Gable Stevenson released by WWE


PQD Hypetrain conductor
Sep 10, 2016
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Slamwrestling Article

So Stevenson is still very young, he looked insane in Tokyo getting a last second win in the Final and beating top Wrestlers like Taha and Petriashvili at 20 years old.
He is very athletic and we saw the UFC and their Nickal Project, taking a good wrestler and trying to homegrow a MMA star. But Stevenson is a gold medalist, super young and could fight in a Division with small Talent pool like HW.

You guys think he will make the Move to MMA? It is too late to wrestle in 2024 in the Olympics and he will be 27-28 when the next Olympics take place. I hoped he would make the Jump or keep wrestling after I saw him winning in the Final and was a bit bummed out he choose to go WWE. Since he won't be the next Kurt Angle could he become a better DC?


Also if this is the wrong Subforum pls move Mods, I am sorry in advance.
Sooooo- he basically wasted those years now confirmed.
Someone tried to tell me how he wasnt behind his schedule. Well at least it ended now and didn't drag for more years.
I hope he comes to MMA.

I hate to say I told you so but I knew from the start there was no chance he would be good in the WWE. WWE is acting. Success in athletics in no way predisposes you to success in acting. Gable was never particularly good on the mic either when he was wrestling. It just made no sense from the start and was an unnecessary detour from careers he could have been good at. I hope he goes into MMA, I'd be ok seeing him just in wrestling, but glad reality finally caught up and we can see him do something he's good at.
He is not “very young”
He's turning 24 this year, he's a baby for HW standards. Wrestling background alone puts him above your average HW hopeful.

Shit, HW greats like JDS and Ngannou started training very late, a 24 Olympic wrestler has the potential to be an amazing talent
Him on the next UFC contender series is guaranteed now.
Gable Stevenson looked worse on a heavy bag than Ben Askren. He must've deleted that IG post because I can't find it anywhere.
Gable Stevenson looked worse on a heavy bag than Ben Askren. He must've deleted that IG post because I can't find it anywhere.
Honestly as long as he can get top position a forearm/elbow is gonna do damage even if you cant punch your way out of a paper bag.
Well, I don't see why he wouldn't do MMA now.

PFL bound.
He could literally get in a few ammy bouts on a PFL ESPN card to get some exposure while getting his feet wet
According to a fat guy with a podcast.....he was kind of an asshole and didn't really take the business seriously.
Not surprised, he got destroyed by the crowd when those accusations came out. He was doing the happy to be here face routine so it stood out that much more.
It's funny how all the marks were trying to convince themselves that this dude would be good or something. Shit on the mic, shit look and shit work.
It's funny how all the marks were trying to convince themselves that this dude would be good or something. Shit on the mic, shit look and shit work.
Yeah he definitely was in it for the money. Did any of those signings of college athletes work out?
Did any of those signings of college athletes work out?

I don’t watch much NXT, but off the top of my head there’s a few other sport athletes with no pro wrestling experience they signed that appear to be doing well. Trick Williams who is the NXT Champion, Lash Legend, Sol Ruca, Lola Vice, and Gable’s brother Bobby Steveson who wrestles as Damon Kemp are all featured on TV. Then there’s Maxxine Dupri who got called up to the main roster pretty quick.