Dricus Du Plessis Doesn’t Regret Sean Strickland Trash Talk

Snowflake Strickland is such a hypocrite. Looking forward to watching The Great African Chad steamrolls him. Probably we'll get another twitter whine essay out of Stricks after it all.
This whole situation reminds me of this.. ;)

Snowflake Strickland is such a hypocrite. Looking forward to watching The Great African Chad steamrolls him. Probably we'll get another twitter whine essay out of Stricks after it all.
Makes for good TV though :)
If Sean doesn’t want it talked about he shouldn’t bring it into the public domain. Still shitty for Du Plessis to bring it up but we’re not exactly talking about the most upstanding citizens here are we!
Nah. DDP didn't cross the line. It wasn't like he said it to Arnold Allen or somebody who's super respectful and quiet.

He said it to Strickland to talks about everybody's family.
It's pretty clear that Strickland is in self-sabotage mode. He's rattled beyond absurdity which is usually a sign of a guy who thinks he's likely outmatched.

If he loses, he can always use the excuse of, "well, I got too emotional for that fight."

The script writes itself.
He's stating the truth, don't sling shit if you can't take shit. Especially when you live in such a glass house.

Did DDP cross the line?

All I know is that Diamond Dallas Page saved Jake Robert's life... and also helped this other human being and made Joe Rogan cry watching the man's progress

What was greatest from Dricus was when asked about Sean jumping him at the ppv.. Instead of being all bent on showing g outrage an anger. He scrugs shoulders an goes oh well I probably deserved it an laughs.
Easy to say when you don't understand what someone has gone through in life, and you yourself have never experienced something like that before.

I don't get the criticism for Sean crying when talking about the details of his childhood. That makes me respect a man more because he is a real person. A fraud would pretend it didn't affect him.
You are Sherdogs biggest bitch right now. How does it feel? Sean Strickland would bully you everyday lol
DDP lowering himself to the POS level is understandable, but being a bigger person would seem to have some humane regret involved.

This don't make me gay, does it?
I believe unironically no matter what words they are, no man should ever let words of a stranger affect him in any way
That's until someone calls you out for being a child molester or cock-sucker or wife-beater or lousy parent or failure or impotent or cuckold or loser... in the presence of someone you care about and/or could take it the wrong way... no matter how mature and manly you are - there are certain things that will sting... they are just different for different ppl... just my opinion of course..
Classic case of being able to dish it out, but not take it
it’s fair game

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