest dead chook tied to her collar. Got a comfy chair and a beer, and sprayed her in the face with a hose until I finished the beer. She hated water.

Never killed another chicken in ten years. She was a beautiful dog. You can always train a young dog.
She’s a retard that should never own dogs and a piece of shit for killing it instead of selling or giving it away. If she wins another election ever again, anyone that votes for her should be put down the same way
She is the one needing training here. Also imagine being so oblivious as to publish this and think it is an acceptable way to behave. Poor pupper.
What aggression? You think a dog nipping at someone who is grabbing at it while it is in the middle of "having the time of it's life" killing chickens (a bird hunting dog) and in a state of extreme "excitement" means it is an aggressive dog?

Describe the situations that you are using to determine the dog was aggressive.
Yes, a dog biting a human that is trying to prevent it from killing farm animals is being aggressive. I'm glad to be able to clear that up.

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