Crime 'Eunuch Maker' ring on trial in London (Warning: disturbing content)

650lb Sumo

Black Belt
Aug 25, 2021
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A man accused of carrying out castrations on other men and broadcasting the footage on his “eunuch maker” website has appeared in court.

Marius Gustavson, 45, along with eight others, is alleged to have performed extreme body modifications, including the removal of penises and testicles.

The procedures were filmed and uploaded to the eunuch maker website he ran, and subscribers would pay to watch, Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard on Wednesday.

Gustavson, who is originally from Norway, is said to have been the ringleader in a wide-ranging conspiracy, involving up to 29 offences of extreme body modifications, the removal of body parts, the trade in body parts and the uploading of videos.

A total of nine men appeared in courts in central London and Wales on Wednesday over the alleged six-year plot, which is said to have brought in some £200,000 in income.


He is further charged with acquiring or possessing criminal property, making an indecent image of a child and distributing an indecent image of a child.

The court heard Gustavson, who appeared in the dock in a wheelchair, has had his own leg, penis and nipple removed.


A Romanian based in Gretna Green is also involved. The men are facing charges of causing GBH with intent and/or conspiracy to cause GBH with intent.


All of the alleged victims are said to have been part of a society in which people willingly undergo extreme body modification.

The practice is linked to a subculture where men become “nullos”, short for genital nullification, by having their penis and testicles removed.

Edit: There is an older thread on this here. It didn't show up in forum search.
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A man who came to international attention after being arrested for performing dozens of fetishistic castrations out of his home in North London can be revealed as a Norwegian activist affiliated with a powerful ‘Queer’ lobby group.

Marius Gustavson, 44, was arrested along with six other men in February. Shortly after his arrest, he told The Independent in an interview that had undergone an amateur orchiectomy himself and carried the operation out on 58 other men. He stated that he had his own genitals surgically removed because he wanted to “look like a Ken doll with nothing down there.”


Gustavson told media that he executed the procedures using a Burdizzo, an instrument for removing the testicles of livestock. He admitted that he kept the amputated appendages in his freezer and preserved them in alcohol in his basement apartment.



According to Gustavon’s LinkedIn profile, he was a volunteer and Senior Steward for London’s Pride organization between 2016 to 2019. His first Eunuch Maker site was registered in 2016, and in 2018, he started a film production company called Nullset.

Prior to his relocation to London, Gustavson was Chairman of the Board for the Buskerud chapter of transactivist lobbying group The Norwegian Organization for Sexual and Gender Diversity, now known as FRI. Gustavson was involved in a leadership position at the organization from 2001 through 2007. During this time, FRI went by the name ‘The National Association for Lesbian and Gay Liberation,’ or LLH.


A website owned by Gustavson,, sold graphic videos of castrations and amputations. Registered in 2016, it also offered the option of paid monthly memberships for streaming videos of penectomies. Premium subscriptions included the option of a “free castration performed by the EunuchMaker”.

Promotions on his primary platform direct visitors to another URL owned by Gustavson, Archived versions of the page redirect to yet another online community,, which is cited in criminal charges filed October 21, 2020, in the U.S. state of Oklahoma against two men who participated in fetishistic genital surgeries.

Article about that case:
Weird one. On the one hand, all consenting adults it seems.

On the other hand, more evidence of just how much depravity, sadistic qualities and mental instability is lurking in these fringe extreme Lefty doldrums.

How many of these "Queer/trans activists" are turning out to have extreme sexual fetishes and/or fantasies they happily put into words or writing?

Highly disturbing people. Consenting adults yes, but when someone as sick and twisted as Gustavson is highly involved in "Queer activism" you have to wonder how many of these people are of similar nature and therefore, how much of this vile shit is seeped into their activist ideologies?

Example. Someone - like Gustavson for instance - gets a sexual/psychological thrill out of castrating other men

And is part of a movement encouraging young boys to "sexually transition".....
