Is Pickle Ball the next biggest sports franchise?


White Belt
Mar 7, 2024
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Pickle ball is now the fastest-growing sport in the nation for the fifth consecutive year in a row, with 48.3 million U.S. adults

They just converted a big convention center right on the water into a pickleball palace and now the community is up in arms because we've lost our traditional space for a lot of annual events and celebrations and touring shows for kids like that dinosaur thing
Thanks a lot, pickleball, whatever you are!
Its the slap fighting of racquet sports. Also its inherently divisive because it requires repurposing tennis courts and other public spaces. Golf kinda is the same way but its been around centuries so no one gives a shit because golf people already have their spaces and don't need to make new ones.
Pretty pathetic you wouldn’t use a pickleball paddle for pickles. Makes the game even worse than it is
Disclaimer: There are actually no pickles involved in Pickleball.

Disclaimer: There are actually no pickles involved in Pickleball.

Another example why the game is stupid. Might as well call it hamburgerball and it would make just as much sense
Local news said people are tearing their achilles playing that.
Anybody who has played tennis competitively can easily transitioned to this sport.
We literally used to warm up by playing a variation of this (we called it mini-tennis).