Opinion Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI. His allies have a plan

Obama was not directing those people to do that. Obama didn't tap his wires as was claimed and it was TR7MP himself that sent Nunes out to convince the populace that he was a victim. He earned his 92 indictments with his criminal behavior and he was the one abusing his power and obstructing justice while President. It was his own highest ranking officials that refused his illegal and unethical requests under the threat of resignations.

I didn't say Obama ordered anything but his or Bidens supporters or maybe Biden did.
What truly bothers me is that you might actually believe the ridiculous things you say.

Trump tried to use the FBI from his first days in office, when they had been designed to be apolitical. The same goes for Bill Barr and the justice department.

Have you ever even considered taking the non-partisan approach to any issue? When you hear about a conservative doing a bad thing, have you ever even considered just admitting it's bad and shouldn't done? Are you genetically capable of criticizing your own side?

Do you even see what it means for a President to have this kind of power? Are you that anxious to live in North Korea 2.0?

And no, the Democrats didn't do this.

Democrats in the fbi did in fact.
Did you read where I said he was an asshole.

But I'm going to vote platform or policy not personally. Or who will do least harm to what I support over all
Except you're so upset with the other side you're willing to sell the country out to a guy that wants to be a dictator and just hope for the best.
The cases aren't quite going as the lefties hoped. Now we're left with their coping mechanisms.
I'm a vet.

That's sad to hear.

Creepy Joe or his handlers used the justice department to try and attack Trump and will continue to do so in any way they can get away with. I linked where fbi agents did just that.

No you didn't. And that's not what your link claimed.

Everything that trump has been investigated for by our justice department, has resulted in criminal referrals of some sort. Including, 91 criminal charges in four separate jurisdictions. He's currently on trial for some of those right now, and his defense is shit.

So there's a difference between evidence of actual criminal misconduct, and boasts that you will charge your political opponents for revenge. You support the latter. There's no real denying that, because that's explicitly what trump is advocating for.

Hence, my surprise at you being a veteran. I've rarely met someone with less respect for our Constitution than you.
Nice to see the masks coming off and the trumpers here just advocating directly for fascism.

Do you think there is a connection between the lack of military service, and a desire to be owned by another man? I'm just looking at similarities between our posters, to see if there are any shared traits. And that one does kinda pop. @oldshadow , @CantCucktheTuck , @Whippy McGee ; all have admitted to being unwilling to serve in the armed forces. There's very likely a connection between republicans who fail to act in a traditionally masculine manner, and support for trump.
hilarious to hear a "wanna be" such as yourself pretending to know anything about me.
hilarious to hear a "wanna be" such as yourself pretending to know anything about me.
The leftvl is trying to cope right now. Nothing is working an actually having opposite effect. So they are going back to pounding the hyper exaggerated rhetoric now - that seems to be the go to when everything else fails.
Nice to see the masks coming off and the trumpers here just advocating directly for fascism.

Do you think there is a connection between the lack of military service, and a desire to be owned by another man? I'm just looking at similarities between our posters, to see if there are any shared traits. And that one does kinda pop. @oldshadow , @CantCucktheTuck , @Whippy McGee ; all have admitted to being unwilling to serve in the armed forces. There's very likely a connection between republicans who fail to act in a traditionally masculine manner, and support for trump.

You do realize that less than 1% of Americans serve? You're an idiot.
If you think concern over this is overblown, you haven't been paying attention to what Trump and co. have done with the leadership of the Republican Party and RNC. Who is in charge there now? Isn't the person's last name Trump?
I had this same stuff when Obama took office(junior senator, he was taking guns etc)... same one when Trump did the first time (nuclear war, collapse).

Ultimately I don't think the party has liked Trump but the voters keep shoving him down their throats. Ultimately... if Biden dies in office (some republican fears that we will get Kamala) the system will continue to turn and time pass. It's hard to get me too riled up over speculation.
I mean, it's a matter of perspective. Is "woke" annoying? Yeah. Is it trying to undermine democracy and democratic institutions? No. If trannies are a priority, woke Is a huge problem...I'll give you that.
Meh..... I'm not in this thread to debate the things that are continually debated here at nauseum.
Did you read where I said he was an asshole.

But I'm going to vote platform or policy not personally. Or who will do least harm to what I support over all
So you advocate for his policies that crush Veterans, the ability for the president to commit child molestation without any consquence, or his mishandlement of a health care crisis?

Meh..... I'm not in this thread to debate the things that are continually debated here at nauseum.

Cave man or astronaut?

hilarious to hear a "wanna be" such as yourself pretending to know anything about me.
All I know about you is that you would lick a politicians ass that doesn't give a rats ass about you or the idiots like yourself that defend him more than God, himself.
Except you're so upset with the other side you're willing to sell the country out to a guy that wants to be a dictator and just hope for the best.

He can be a dictator the constitution prevents that.

And that's how bad he and the democrats are, that he is better.
That's sad to hear.

No you didn't. And that's not what your link claimed.

Everything that trump has been investigated for by our justice department, has resulted in criminal referrals of some sort. Including, 91 criminal charges in four separate jurisdictions. He's currently on trial for some of those right now, and his defense is shit.

So there's a difference between evidence of actual criminal misconduct, and boasts that you will charge your political opponents for revenge. You support the latter. There's no real denying that, because that's explicitly what trump is advocating for.

Hence, my surprise at you being a veteran. I've rarely met someone with less respect for our Constitution than you.

Again you are full of shit if you don't think Biden has been up to criminal shit with the crack baby. When he gets out of office he is fair game.

As is anyone.

The constitution doesn't prevent charging criminals.