Television Double language shows.

I'm from the Netherlands and here it's normal to have subtitles. It's just better. Jokes are written in that language so it makes more sense. It helps with learning languages also. That's why most Dutchies speak 2 or more languages.
Here are your options if you want it to be in all english while the native tongue is different.

1. Natives speak in very fractured english
2. Natives speak in with a very thick Brooklyn accent
3. Natives speak with some heavy delayed dubbing that does not sync in with their lips
4. All speaking parts dubbed by John Hurt, Michael Caine or Charles Dance even the female and kid dialogue
No problems with Shogun. What's worse is when they make aliens speak some made up alien language and you must read subtitles, or when they speak foreign language, but don't bother showing subtitles.
No problems with Shogun. What's worse is when they make aliens speak some made up alien language and you must read subtitles, or when they speak foreign language, but don't bother showing subtitles.
Yea I finished watching Shogun and a big part of the story was him learning the language and adopting the culture so it made sense.
It is annoying but not as ridiculously dumb and annoying as Vikings trying to handling languages. Most of the time everyone is talking English, but then they get together for a meeting and need a translator because they speak different native languages, and then those same people are face to face speaking English directly to each other.
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I’ve never had an issue with subtitles. The only time they suck is if you’re trying to fall asleep for a nap on the couch

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