Economy I <3 how (R)s just awkwardly ignore conversations about economics and their track record on it


Extinction Belt
Platinum Member
Mar 30, 2023
Reaction score
Since Donald Trump's presidency it has been "mainstream" or pre-dominant in the Republican party to signal fake populist and anti-establishment rhetoric.

"Drain the swamp!"
"Down with the elites!"
"Down with the establishment!"

But am I crazy here, or have any of you other leftists or centrists (liberals) noticed that in general, righties/reactionaries/conservatives/republicans/MAGAts will shy away from conversations/discussions/debates about the Republican party and/or Trump and how their economic track record has served/continues to serve the "elite" and the "swamp"?

Like, I swear to god, 95% of the time that I see a lib or leftie remind a chud that Trump's only major legislative "accomplishment" was a massive tax cut for the elite and a tax increase on the middle class, the rightie does not reply or if they do they reply without addressing that specific point. They want to constantly virtue signal that they're against the elite, but they can't actually point to anything that Trump has done to hurt/harm/negatively affect the "elite".

The same thing applies any time you talk about the Republican track record on destroying American manufacturing and sending jobs to China by the millions. Its crickets every time, or diversion to talking about something else.

For a constructive way for righties to respond to this thread, can you elucidate me on your understanding of the following subjects and definitions?

1. What is the "elite" to you? Is this just a shadowy cabal that exists as an amalgamation of all of the groups you don't like (Jews, Muslims, Chinese, Black people, Hispanic people, atheists, LGBT people, globalists, etc.)? Is that the elite? Is it wealthy people but only the wealthy people in New York, LA and DC? Do you adhere to society's general understanding of the elite since the beginning of time, as just generally being the economically/financially wealthy upper strata of society? Please, provide a detailed lengthy explanation of who the "elite" is. The floor is yours. Let your freak flag fly and write me a novella about who the elite are. I'll read all of them. One word to one sentence responses are just concessions that you don't even have a good idea of who it is you're screeching about all the time.

2. Name me one single thing that Trump has done to substantially hurt the people you've defined as the "elite", and also explain how what he did, substantially hurt the elite. So A) I'm looking for substance. It needs to be a policy, or legislative accomplishment, or something substantial. Not "oh he said fuck Hunter Biden and that hurt the elite haha owned!". No. What did Trump do that materially, substantially, significantly, harmed your definition of the elite? And B) explain, in detail, how what he did, hurt the elite.

Lastly, look at my meme where you are the NPC soyjack and I am the actual anti-establishment chad:


edit - [12] pages in and not a single rightist willing to give us their definition of the elite, and how Trump has done something to harm them. Who's going to step up? How many pages in can we get with righties doing exactly what I'm accusing them of in the thread title? The evidence is piling up with each page. Come on boys!
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Since Donald Trump's presidency it has been "mainstream" or pre-dominant in the Republican party to signal fake populist and anti-establishment rhetoric.

"Drain the swamp!"
"Down with the elites!"
"Down with the establishment!"

But am I crazy here, or have any of you other leftists or centrists (liberals) noticed that in general, righties/reactionaries/conservatives/republicans/MAGAts will shy away from conversations/discussions/debates about the Republican party and/or Trump and how their economic track record has served/continues to serve the "elite" and the "swamp"?

Like, I swear to god, 95% of the time that I see a lib or leftie remind a chud that Trump's only major legislative "accomplishment" was a massive tax cut for the elite and a tax increase on the middle class, the rightie does not reply or if they do they reply without addressing that specific point. They want to constantly virtue signal that they're against the elite, but they can't actually point to anything that Trump has done to hurt/harm/negatively affect the "elite".

The same thing applies any time you talk about the Republican track record on destroying American manufacturing and sending jobs to China by the millions. Its crickets every time, or diversion to talking about something else.

For a constructive way for righties to respond to this thread, can you elucidate me on your understanding of the following subjects and definitions?

1. What is the "elite" to you? Is this just a shadowy cabal that exists as an amalgamation of all of the groups you don't like (Jews, Muslims, Chinese, Black people, Hispanic people, atheists, LGBT people, globalists, etc.)? Is that the elite? Is it wealthy people but only the wealthy people in New York, LA and DC? Do you adhere to society's general understanding of the elite since the beginning of time, as just generally being the economically/financially wealthy upper strata of society? Please, provide a detailed lengthy explanation of who the "elite" is. The floor is yours. Let your freak flag fly and write me a novella about who the elite are. I'll read all of them. One word to one sentence responses are just concessions that you don't even have a good idea of who it is you're screeching about all the time.

2. Name me one single thing that Trump has done to substantially hurt the people you've defined as the "elite", and also explain how what he did, substantially hurt the elite. So A) I'm looking for substance. It needs to be a policy, or legislative accomplishment, or something substantial. Not "oh he said fuck Hunter Biden and that hurt the elite haha owned!". No. What did Trump do that materially, substantially, significantly, harmed your definition of the elite? And B) explain, in detail, how what he did, hurt the elite.

Lastly, look at my meme where you are the NPC soyjack and I am the actual anti-establishment chad:


On a related note - I've seen a few episodes of the PBD podcast and it's just impossible to watch for this reason. Trump is against the establishment but no explanation as to how.
On a related note - I've seen a few episodes of the PBD podcast and it's just impossible to watch for this reason. Trump is against the establishment but no explanation as to how.
That dude is insufferable on like 10 different levels. I'm so brain poisoned from the internet and unable to relate to normies, that I literally cannot understand even 1% why he has any following, not to mention a gigantic following. It's mind blowing to me.
I bet a lot of (lower) middle class Republicans are wondering right about now why their taxes went up.....I guess no one told them Paul Ryan/Donald Trump 'tax cuts' weren't really tax least not with them in mind...

I also have no clue how any self respecting conservative from coastal states can vote for Trump/MAGA. He disproportionately raised taxes on the middle class in these states. GWHB lost an election for that shit.
On a related note - I've seen a few episodes of the PBD podcast and it's just impossible to watch for this reason. Trump is against the establishment but no explanation as to how.

Thats fake populism 101.

But part of thats the Democrats fault. The main reason someone like Trump can get away with offering nothing is that the "left" partys strategy is offering nothing. Thats standard in a political space where everyone in power has the same world view. So it makes Trumps words about draining the swamp seem more impactful then they would elsewhere.
I bet a lot of (lower) middle class Republicans are wondering right about now why their taxes went up.....I guess no one told them Paul Ryan/Donald Trump 'tax cuts' weren't really tax least not with them in mind...

I also have no clue how any self respecting conservative from coastal states can vote for Trump/MAGA. He disproportionately raised taxes on the middle class in these states. GWHB lost an election for that shit.

They blame Biden
Thats fake populism 101.

But part of thats the Democrats fault. The main reason someone like Trump can get away with offering nothing is that the "left" partys strategy is offering nothing. Thats standard in a political space where everyone in power has the same world view. So it makes Trumps words about draining the swamp seem more impactful then they would elsewhere.

Seems like the democrats at least offer some things, whether you agree with it or not. Expansion of public healthcare, infrastructure/chips act, student loan forgiveness, federal oversight of police etc etc.
Seems like the democrats at least offer some things, whether you agree with it or not. Expansion of public healthcare, infrastructure/chips act, student loan forgiveness, federal oversight of police etc etc.

They don't sincerley offer any of those things. Joe Biden is currently privatizing medicare. "Student loan forgiveness" was a middle finger to anyone who has serious loans.
Since Donald Trump's presidency it has been "mainstream" or pre-dominant in the Republican party to signal fake populist and anti-establishment rhetoric.

"Drain the swamp!"
"Down with the elites!"
"Down with the establishment!"

But am I crazy here, or have any of you other leftists or centrists (liberals) noticed that in general, righties/reactionaries/conservatives/republicans/MAGAts will shy away from conversations/discussions/debates about the Republican party and/or Trump and how their economic track record has served/continues to serve the "elite" and the "swamp"?

Like, I swear to god, 95% of the time that I see a lib or leftie remind a chud that Trump's only major legislative "accomplishment" was a massive tax cut for the elite and a tax increase on the middle class, the rightie does not reply or if they do they reply without addressing that specific point. They want to constantly virtue signal that they're against the elite, but they can't actually point to anything that Trump has done to hurt/harm/negatively affect the "elite".

The same thing applies any time you talk about the Republican track record on destroying American manufacturing and sending jobs to China by the millions. Its crickets every time, or diversion to talking about something else.

For a constructive way for righties to respond to this thread, can you elucidate me on your understanding of the following subjects and definitions?

1. What is the "elite" to you? Is this just a shadowy cabal that exists as an amalgamation of all of the groups you don't like (Jews, Muslims, Chinese, Black people, Hispanic people, atheists, LGBT people, globalists, etc.)? Is that the elite? Is it wealthy people but only the wealthy people in New York, LA and DC? Do you adhere to society's general understanding of the elite since the beginning of time, as just generally being the economically/financially wealthy upper strata of society? Please, provide a detailed lengthy explanation of who the "elite" is. The floor is yours. Let your freak flag fly and write me a novella about who the elite are. I'll read all of them. One word to one sentence responses are just concessions that you don't even have a good idea of who it is you're screeching about all the time.

2. Name me one single thing that Trump has done to substantially hurt the people you've defined as the "elite", and also explain how what he did, substantially hurt the elite. So A) I'm looking for substance. It needs to be a policy, or legislative accomplishment, or something substantial. Not "oh he said fuck Hunter Biden and that hurt the elite haha owned!". No. What did Trump do that materially, substantially, significantly, harmed your definition of the elite? And B) explain, in detail, how what he did, hurt the elite.

Lastly, look at my meme where you are the NPC soyjack and I am the actual anti-establishment chad:


There's a reason they go so hard for culture war nonsense, and isn't because they generally are awesome at improving things.
Inflation was less and prices were lower during Trump. I'm not sure how much his administration had to do with it. Most middle class don't care if the rich get richer they are more concerned with their state of living. The rich can get as rich as they want as long as the middle class which is the majority feel their life is improving or at least not getting any worse.

Social issues and the state of the country in other issues such as crime and the border are at the forefront. The lefts push on these is a driving cause.

So even though Trump is not as great as h thinks he is on these issues he is better then any democrat and their platform they push.

So basically Trump is an ass but he is better then creepy Joe and his handlers are doing.