Fleas' Amateur MMA Journey Thread

Completely forgot about this thread for these past few weeks - I've been trying to limit my time spent on the interwebs so that means the Sherdog froums are kinda low priority for me at the moment unfortunately
Surfing this morning - a break from all the BJJ stuff and MMA stuff. I ended up running into someone from my academy with his two sons. It's such a small, small world we live in!

Probably my last post this year - I was down with the flu for almost 2 weeks and then while MMA sparring I received a concussion! God damn it, I'll have to take at least a few weeks off before I do any contact sports again!
I had to get a brain scan last week - Per the doctor, I'm out for at least 3 to 6 months with regards to Combat Sports.
Fuck! I'll need to work on my weights and speed while I'll recover and focus on the National Jiu Jitsu championships in June.
That'll give me at least one month work of practice in May if everything goes according to plan.
I'm saying Sayonara to my old MMA gym then, it's too dangerous to train there now!

I've bought some old sandbags to work with in the meantime - one for squats, one for loaded carries, one for farmers walks etc. Running 5km-ish everyday and hill sprints to compensate for lack of hands on jiu-jitsu. Ditched the College plan, I've decided to do an apprenticeship in cybersecurity to get to more money!
Finally back at it again, last week I've put in 6 hours of training from BJJ and running. Starting again I'll be on track to count my hours accurately again.
how is the new mma gym training compared to the previous one?

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