PlayStation Helldivers II

He's saying that's the reason he was fired but I suspect it was more than that based on the screenshots of him being a dick on Discord.


"Just make a PSN account."
"I can't, I live in Vietnam."
"Oh well, sucks for you."
"Cry more."
Sony was doing everything they could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Hopefully they've learned something.

Now release Stellar Blade and Bloodbourne on steam.
Discussed with friends this past week. One plays it on steam & the other follows media and gaming business. Strong adjustment by Sony. Win for steam users.
I've been looking forward to the PS5 Pro launch, and now I'm not even sure I want one.

The SeriesX is doing just fine for me, although the D-pad for the microsoft controllers are clicky shit.

But I'm sick of giving money to these billion-dollar corporations that hate gamers, and just want to gouge us for money.

Microsoft isn't innocent either, not by a long shot, but its better to support just one of these companies rather than both.

Really hope Steam comes out with their own home console.
Valve tried and failed at this years ago. Steam Deck with its docking station is the closest theyll come to developing another.

Yup, I'm aware of both products.
Given how Deck has been a huge success, and that console gamers are sick of Sony & Microsoft, I'm hoping Value will give it another shot in the near future. From what I remember the hardware specs were very weak for the price they wanted.
Yup, I'm aware of both products.
Given how Deck has been a huge success, and that console gamers are sick of Sony & Microsoft, I'm hoping Value will give it another shot in the near future. From what I remember the hardware specs were very weak for the price they wanted.
Nah, the loud ones are always the minority. Most people are happy with their consoles and don't spend nearly as much time online as some of you guys do on platforms like Twitter. All those people do on there is complain so it’s easy to think “wow everyone hates them”. In reality my friends have no clue about any of this stuff since they don’t keep up with every bit of news. I think that’s pretty accurate for most people since both consoles are still selling regardless of negative headlines.

Take Netflix for example. I recall people online saying they would die after the password sharing crackdown and price hikes. In reality most people didn't cancel and all the doomers were completely off. Examples like this are so common, most people just don't care and will continue to be a fan of whatever ecosystem they're in.
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Nah, the loud ones are always the minority. Most people are happy with their consoles and don't spend nearly as much time online as some of you guys do on platforms like Twitter. All those people do on there is complain so it’s easy to think “wow everyone hates them”. In reality my friends have no clue about any of this stuff since they don’t keep up with every bit of news. I think that’s pretty accurate for most people since both consoles are still selling regardless of negative headlines.

Take Netflix for example. I recall people online saying they would die after the password sharing crackdown and price hikes. In reality most people didn't cancel and all the doomers were completely off. Examples like this are so common, most people just don't care and will continue to be a fan of whatever ecosystem they're in.

Regardless of online chatter, the Sony/Microsoft console war has been going on for 20+ years and neither is 'improving' from a consumer-rights perspective.

That's why a 3rd option would be very welcome if the corporation has a long history of mostly appeasing gamers, like Valve/Steam. Its doubtful Nintendo will ever make a powerful console to challenge them.
Yup, I'm aware of both products.
Given how Deck has been a huge success, and that console gamers are sick of Sony & Microsoft, I'm hoping Value will give it another shot in the near future. From what I remember the hardware specs were very weak for the price they wanted.

Console gamers are sick of Sony? Projecting much? Maybe you might be sick of MS but I (and many others) are perfectly happy with our PS5. I do wish PS Plus was cheaper like in the good old days but gaming on PS5 has never been better.

Sales for the PS5 are catching up to PS4 rates. PS4 is barely ahead of PS5 sales by 0.85 million units. In the last 12 months PS5 outsold PS4 by 2.19 million units. Appetite for the PS5 is still incredibly strong.

Also PS5 console gamers couldn't have given a shit about this Helldivers issues since it only affected the PC gamers that didn't already have (or want) a PSN account.
Regardless of online chatter, the Sony/Microsoft console war has been going on for 20+ years and neither is 'improving' from a consumer-rights perspective.

That's why a 3rd option would be very welcome if the corporation has a long history of mostly appeasing gamers, like Valve/Steam. Its doubtful Nintendo will ever make a powerful console to challenge them.
I guess I've always been optimistic. Games with inflation were 140 dollars when I was growing up, most of us don't realize it because our kind parents were buying them for us. GamePass is such a great value that it's actually bad for Microsoft and PS Extra has been giving me some fun indies. You can play video games cheaper today than any time in history. I'd argue that the only truly bad thing about gaming right now is that companies are less willing to take risks due to costs of AAA game development. Square Enix also recently annoucned that they'll only be focusing on their big IP. Sony has also been a bit too reliant on their big cinematic games and I wish they'd be willing to put out more AA games that are made for cheaper and don't require 5-10 million sales or whatever to make their money back. So yeah that's pretty much my only major criticism of the industry today but as far as value goes it's hard to beat.
Given how Deck has been a huge success, and that console gamers are sick of Sony & Microsoft, I'm hoping Value will give it another shot in the near future. From what I remember the hardware specs were very weak for the price they wanted.

Console gamers want a simple subsidized plug and play system that can be used from their couch with a controller. Pc gamers by overwhelming majority dont want pre-builts with limited upgrade paths. Nor do Valve wish to assume such losses from entering the pre-built Pc market when Steams MAU growth has surpassed consoles.

Steam Deck is a solution for Pc gamers on the move. SteamOS development is Valve warning Microsoft to not step out of line again.
Console gamers want a simple subsidized plug and play system that can be used from their couch with a controller. Pc gamers by overwhelming majority dont want pre-builts with limited upgrade paths. Nor do Valve wish to assume such losses from entering the pre-built Pc market when Steams MAU growth has surpassed consoles.

Ok.... and how is that relevant?

Consoles basically are PCs at this point, and perhaps there could be a middleground of PC-consoles.
Regardless of online chatter, the Sony/Microsoft console war has been going on for 20+ years and neither is 'improving' from a consumer-rights perspective.

That's why a 3rd option would be very welcome if the corporation has a long history of mostly appeasing gamers, like Valve/Steam. Its doubtful Nintendo will ever make a powerful console to challenge them.

They don't want pc gaming to exist as a viable alternative, but they also see how much sales can be increased and hate leaving money on the table.

Both companies have always loved the idea of exclusive titles and they've always despised the market pressure from consumers to release IP's cross platform.
SteamOS development is Valve warning Microsoft to not step out of line again.

What do you mean? How did MS step out of line?

I agree I doubt Steam has any desire to enter back into the console market but I also think they are the only ones who could come close to competing with Sony. They are privately owned so they don't have any pressure to grow bigger year after year or any nonsense like that.
Ok.... and how is that relevant?

Its like asking a smartphone maker to design and release a console for mobile game users. Limited crossover appeal doesnt warrant the financial loss when the current model is experiencing growth. Plus the expectations of modern day consoles goes strictly against Valves corporate philosophy since its founding.
What do you mean? How did MS step out of line?

Microsoft with Windows 8 laid the groundwork for every application on its OS to go through the Microsoft Store. They were trying to create an enclosed system similar to smartphones and consoles.
Microsoft with Windows 8 laid the groundwork for every application on its OS to go through the Microsoft Store. They were trying to create an enclosed system similar to smartphones and consoles.
Ah yes I forgot about that disaster.

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