I'm a MOD, Ask Me Anything!

How are you today?

Did you enjoy the new spider man movie and can you shoop Tom Holland onto peoples faces who got powerbombed in mma

I did. My shoop skills are lacking, but i bet @bigwaverider could

I'm trying to cut back on shooping a little lot. My eyes are severely stressed from this Christmas Shooping season. I can do some simple things but I dont want to get into any gif projects unless they are absolutely easy.

P.D. Thanks for thinking of me.
I'm trying to cut back on shooping a little lot. My eyes are severely stressed from this Christmas Shooping season. I can do some simple things but I dont want to get into any gif projects unless they are absolutely easy.

P.D. Thanks for thinking of me.
Did you go to the eye Dr yet?
"I'm a MOD, Ask Me Anything!"

What Mental Mood Must a Misfit Mod be in, in order to Mod Moderately?
Whats the conditions to make threads? I've seen people being able to make threads with less posts and earlier acc creation date

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