Relationship Is there a death you haven't gotten over it?


The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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(It could be a death of a family member, friend, co-worker, acquaintance, celebrity, stranger, pet.)

Honestly, there hasn't been a death in my life that I haven't gotten over it. I'm at peace with everyone that has passed.

Though I haven't had a major death in my life in awhile now. But I know it's bound to happen.
(It could be a death of a family member, friend, co-worker, acquaintance, celebrity, stranger, pet.)

Honestly, there hasn't been a death in my life that I haven't gotten over it. I'm at peace with everyone that has passed.

Though I haven't had a major death in my life in awhile now. But I know it's bound to happen.

My mom died when I was 21. It never goes away all the way and can be triggered like it just happened yesterday by certain memories and happenings .
Not that I haven't "gotten over" it, because I never met him. But after researching what my uncle went through in Nam, and stories from his friends at my dad's funeral, I've been thinking about it lately.

Poor guy was a mechanic and got put in the most heavily booby trapped battlefield in history... fighting along side cooks etc.
Yup. Not the death so much but how I handled it.
gotta post this shit today? AV says it all.
It was my grandpas death from 22 years that I thought was the hardest to get over. It has nothing on my brothers sudden passing from January of this year. I didn’t have the best relationship with him but it was by no means terrible. I know it’s still somewhat fresh but it has seriously messed me up since it happened. I’m finding it very difficult to find any kind of joy in anything I do these days.
My Grandfather. I mean, this is almost 40 years ago now but I still miss him.

My Dad was in prison all my life, so my Grandpa was basically my Dad. He was an old school Italian guy. But I spend a ton of time with him up until he died. I was only 8 when he died. He just didn't wake up one morning and was only 55 at the time. He wasn't even my biological grandfather. My bio grandfather was an abusive asshole and my grandma divorced him and married Joe who I always have considered my actual grandfather. One time my Mom was going to allow my bio grandfather and his new wife to watch me and spend time with me at their house. I was scared of him and my Grandpa (Joe) was there when they were going to drop me off at my bio grandpa's house. Grandpa Joe told them there's no way he was leaving me there when I was scared and took me home with him. My bio grandfather had taken a turn for the better since he split with my grandmother but he still scarred me and I never observed anything that he did , apparently I could just pick up a bad vibe from him as a small kid (like 3 years old). But Grandpa Joe took me home that day (I can still remember it even though i was so little) and I spent the whole day with him. It was still unusual in those days for men to be taking care of kids, particularly an older guy. That day forward we were mostly inseparable when I wasn't running around town with friends. I always went to grandma and grandpa's everyday to hang out with Grandpa Joe.

Then one day when I went over to see him there were a lot of cars and an ambulance. Don't think I ever recovered fully from that one even only being 8 at the time and this being about 40 years ago now. Grandpa Joe was my Dad, my Grandpa, and probably my best buddy too at the time.