I cannot gain muscle.

Consume red meat three times a week
Sleep well
Don’t train everyday; especially if you are old(er)
Can you write what your average daily diet looks like. What you eat, how much. Like for example yestsrday what did you eat. I bet you need to eat twice as much you are now. Most these skinny guys think they eat alot and cant gain weight but in reality they dont eat shit.

I eat three times a day. My supper has 500g (thats over a pound ) chicken every day. The meal is so big it fills up 2 plates. And I have big ass plates. And im a sub 200 pound guy. And i only eat 150-200g protein a day, they say you should eat 250 for max gains. If you eat half of what i eat, what size do you expect to be

Moral of the story: Bigger guys eat alot of food. And they lift heavy ass weights. The frequency wich you visit the gym doesnt mean anything. You can make gains with 2x week fullbody if the training and diet is dialled in
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My favourite one. Good to see it's still floating around from back in the day, but there is no way I am ever eating corned beef hash again after trying it way back then.

2. Sex: A lot of old-timers will have you believe that spilling your seed will somehow pussify you instantly. This is true of the time immediately following sex, and for that reason I choose to abstain from sexual activity prior to any heavy lifting session I might have planned for the day (generally). However, I still feel sex has a lot of benefits for the serious lifter. For one thing, it’s excellent active rest for the entire body. A good hard screw is effectively a recovery workout for your entire body. I know my poor, abused posterior chain tends to feel a bit better after romp between the sheets. Secondly, sex can be (as previously mentioned) extremely relaxing. Relaxing, of course, is good. So please, do away with notions of sperm being the secret to your strength, and go fuck your ass off (credit for that phrase goes to Leather Strip)
I can lift weights nearly everyday and shows very minimal growth i notice people who lift just as much as i do that are twice my size. What am i doing wrong?

Raw eggs. And I’m not even joking. Put it in your smoothies and you will get YOLKED!
There are many factors. How is your training intensity? Do you train close to failure? Also time under tension. What is your training regimen and diet?

You can still make gains as an older person but you need to be realistic about it. It isn't like when you are young and you go to a gym for the summer to get swole.
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I dont buy it. Even the guys with the worst genetics can gain muscles.

Or maybe too much phytoestrogens if you are susceptible, too little taurine/methionine/creatine/iron/vitamin A (not provitamin A)/omega3... ???

Humans body is complicated. I need more infos.

And please, dont even try the Vegan diet. 9/10 lack the IQ for that.
4x4's worked wonders for me. Just go as heavy as you can possibly go.

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