Movies Is The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction the two best movies in the last 30 years?

Is The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction the two best movies in the last 30 years?

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Any other movie better than these two since 1994?

Pulp Fiction is not highly rated to me, but I know it's highly rated by many on here.

As for The Shawshank Redemption, there is no film better than it in the past 30 years imo.


nah, too much comp to say they are the best, but so good it would be subjective. Shawshank is great, although I've never been huge on Tarantino's stuff, Pulp is great too. But, No Country For Old Men would be up there for me, probably a few more that won't come to mind right now. Elvis was great but you'd have to be an Elvis fan to love that movie so much and you'd also have to either like or overlook Luhrman's style of filmaking. It's so subjective it's hard to say.

Ironically, I just got a letter from a prisoner and thought about this movie. He thinks he's getting out after 20 years, that the evidence was tampered with, poor guy is delusional. I feel for him, only way he's getting out is if he does some Andy Dufresne type shit.
I am going to say yes. No one in here has named anything better. Cases could be made for Saving Private Ryan, The Matrix, Gladiator....but in my opinion these are the best. Shawshank is a perfect film with amazing acting, dialogue, direction. One of the greatest endings of all time. Pulp is now cool to hate on, but it was so unique and groundbreaking. Amazing performances and dialogue. Sam Jackson puts on a masterclass. I would give a shout out to 28 Days Later and The Conjuring, the best horror of the last 30 years.
Matrix is up there too, a social criticism beyond what anything I've ever seen Hollywood put out.
Shawshank is the best movie since 1994. Pulp fiction not even the best QT movie..
Matrix is up there too, a social criticism beyond what anything I've ever seen Hollywood put out.
Absolutely. Groundbreaking action scenes with a thought-provoking plot that took many of us down rabbit holes....the internet was just heating up and I remember all the of the first movies I can remember that occurring.
People hating on Shawshank are just trying to be cool I swear.

It is a well told story, acted well that is entertaining. But these goobers are acting like its produced by a 12 year old and the actors are straight from the support unit.
Watching Pulp Fiction now. I loved this movie when I first saw it years ago. Rewatched it maybe twice in the past 20 years.

Why would Samuel Jackson's character do the whole biblical verse rant if he was gonna kill the white dude anyway?

Uma Thurman mistaken's heroin for coke? She would just snort some without asking for permission? Travolta took that long to piss and talk to himself?

Drug dealer literally tells Travolta he has run out of whatever the fuck heroin comes in so puts it in alternative package, which is normally used for coke.

That one was made pretty clear why Thurman fucked up.

Samuel L also explains to Ringo that the verse was always just some cool/cold shit he said to people before he shot them…….it was only after “the miracle” of surviving the gun shots in the flat that he actually thought about what the words meant and decided to change his ways.

Again that was pretty clearly laid out.
People hating on Shawshank are just trying to be cool I swear.

It is a well told story, acted well that is entertaining. But these goobers are acting like its produced by a 12 year old and the actors are straight from the support unit.
It's near perfect, don't know what anyone would criticize. The only real fault I can think of is how it rips off/homages the great escape films of the past (Escape from Alcatraz, Cool Hand Luke, Dirty Dozen).
shaw's still great and pulp is still solid but pulp-style movies have been parodied or done in some form or another so many times that's it doesn't carry the weight it once did, even if it was the original.
I am going to say yes. No one in here has named anything better. Cases could be made for Saving Private Ryan, The Matrix, Gladiator....but in my opinion these are the best. Shawshank is a perfect film with amazing acting, dialogue, direction. One of the greatest endings of all time. Pulp is now cool to hate on, but it was so unique and groundbreaking. Amazing performances and dialogue. Sam Jackson puts on a masterclass. I would give a shout out to 28 Days Later and The Conjuring, the best horror of the last 30 years.
Matrix, Private Ryan, Heat, Big Lebowski, Fargo, Fight Club all rank higher for me than Shawshank. Pulp Fiction and Shawshank make the top 10. The Departed is in the mix as well.
People hating on Shawshank are just trying to be cool I swear.

It is a well told story, acted well that is entertaining. But these goobers are acting like its produced by a 12 year old and the actors are straight from the support unit.

I think you got it backwards. I swear people say shawshank is the best movie because they feel like it's what you are supposed to say. And I'm not saying it's a bad movie just that I find it absurd how good people act like it is.
Maybe not better than Shawshank, but many many better than Pulp Fuction for me.
Don't have either movie in my Top 50 movies of the last 30 years.
I don't know if they're the best (even though I voted yes), but whenever I catch one them on tv, I watch.
Drug dealer literally tells Travolta he has run out of whatever the fuck heroin comes in so puts it in alternative package, which is normally used for coke.

That one was made pretty clear why Thurman fucked up.

Samuel L also explains to Ringo that the verse was always just some cool/cold shit he said to people before he shot them…….it was only after “the miracle” of surviving the gun shots in the flat that he actually thought about what the words meant and decided to change his ways.

Again that was pretty clearly laid out.
Taratnino does I think have more substance to his work than he gets credit for, I think it part because he rarely draws attention to it himself, perhaps because the cinema he was reacting against was stuff he viewed as overly self serious.

Not sure you could say he has a really clearly defined "message" but there's definitely a lot of interesting moral ideas in his films, I suspect if you did get him to comment on it he would be very much of the "let the viewer make of it what they will". Generally I think his view of pulp cinema is that its "owned" by the audience, its importance comes from values they attach to it not just those the creator does.
Taratnino does I think have more substance to his work than he gets credit for, I think it part because he rarely draws attention to it himself, perhaps because the cinema he was reacting against was stuff he viewed as overly self serious.

Not sure you could say he has a really clearly defined "message" but there's definitely a lot of interesting moral ideas in his films, I suspect if you did get him to comment on it he would be very much of the "let the viewer make of it what they will". Generally I think his view of pulp cinema is that its "owned" by the audience, its importance comes from values they attach to it not just those the creator does.


The 2 specific examples I was referring to were not really hidden though. Two fairly clear story arcs with clear setup and explanation. No logic to question, as the poster did.
Both are in the category of great movies, so someone could totally have them in their top 5 list in the last 30 years and I'd have no problem.

Neither breaks my top 30 personally
I think you got it backwards. I swear people say shawshank is the best movie because they feel like it's what you are supposed to say. And I'm not saying it's a bad movie just that I find it absurd how good people act like it is.
its got a fantasatic theme, I mentioned earlier how I mailed a prisononer from my old mma gym, talented fighter but got sentenced to life for murder. he thinks he'll get out, after 20 years, I doubt it but who am i to say? It got me thinking how everyone has to have something to look forward too even if it's as simple as the whistle at the end of a workday, or a coming retirement, or even the after life. "hope is a good thing" is universal and that's why it hits home.
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Both are in the category of great movies, so someone could totally have them in their top 5 list in the last 30 years and I'd have no problem.

Neither breaks my top 30 personally
tarantino is great because his stuff sells but I'm not always a big fan of his stuff, but then, sometimes I am. He's really, really good. All the violence, all the cool acting guys not really my thing. I'll take a movie with more depth. I still think Django Unchained was phenomenal but I wouldn't put that over all else.
Taratnino does I think have more substance to his work than he gets credit for, I think it part because he rarely draws attention to it himself, perhaps because the cinema he was reacting against was stuff he viewed as overly self serious.

Not sure you could say he has a really clearly defined "message" but there's definitely a lot of interesting moral ideas in his films, I suspect if you did get him to comment on it he would be very much of the "let the viewer make of it what they will". Generally I think his view of pulp cinema is that its "owned" by the audience, its importance comes from values they attach to it not just those the creator does.
no, not really, and if he has more substance and it gets ignored in the name of all the ridiculous violence, that's his own fault, he's the director.

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