Elections Donald Trump opposes banning TikTok; to hurt Facebook and prevent Biden from getting a win

A big reason is that it is Chinese owned. The gov would be doing worse if it was Russian owned. If it was Israeli, Saudi, Emirati or British owned there wouldn't such pushback.

It comes down to the fact that China sees the US as its #1 enemy and is doing what it can to undermine US influence and power.
I agree but all that means is that our Government wants something that they don't have. They don't care about how something like this would affect the American people
I'm sure there's tons of reasons to ban it of which I'm ignorant or not taking account, but the one thing I'm certain of is that it's not because the government cares about American youth, or how social media affects them

No sane country would allow a foreign adversary to have any control over what information a large portion of its population receives. It's not about caring about the youth. It's about the fact that it's in China's interest to destabilize America by sowing discord. We're already living in a hyperpartisan, highly polarized time largely caused by social media. Allowing a Chinese company to operate one of the largest social media sites in the country is akin to giving the CCP a lighter when we're already covered in gasoline.

BTW, there is no Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc in China. They won't allow it. And those companies are less beholden to the US government than Tik Tok is to the CCP. This bill does to them what they have already been doing to us.
LOL, all he wealthy conservatives were for this bill until they realized that it would prevent them from selling out to Chinese and Russian interests.

For once the politicians got it right: you can't just put restrictions on fully-owned foreign adversary companies, you also need to restrict western companies where foreign adversaries have a financial stake large enough to compromise that companies allegiances. In this case the stipulation is 20%, which seems fair... for example: Musk himself only owns 13% of Tesla.
No sane country would allow a foreign adversary to have any control over what information a large portion of its population receives. It's not about caring about the youth. It's about the fact that it's in China's interest to destabilize America by sowing discord. We're already living in a hyperpartisan, highly polarized time largely caused by social media. Allowing a Chinese company to operate one of the largest social media sites in the country is akin to giving the CCP a lighter when we're already covered in gasoline.

BTW, there is no Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc in China. They won't allow it. And those companies are less beholden to the US government than Tik Tok is to the CCP. This bill does to them what they have already been doing to us.
While I agree I don't see how it fits into a liberal worldview. It's basically doing what China, a communist dictatorship does, banning websites because they say stuff they don't like.
The stealing data stuff is different.
Chinese tiktok is different from American? I am not on that platform and at most I consume some of it from youtube. Isn't most of the content user generated? It's just American crazies having a platform?
Chinese tiktok is different from American? I am not on that platform and at most I consume some of it from youtube. Isn't most of the content user generated? It's just American crazies having a platform?

Chinese TikTok is required by law to only have educational and positive content for kids and also can't be turned on after like 10 PM for kids.
I'm seeing a lot of media attacks on this TikTok "ban." Paid for by TikTok. They're going on a PR media blitz to try to prevent this.

Gen Z are having a titty attack. But they're just being manipulated by TikTok.

1. They keep saying this is a "ban." When it is simply forcing Bytedance to divest ownership.
2. They keep saying this is against free speech.
3. They keep saying this is because because of Pro-Palestinian content on the platform and they want to silence that.

TikTok is going to furiously fight this in court.

But to me, the simple fact that China outright bans all American social media networks in China is enough to get rid of Chinese ownership.

But it is 100% being used as a spying tool. Used against US reporters as well as Hong Kong protesters.

I'm seeing a lot of media attacks on this TikTok "ban." Paid for by TikTok. They're going on a PR media blitz to try to prevent this.

Gen Z are having a titty attack. But they're just being manipulated by TikTok.

1. They keep saying this is a "ban." When it is simply forcing Bytedance to divest ownership.
2. They keep saying this is against free speech.
3. They keep saying this is because because of Pro-Palestinian content on the platform and they want to silence that.

TikTok is going to furiously fight this in court.

But to me, the simple fact that China outright bans all American social media networks in China is enough to get rid of Chinese ownership.

But it is 100% being used as a spying tool. Used against US reporters as well as Hong Kong protesters.

The whole point of tiktok is being a center for anti US perspectives. It being forced to have a US owner will make it no different from FB reels or YT shorts. So if it's not banned it will cease being what made it important and valuable. The US isn't fighting the format of tiktok they already have several clones they are fighting the last free haven for dissent.
The whole point of tiktok is being a center for anti US perspectives. It being forced to have a US owner will make it no different from FB reels or YT shorts. So if it's not banned it will cease being what made it important and valuable. The US isn't fighting the format of tiktok they already have several clones they are fighting the last free haven for dissent.

There is no requirement this must be purchased by a US company. They're just forcing China to divest ownership.

Last free haven for dissent is bullshit propaganda by TikTok.

And even if that were true (which it isn't) - I don't care because the national security threat posed by the CCP is much greater.

There's a reason TikTok is outright banned in the EU, the UK, Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan and many other countries.

Because of the obvious: it's a spying and propaganda tool.
There is no requirement this must be purchased by a US company. They're just forcing China to divest ownership.

Last free haven for dissent is bullshit propaganda by TikTok.

And even if that were true (which it isn't) - I don't care because the national security threat posed by the CCP is much greater.

There's a reason TikTok is outright banned in the EU, the UK, Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan and many other countries.

Because of the obvious: it's a spying and propaganda tool.
Tiktok isn't banned in Indonesia?
I agree with Trump here and I'm actually kinda shocked that this is position.

Banning something is never the answer. Also, what people don't realize, this sets a TERRIBLE presedent. This is borderline a Patriot Act-esque power grab. If the government/party in power feels that a website or app is "harmful", they can block it. This is way too much power even if there is red tape. This is what China does with VPNs and numerous websites. Are we the CCP now and just block whatever the political party in power doesn't like? Not to mention, Facebook is essentially already doing the same thing.

I'm truly fed up with this authoritarian nonsense that has really ramped up since COVID. Let the people decide. It's not your job to be a nanny state. Your job is to educate. If TikTok is harvesting user data, tell the American public that is what is happening and you use the app at your own risk. Banning it though? That's a new level of authoritarianism.
I agree with Trump here and I'm actually kinda shocked that this is position.

Banning something is never the answer. Also, what people don't realize, this sets a TERRIBLE presedent. This is borderline a Patriot Act-esque power grab. If the government/party in power feels that a website or app is "harmful", they can block it. This is way too much power even if there is red tape. This is what China does with VPNs and numerous websites. Are we the CCP now and just block whatever the political party in power doesn't like? Not to mention, Facebook is essentially already doing the same thing.

I'm truly fed up with this authoritarian nonsense that has really ramped up since COVID. Let the people decide. It's not your job to be a nanny state. Your job is to educate. If TikTok is harvesting user data, tell the American public that is what is happening and you use the app at your own risk. Banning it though? That's a new level of authoritarianism.

Trump has nothing against banning anything... he just doesn't want his businesses to come under the scrutiny of the feds due to having so much Russian investment.

If the bill only applied to wholly owned Foreign Adversary entities than Trump, Elon and the other fat-cats would have no problem. But since the bill stipulates that it applies to ANY company with a 20% or more share of foreign-adversary investment it risky to divest too much of your business to China, Russia and other potential enemies, and these billionaires enjoy being in the pocket of our enemies.

If course these rich morons go on and on about free speech and crap like that, when they are really only worried about not being able to continue to take bribes from communists.
I agree with Trump here and I'm actually kinda shocked that this is position.

Banning something is never the answer. Also, what people don't realize, this sets a TERRIBLE presedent. This is borderline a Patriot Act-esque power grab. If the government/party in power feels that a website or app is "harmful", they can block it. This is way too much power even if there is red tape. This is what China does with VPNs and numerous websites. Are we the CCP now and just block whatever the political party in power doesn't like? Not to mention, Facebook is essentially already doing the same thing.

I'm truly fed up with this authoritarian nonsense that has really ramped up since COVID. Let the people decide. It's not your job to be a nanny state. Your job is to educate. If TikTok is harvesting user data, tell the American public that is what is happening and you use the app at your own risk. Banning it though? That's a new level of authoritarianism.
Trump pushed for a ban of TikTok when he was president.
Trump pushed for a ban of TikTok when he was president.
That's why it surprised me. Banning TikTok is exactly something he would do. He's so inconsistent and flippant. I could never support for him if just for that reason. His opinion changes daily.
This has nothing to do with some underhanded politicking. It's an adversarial country operating a multi-billion dollar media empire within the west. It should've never been allowed into the country(s) in the first place. An all out ban would be more than appropriate. This is still too soft and half stepping. Ban it altogether. The name, the code...everything.
This has nothing to do with some underhanded politicking. It's an adversarial country operating a multi-billion dollar media empire within the west. It should've never been allowed into the country(s) in the first place. An all out ban would be more than appropriate. This is still too soft and half stepping. Ban it altogether. The name, the code...everything.

If they do that, they'll be much more successful arguing in court that it's against free speech. And it'll languish in court for years.

As it is now, they're just trying to not let it be on the app store unless China sells ownership.

I do think TikTok is a cancer and bad for society as a whole - culturally speaking. But banning TikTok will just make another carbon copy replacement come out.
If they do that, they'll be much more successful arguing in court that it's against free speech. And it'll languish in court for years.

As it is now, they're just trying to not let it be on the app store unless China sells ownership.

I do think TikTok is a cancer and bad for society as a whole - culturally speaking. But banning TikTok will just make another carbon copy replacement come out.

I'm skeptical that a carbon copy replacement would just instantly pop up and be as popular, to be honest.
I do think TikTok is a cancer and bad for society as a whole - culturally speaking. But banning TikTok will just make another carbon copy replacement come out.
Do you think Vine will make a come back?
I'm skeptical that a carbon copy replacement would just instantly pop up and be as popular, to be honest.

I mean the other big social media companies have similar functionality already. A short form video social media platform like Tiktok will for sure get replaced if it disappears.

It's irrelevant though because if push came to shove and Tiktok lost all court cases, they will just end up selling.
This has nothing to do with some underhanded politicking. It's an adversarial country operating a multi-billion dollar media empire within the west. It should've never been allowed into the country(s) in the first place. An all out ban would be more than appropriate. This is still too soft and half stepping. Ban it altogether. The name, the code...everything.

Avatar checks out (lol). The U.S. isn't the internet. The internet is the world. That's like saying China can't access Twitter because it's American run. It shouldn't matter who runs what. Every single website/app that asks you to sign up is harvesting user data. TikTok is not doing anything that any other website isn't already doing.

The conspiracy theory is that you have a lot of politicians invested in Meta and don't want competition .The military side is that China is harvesting user data and can social engineer and control society. Either way, banning it isn't the answer. We can't just go banning stuff we don't like. That's authoritarian and antithetical to what we stand for. We are no better than the CCP at that point.

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