Movies Is The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction the two best movies in the last 30 years?

Is The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction the two best movies in the last 30 years?

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They are both perfect movies for sure imo

I’d say A Clockwork Orange is a little further ahead of both of them for me personally, I enjoy shit that gets pretty out there and isn’t afraid to cross some lines.
Good. They’re nuts then. 17 broke back mountain? You fucking serious?
Some of the most beautiful cinematography of all time imo. Not something I'd rate that high overall though
Any other movie better than these two since 1994?

Pulp Fiction is not highly rated to me, but I know it's highly rated by many on here.

As for The Shawshank Redemption, there is no film better than it in the past 30 years imo.



Django Unchained, The Gentleman, The Irishman - just 3 films I think are better than the above.
Shawshank is up there certainly on most people's lists...Pulp Fiction? It's up there for me but I don't think it grades as high as Shawshank
Some of the most beautiful cinematography of all time imo. Not something I'd rate that high overall though
Unforgiven is top tier there the rest of the movie is only slightly less gay than soccer
Unforgiven is top tier there the rest of the movie is only slightly less gay than soccer
I played like 15 years of soccer.......oh God.

I think (well hope) the rugby league I played balanced out the gay
I played like 15 years of soccer.......oh God.

I think (well hope) the rugby league I played balanced out the gay
I played four years of soccer. Hardcore soccer fans lose it when you call the sport gay. Therefor it is funny to do so
Any other movie better than these two since 1994?

Pulp Fiction is not highly rated to me, but I know it's highly rated by many on here.

As for The Shawshank Redemption, there is no film better than it in the past 30 years imo.


I’m surprised (but not really) that Forrest Gump is in the poll. All time great movie for me. The soundtrack absolutely slaps.

Shawshank was great as well.
PF? You serious. Overrated, along with QT.
Will never forgive Tarantino for putting that wig on Uma in Pulp Fiction.
Cant say myself, but I saw both in the theatres on the same day. Def a top tier movie screening day.
Tarantino has made multiple movies better than Pulp fiction imo and there are have been tons of other better movies made in the past 30 years

Shawshank has a case for best movie in the past 30 years imo. There's a few movies I'd put on roughly equal footing with it though
Watching Pulp Fiction now. I loved this movie when I first saw it years ago. Rewatched it maybe twice in the past 20 years.

Why would Samuel Jackson's character do the whole biblical verse rant if he was gonna kill the white dude anyway?

Uma Thurman mistaken's heroin for coke? She would just snort some without asking for permission? Travolta took that long to piss and talk to himself?
Hands down the worst character in the movie is Butch's girlfriend.

Stupid DUMB BITCH. Even if she never forgot the watch she's still so fucking stupid. Eat blueberry pie for breakfast? Fuck you Frenchie!
How can there be gunfire and car crashes and not have police swarming the place in a few minutes? This has happened more than once in Pulp Fiction.
I am going to say yes. No one in here has named anything better. Cases could be made for Saving Private Ryan, The Matrix, Gladiator....but in my opinion these are the best. Shawshank is a perfect film with amazing acting, dialogue, direction. One of the greatest endings of all time. Pulp is now cool to hate on, but it was so unique and groundbreaking. Amazing performances and dialogue. Sam Jackson puts on a masterclass. I would give a shout out to 28 Days Later and The Conjuring, the best horror of the last 30 years.


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