Movies Favourite R Film of 1993

Favourite R Film of 1993

  • Schindler's List

  • Tombstone

  • True Romance

  • Dazed And Confused

  • A Bronx Tale

  • Falling Down

  • Demolition Man

  • Carlito's Way

  • In The Name of the Father

  • Menace II Society

  • In The Line of Fire

  • This Boy's Life

  • What's Love Got To Do With It?

  • The Firm

  • Bound By Honor

  • The Good Son

  • Kalifornia

  • Hard Target

  • Three Colours: Blue

  • The Program

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Voted Tombstone, but wondered...why is it R? Falling Down is a good R.
Falling down was a crazy movie. Demolition man I barely remember.

Cant believe had never heard of it till maybe 10 years ago. Made all my friends watch it too who had never heard of it.

Demo Man is worth a watch and although its rating well here can understand it not being everyones thing.
Man, tough call between Tombstone and True Romance. Schindlers List is objectively the best movie, but it's not one that I find the most entertaining so I wouldn't call it my fave. Man. Doc Holliday or Drexel. I'm torn.
Schindler's list best. Demolition Man favorite.
Three Colours Blue is the best film on the list, but I can't not vote for Demolition Man

I think my overall fav which isn't on the list is Naked


There is also the classic Sonatine which would be a close runner up. 1993 was also the year of Ninja Scroll
Best film - Schindler's List.

One I'd go for, Demolition Man
Bound by honor
I grew up with that movie

American Me is the superior movie but nostalgia is front for me

I still jam it a couple times a year
It's between tombstone and true romance for me. maybe I only like movies with val kilmer in them lol

I went with tombstone just because I like the ending more. (And it has more val kilmer scenes)
So many people in this thread are saying Schindler's List is the best movie, but then they pick something else.

I would like to question the notion that it's the best movie if nobody chooses it.

It's good, sure. But he chose subject matter that has a built-in emotional impact. It's a good movie, but to me it has no balls. It gets way too sappy at the end as well.

I submit that it's NOT the best movie of 1993. And that being people's favorite movie should be one of the top very important criteria for choosing the best movie.
Falling Down vs Demolition Man

That's so hard, 2 of my top movies
It came down to those two for me as well. Had to go with Demolition Man though. Wesley Snipes being over the top was the best part of the movie.
Fallingvdown is a crazy movie. I don't even ever remember a commercial for this movie.
Tombstone goes a bit flat after the O.K. Corral shootout. After that it kind of sags in its energy but it gets saved by Doc's moment at the end. Overall it didn't have that full head of steam throughout it that other quality films like Demolition Man had, so I couldn't pick it. Obviously, I picked Demolition Man.
Hard choice it was down to menace, tombstone and demolition man . Had to go with Sky I watched it way more times and still enjoy it whenever I watched it