Television GOT: House Of The Dragon trailer (2022)

Kind of crazy how little interest I have in anything GOT-related for TV.

Perhaps this will be a powerful lesson to the suits in how not to run an IP into the ground.
Kind of crazy how little interest I have in anything GOT-related for TV.

Perhaps this will be a powerful lesson to the suits in how not to run an IP into the ground.

Maybe. It's not like they learned from The Last Jedi.
Maybe. It's not like they learned from The Last Jedi.
That's only because they had Filoni out in the real world carrying the IP's water like Jesus hauling sinners through the sand. Disney doesn't deserve him.

Going back to 2015, the highest rated episodes of television on IMDb?
  • #1 = Victory & Death
  • #2 = The Phantom Apprentice
  • #5 = Shattered

I wonder how many people out there are completely oblivious to the fact the best season of television in the world in the last 7 years was an animated show made for hardcore nerds?
yay diversity! Ill give this one a miss.
Really, because Ive been hearing nonstop about "whitewashing" being a major issue in Hollywood for the past 5 years. I actually agree with some of it too; If the source material has a black character, make them black in the film adaption. Simple
White voice actors not being able to voice black characters is dumb though.

But when its the other way around...silence

at least be consistent with your arguments, folks.

Read Amazons new series /movie policy then you will understand. Its basically a stalinistic version of film making but in regards to colour of skin and orientation of sex. They honestly want to force filmmmakers that a trans for example has to played by a trans actor and there have to be quotas to include the different sexual orientations and colours of skin in every script. Like always its about non white colours specific black. Its pure racism and prejudice but no one is allowed to call it that. Lets call it that.

Its the death of creativity and the death of acting as an art form. Brockeback Mountain nowadays would get heat if they wouldnt cast homosexual actors. Thats how idiotic it gets and scripts have to include gay or trans people because of you know quota even if it doesnt make any sense.
Read Amazons new series /movie policy then you will understand. Its basically a stalinistic version of film making but in regards to colour of skin and orientation of sex. They honestly want to force filmmmakers that a trans for example has to played by a trans actor and there have to be quotas to include the different sexual orientations and colours of skin in every script. Like always its about non white colours specific black. Its pure racism and prejudice but no one is allowed to call it that. Lets call it that.

Its the death of creativity and the death of acting as an art form. Brockeback Mountain nowadays would get heat if they wouldnt cast homosexual actors. Thats how idiotic it gets and scripts have to include gay or trans people because of you know quota even if it doesnt make any sense.

The main problem I have with it is that actually its quite exclusionary, basically the idea that there are female/gay/black/trans/etc films that have casts, directors, writers, etc along those lines and thats enough, all rather tokenistic and doesnt really change that the entertainment industry is dominated by white straight males.

Actually I think you could argue that appealing to the chinese market has tended to mean cinema has often gone backwards.
Who the fuck are the Velaryon’s? I read the five books plus the Dunk n Egg stories, I don’t know/remember who the Velaryons are supposed to be.
Read Amazons new series /movie policy then you will understand. Its basically a stalinistic version of film making but in regards to colour of skin and orientation of sex. They honestly want to force filmmmakers that a trans for example has to played by a trans actor and there have to be quotas to include the different sexual orientations and colours of skin in every script. Like always its about non white colours specific black. Its pure racism and prejudice but no one is allowed to call it that. Lets call it that.

Its the death of creativity and the death of acting as an art form. Brockeback Mountain nowadays would get heat if they wouldnt cast homosexual actors. Thats how idiotic it gets and scripts have to include gay or trans people because of you know quota even if it doesnt make any sense.

I was watching a behind the scenes interview with David Simon, creator of the wire, where he explained that a lot of people got upset with him that there were enough female roles. To which he said "because women aren’t ubiquitous in this environment in reality, and we want this to reflect reality" Not a verbatim quote, but that was basically the idea
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Who the fuck are the Velaryon’s? I read the five books plus the Dunk n Egg stories, I don’t know/remember who the Velaryons are supposed to be.
They’re from his recent books fire and blood. They are essentially history textbooks detailing the lineage of the Targaryen’s. Theyre a family close to the Targaryen’s
They’re from his recent books fire and blood. They are essentially history textbooks detailing the lineage of the Targaryen’s. Theyre a family close to the Targaryen’s

Relatives of the Targs? So does this show take place in Valyria instead of Middle-Earth Westeros?
GOT got way too much hate for fucking up the ending, it doesnt undo the previous seasons and there wont be a rush to finish for this.

Unfortunately, the final season was not its only issue. The show's quality dipped HARD in season 5, and never really recovered.
GOT got way too much hate for fucking up the ending, it doesnt undo the previous seasons and there wont be a rush to finish for this.

I don't know. It kind of did undo the previous seasons, as part of it was dependent on sticking the landing, or at the very least not faceplanting into a mountain of dog crap. I went from thinking very highly of the show to not having any interest in ever rewatching anything, early seasons or otherwise. I thought Dexter and 24 shit the bed with a vengeance after season 5 and became completely unwatchable, but I could still be talked into watching the early seasons again one day. I've never had my interest in a show murdered as hard as Game of Thrones.
I was watching a behind the scenes interview with David Simon, creator of the wire, where he explained that a lot of people got upset with him that there were enough female roles. To which he said because women aren’t ubiquitous in this environment in reality, and we want this to reflect reality

I think you could argue that actually going against reality in those situations isnt progressive at all, I remember that Bodyguard BBC series for a couple of years ago the met police force were seemingly about 3/4 female or ethnic minorities, is that being progressive or is it simply giving fake PR for a police force thats actually about 90% white male.

Its basically creating a liberial fantasy land for people to dwell in with their entertainment that does little to change the reality of the world.
Relatives of the Targs? So does this show take place in Valyria instead of Middle-Earth Westeros?
takes place post-Valyria I think 100 years before GoT. Its the event that
basically led to the downfall of the Targaryens' dragons in westeros

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