Relationship Is there a death you haven't gotten over it?

I accepted it happens when it happens and you can't do shit about it
At some point will be my turn
Thankfully no.

My father's death affected me in a unconcious long term fashion. But affected and being over it is two different things. Im def over it.

That isnt to say losing a loved one right now will be something I can get over. I dont know. Its tough to even think about it.

My sister lost her best friend to an OD 2 yrs a go and she def still aint over that

When my mom passes I might not get over that shit.
(It could be a death of a family member, friend, co-worker, acquaintance, celebrity, stranger, pet.)

Honestly, there hasn't been a death in my life that I haven't gotten over it. I'm at peace with everyone that has passed.

Though I haven't had a major death in my life in awhile now. But I know it's bound to happen.
Absolutely, almost everyone I was ever close with. I feel closer in death with all of them than I do the living and think of them all the time. Yes, it's gonna happen to all of us, makes you wonder why people are so foolish with the time god gives them.
Ayrton Senna (1994), Grandpa (1999), a friend of mine who offed himself soon after coming out while living in the US (2010).

Mom died last year but had a grueling battle with cancer, so when it finally happened it was actually a relief. We were all ready for it.
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My girlfriend of 10 years.

She had a generic disease that basically robbed her of her of life.
I left all my tears in the hospital but I do wake up in the middle of night sometimes when I think I hear her call my name.

Really strange.
My babymomma /wife rip I'm forever saddened 😢😥
My girlfriend of 10 years.

She had a generic disease that basically robbed her of her of life.
I left all my tears in the hospital but I do wake up in the middle of night sometimes when I think I hear her call my name.

Really strange.
wow, that is strange, Ive had similar experiences with my mom, only it'll be I'll wake up with a start and think of how long she's been gone, I think I've had the name calling exp too but being half sleep it's always hard to know what's dream and what's real.
life is fragile whether you're begging to die early or not. I've known young people to just get sick with cancer or something and die. It's damaging when there are children, sad. I recently learned of a guy I knew as a child, who's mother died when he was around 5, he's schizophrenic, got beat badly by the police, was institutionalized. Just sad when you only remember a cute kid.
my beloved dog, who passed away at 19 years of age. Still haven't gotten over it even to this day.
I have had several family members die, including pets and I've never gotten over them. I don't know, maybe I don't want to forget them.
I'm pretty sure I will never get over my own death
Getting over and getting past are two different things. I’ll never get over my dad dying when I was 18, or my cousin when we were 25. But I have gotten past it.
Well said
Thankfully no.

My father's death affected me in a unconcious long term fashion. But affected and being over it is two different things. Im def over it.

That isnt to say losing a loved one right now will be something I can get over. I dont know. Its tough to even think about it.

My sister lost her best friend to an OD 2 yrs a go and she def still aint over that

When my mom passes I might not get over that shit.

Yeah it depends how you define it i guess. I've lost both parents, I still miss them and all but I'm used to the idea of them not being around, was tough initially of course.
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My father - it was sudden and unexpected. I dream about him weekly, and it is always the same. He is alive, but is always looking to rush home (for context, he lived separately from my mother growing up in a long distance relationship). I know in the dream that he is dead, but I figure if I can keep him with me, he can somehow avoid his fate. The scenario changes, but the outcome is always the same - he goes home.

I never really got to process my father's death in a healthy way (his estate was a shit show that involved legal drama), and at times I wish desperately that he could have seen what I accomplished (professionally). When he died in 2018, my career was just really starting to take off, and he would keep newspaper clippings and articles about me. He was a horrible husband and a questionable dad, but I loved him dearly. I understood that he was broken, and he loved us in the ways that he knew how.

The other two deaths that really affected me were my dogs (Hunter and Chance). One was my childhood dog who died on my 24th birthday, and the second was a rescue who coincidentally died four days before my dad. My second dog in particular was exceptionally hard - in a way, he was my "child". He went with me everywhere and would sleep at the foot of my bed and lick my feet in the middle of the night. When he passed, I couldn't bring myself to go into my house for several days because all of his toys and treats everywhere. I have never cried so hard in my life - I felt like I was suffocating and I actually collapsed to my knees in the parking lot of the vet. Thinking about him now makes me cry - he was a good boy.
Damn I wanted to be snarky and say a dead pornstar. After reading the comments; I changed my mind. I hope you guys all feel better.

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