Economy Drumpfers feel bad about the economy even though the economy is extremely strong backed by data

If "D was R", corporate price gouging would stop, inflation/shrinkflation would go away, gas would be cheaper, and the housing market would stabilize. How?

Nobody knows but apparently it will happen on day one when you elect a guy who does nothing but whine on social media all day, play golf, and surround himself with adoring sycophants at non stop nurenburgesque rallies where he rambles incoherent, disjointed nonsense and lies his ass off.

Between his court cases for both civil and criminal wrongdoing, that is.
Lol, "nobody knows". It's not a hypothetical, Trump was just president, you clown, and all of those things were cheaper and steadier.

Make up your mind, is "Bidenomics" a raging success with the best the economy there's ever been, or is it a horrible failure but it's everybody else's fault and just Biden's bad luck that those darn corporations randomly decided to become greedy when he became president?
The side trying to win the White House always attempts to downplay the state of the economy during election season. If it's good it's bad, and if it's bad it's even worse. The forever mantra of "it's the economy, stupid" no matter the actual state of the economy. After all, there will always be people who are financially struggling, even during the best of economic times.
TS has sure taken a turn.
From screaming about immigration to the economy is great.

Economically its quite bad around the world.
Inflation is high in Europe too.
My interest rate on my loans went from 1,7% (locked in) to +5% right now. Its painful but thankfully I have been paying of my mortgage.

We see tons of lay off especially in construction.
The next 6 month will be interesting and give us a pointer where we are heading.
He's awesome at what he does... The last three years in America its gotten tough as well from food, rent, gas, housing, lodging...and its sad I don't see it turning around anytime soon. Politics aside I feel really bad for people taking care of big families.
People holding down 2 jobs to afford basic needs is not a strong economy. My social circle all have careers and still the topic of how much we have to spend for necessities is brought up consistently. Anybody who doesn't already own a house feels like they never will.

Anybody who wanted to have kids, feels like they won't ever be able to without struggling.
Talk numbers all that you want, the left vs right bullshit is a losing game for everybody in the middle.
This. This is the results of 40+ years of policies that have been shrinking the middle class. In our time only Bernie candidate has been vocal about fixing these policies. Trump wants to continue them and Biden proposes bandaids to try and win voters
You can’t rationalize with a cult member.
They buy Bibles from serial adulterer. Cult Leader is a habitual pants shitter now some of the cult are wearing diapers to the cult meetings err rallies.
Cult leader railroaded the COVID vax and they ignore that. Cult leader was the absolute worst President with the deficit and they point too everyone else’s spending.
There cult leader is a convicted money launderer, stole from a charity, stiffed 1000 American contractors and serial adulterer but someone he is Jesus’ best friend.
Cliffs you are dealing with people who makes judgements based on emotions.
Trump is Satan’s greatest trick, or maybe God wanted to figure out who the phony Christians were who would toss aside all that God tried to teach them for some fat con man.
People holding down 2 jobs to afford basic needs is not a strong economy. My social circle all have careers and still the topic of how much we have to spend for necessities is brought up consistently. Anybody who doesn't already own a house feels like they never will.

Anybody who wanted to have kids, feels like they won't ever be able to without struggling.
Talk numbers all that you want, the left vs right bullshit is a losing game for everybody in the middle.

Replace 'anybody' with 'poor people'.........
Lol, "nobody knows". It's not a hypothetical, Trump was just president, you clown, and all of those things were cheaper and steadier.

Make up your mind, is "Bidenomics" a raging success with the best the economy there's ever been, or is it a horrible failure but it's everybody else's fault and just Biden's bad luck that those darn corporations randomly decided to become greedy when he became president?
What did Trump specifically >>> DO <<< for that to be the case? your post proves my point in that you guys give zero specifics, but smugly point to it being cheaper when he was president, as if correlation equals causation.

As time goes on, save for a select few things (for a number of different factors like reduced manufacturing costs and component availability bringing more competing products to market), nearly everything across the world gets more expensive, irrespective of who the U.S. president is... unless there is a major crash in demand, or an overabundance of supply.

The real clowns are the ones that think that merely because things were cheaper when Trump was in office, Trump should get credit for it (as if he was the reason why) despite doing nothing at all that warrants said credit AND inheriting an already booming economy to begin with.

It's also a shallow and disingenuous interpretation of economic success to be like "Bread costs more, thanks Brandon" what specifically did Biden do to make bread cost more? What would Trump do to make it cost less? I can only speak for myself but I make more money now than I ever have, but can't afford to buy a house as interest rates (even with an 800 credit score) are too high, aside from the skyrocketing prices.

Is that Biden's fault?, does that make the economy "bad"? or is it the fact real estate investors and rental agencies can pay cash for houses (even paying tens of thousands more than asking price), throw a renter in there and make a nice monthly profit, or unload it (if necessary) for liquid capital as less supply drives prices up?

It's also silly to think that corporations don't weigh price increases against what consumers/the market will bear and factor in the absolute fact that a large percentage of people will simply blame the president/government/ party they don't like instead of them. The last few years (and record profits) have merely showed them that they can get away with charging everyone a lot more with no consequence (as any price gouging legislation/investigations get shot down)
At least he never told any whoppers like being brought up in the Puerto Rican and Black communities and that his family members were eaten by cannibals.
You mean like my Daddy only gave me a small million dollar loan is how I made my wealth, when actually he got his demented dad to change the will to fuck his brothers kids out of the will. Also Trump is currently the head of the company his grandma started, but yeah Trump is self made.
The fact Trump has told the small million dollar loan lie for 40+ years in my mind makes him a fucking psycho, when its so easily disproved. Also Trumps Dad would lose millions on purpose in Donny's failure casino's to keep his loser son afloat, which at the end of the day did not work.
Let me guess, you think Trump is some self made dude, who inherited damn near a billion from his father, when adjusted for inflation. You wearing a diaper yet to own the Libs?
I love extremely strong backed data and this is something I’m looking into very strongly
You can’t rationalize with a cult member.
They buy Bibles from serial adulterer. Cult Leader is a habitual pants shitter now some of the cult are wearing diapers to the cult meetings err rallies.
Cult leader railroaded the COVID vax and they ignore that. Cult leader was the absolute worst President with the deficit and they point too everyone else’s spending.
There cult leader is a convicted money launderer, stole from a charity, stiffed 1000 American contractors and serial adulterer but someone he is Jesus’ best friend.
Cliffs you are dealing with people who makes judgements based on emotions.
Trump is Satan’s greatest trick, or maybe God wanted to figure out who the phony Christians were who would toss aside all that God tried to teach them for some fat con man.

I agree with you and I'm not in the cult. But the economy does seem kind of wonky to me from my point of view. Products all cost more , we're trying not to get to a price point of no one can afford this shit , amount of orders are down , tips seem down and when I go to the grocery store I am feeling like that bill is quite high.
People holding down 2 jobs to afford basic needs is not a strong economy. My social circle all have careers and still the topic of how much we have to spend for necessities is brought up consistently. Anybody who doesn't already own a house feels like they never will.

Anybody who wanted to have kids, feels like they won't ever be able to without struggling.
Talk numbers all that you want, the left vs right bullshit is a losing game for everybody in the middle.
EVERYONE who is middle class and lower all say the same. Except the internet… Isn’t that something?!

Sometimes, It seems there are two realities. The ones we talk about in person, and the ones on the internet. They never seem to not be at odds.
What did Trump specifically >>> DO <<< for that to be the case? your post proves my point in that you guys give zero specifics, but smugly point to it being cheaper when he was president, as if correlation equals causation.

As time goes on, save for a select few things (for a number of different factors like reduced manufacturing costs and component availability bringing more competing products to market), nearly everything across the world gets more expensive, irrespective of who the U.S. president is... unless there is a major crash in demand, or an overabundance of supply.

The real clowns are the ones that think that merely because things were cheaper when Trump was in office, Trump should get credit for it (as if he was the reason why) despite doing nothing at all that warrants said credit AND inheriting an already booming economy to begin with.

It's also a shallow and disingenuous interpretation of economic success to be like "Bread costs more, thanks Brandon" what specifically did Biden do to make bread cost more? What would Trump do to make it cost less? I can only speak for myself but I make more money now than I ever have, but can't afford to buy a house as interest rates (even with an 800 credit score) are too high, aside from the skyrocketing prices.

Is that Biden's fault?, does that make the economy "bad"? or is it the fact real estate investors and rental agencies can pay cash for houses (even paying tens of thousands more than asking price), throw a renter in there and make a nice monthly profit, or unload it (if necessary) for liquid capital as less supply drives prices up?

It's also silly to think that corporations don't weigh price increases against what consumers/the market will bear and factor in the absolute fact that a large percentage of people will simply blame the president/government/ party they don't like instead of them. The last few years (and record profits) have merely showed them that they can get away with charging everyone a lot more with no consequence (as any price gouging legislation/investigations get shot down)
Anything that requires any thought loses 90% of these people. Especially since a lot of people really aren't even interested in forming accurate beliefs.

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