Elon Musk Agrees to $44b Deal for Twitter

Teslas always seemed like decent cars to me but the truck is undeniably a dangerous catastrophe.

They became that over time. Originally, and for years after their build quality was quite low. Buyers gave Tesla a pass for they were behind Elons mantra of reducing global warming through EV vehicle usage.

In fact if you look at Tesla car quality their entire design structure is about lowering prefabrication and assembly costs. Why the whole console/dashboard was reduced to a single tablet. Even the sensors they use for Auto Pilot are the cheapest available. *Which is why Tesla vehicles still arent fully autonomous six years after Elon proclaimed they would be.
They became that over time. Originally, and for years after their build quality was quite low. Buyers gave Tesla a pass for they were behind Elons mantra of reducing global warming through EV vehicle usage.

In fact if you look at Tesla car quality their entire design structure is about lowering prefabrication and assembly costs. Why the whole console/dashboard was reduced to a single tablet. Even the sensors they use for Auto Pilot are the cheapest available. *Which is why Tesla vehicles still arent fully autonomous six years after Elon proclaimed they would be.

I heard the sensor tech they're using can never lead to autonomy, camera vs ultrasonic.

Is that old news and have they made improvements?

To me autonomy might be cool but it isn't necessary.
I'm not you, I don't give a flying fuck about his politics.
LOL, who do you think you're fooling? You just conveniently started bitching about him when he started calling the left a bunch of psychos, and bought Twitter to take one the left's fingers off of the scale of media control.

Yes, the Cybertruck is a "dangerous catastrophe", and Twitter is a "Far Right Hellscape". Yeah, I'm sure you'd be using these ridiculous extreme descriptors of his products if he was still Captain Planet: Savior of the Leftoids. Give it a rest. You're about as convincing as every other far left wackjobs in here, trying too pretend that his politics have absolutely nothing to do your opinion of him. Sure bud, we ALL believe you...
I heard the sensor tech they're using can never lead to autonomy, camera vs ultrasonic.

At a professional level im only familiar with LIDAR and RFID. If i had to guess, full autonomy will probably use every type of sensor.

The liberal watchdog was hit with a lawsuit by X CEO and billionaire Elon Musk last November, in which Musk alleged defamation and accused Media Matters of fabricating photos of advertisements from major companies, comparing them side-by-side to posts from white supremacists and neo-Nazis. This led to several federal investigations from the likes of Republican Attorneys General Ken Paxton of Texas and Andrew Bailey of Missouri, who were probing into potential fraudulent activity through alleged manipulations of data on X.

Following these legal moves, Media Matters announced the layoff of at least a dozen staffers, and it’s clear many at the outlet believe Musk is directly responsible.

They should just learn to code.

They should just learn to code.

Ahh the old SLAPP tactic. One of my clients got hit with a massive one of those for exposing a fake money guru on YT. He's had to spend over $250k so far in a case where even in arbitration, the other guy was informed he had no case, and chose to pursue it anyway, then when he lost, he's now appealing the decision.

Good ole 2-tier justice system that the wealthy can weaponize against people who publish how sh*tty they are.

I mean even Tim Onion knows the scoop:

"Tim Onion, the self-described "chief brunchlord" of The Onion, the satirical news outlet that Musk has derided as "woke," posted to X: "This is why right-wing billionaires sue people reporting on them. They know they can't win these lawsuits. But they also know legal fees will cripple the little guy reporting on their lies and crimes. This is how free speech is actually chilled—vengeful dipsh*t billionaires."
Ahh the old SLAPP tactic. One of my clients got hit with a massive one of those for exposing a fake money guru on YT. He's had to spend over $250k so far in a case where even in arbitration, the other guy was informed he had no case, and chose to pursue it anyway, then when he lost, he's now appealing the decision.

Good ole 2-tier justice system that the wealthy can weaponize against people who publish how sh*tty they are.

I mean even Tim Onion knows the scoop:

"Tim Onion, the self-described "chief brunchlord" of The Onion, the satirical news outlet that Musk has derided as "woke," posted to X: "This is why right-wing billionaires sue people reporting on them. They know they can't win these lawsuits. But they also know legal fees will cripple the little guy reporting on their lies and crimes. This is how free speech is actually chilled—vengeful dipsh*t billionaires."
If "Media Matters" was considered a right wing outlet, you'd be laughing your ass off. Don't pretend to give a shit about big fish hurting little fish, as if you give a fuck about anything other than what political tribe the "evil" billionaires belong to.
Best comment ive seen about the Cybertruck since its release; "Last thing the American roads need is a 7,000 pound super-car accelerating razor blade on it".
I bet this guy knows exactly what he’s doing. He probably brought the truck because of the rage engagement he’d get
Ive been inside a place where an owner was in also. Everyone inisde was like oh look at that. My god its so ugly.
LOL I guess that his apology tour for that antisemitic bullshit that he posted is ongoing.

Plenty of anti-semites are fanatically pro-Israel. Largely due to the Evangelical Fundamentalist position.