Elections Joe Biden loses 100k votes to uncommitted in Michigan primary

more than 100,000 votes for the uncommitted option on the Democratic ballot have been counted
is that a lot in the context of elections?
as in, could this number swing the election if they don't vote biden or don't show up to vote?
Michigan is a must win State for Biden with the way things are lined up right now. He's polling terribly there but they rarely go Republican and it's early. It's probably one of the more interesting States to follow and will likely decide the election.
is that a lot in the context of elections?
as in, could this number swing the election if they don't vote biden or don't show up to vote?
In a swing state, it's pretty significant. Both guys need all the votes they can get, and losing a 100,000+ votes could be the difference between a win and a loss.

Thing is, Biden is fucked no matter what he does. If he all of a sudden starts turning against Israel, he'll lose the Jews and lot of their supporters, and they will absolutely vote for Trump, if that were to happen, since he is 100% all in on Israel.
is that a lot in the context of elections?
as in, could this number swing the election if they don't vote biden or don't show up to vote?
Yes it’s a big deal for genocide Joe!!

He already has many voters questioning his health, capacity and competency, another group thinking he’s worse for them economically and money wise than Trump, so all these groups he loses especially in swing states jeopardizes his re elections chances even more.
Just seems weird to throw your vote away for an issue that neither side is going to give you what you want. Would make more sense to go ahead and table that idea and worry about your other issues. Unless you're ok with either Trump or Biden and you just want Isreal to stop which I could also see being the case as I don't really care which one wins.
OK, so let's say they "table the issue" of their family getting bombed. What are the other issues they should be voting for instead? Yeah yeah, your family is getting blown up, but let's forget about that for a second and focus on putting more abortion mills in your neighborhood?

Literally the entire pitch for Biden is "orange man bad", but the specificity seems to crap out when it comes to what it is I'm supposed to be scared of happening. We got mean tweets and some nebulous "threat to our democracy", but not a single thing on what is going to make my life worse if I vote for the bad orange man.
In a swing state, it's pretty significant. Both guys need all the votes they can get, and losing a 100,000+ votes could be the difference between a win and a loss.

Thing is, Biden is fucked no matter what he does. If he all of a sudden starts turning against Israel, he'll lose the Jews and lot of their supporters, and they will absolutely vote for Trump, if that were to happen, since he is 100% all in on Israel.
Yup, and both Muslims and Jews have been a solid voting base for the Democrats. Taking a strong stance on either side will likely lose a decent amount of that voting block. And doing nothing is already losing him voters and may have already permanently lost him voters. It's really a lose-lose-lose.
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While that might be something for the young progressives with no skin in the game to consider, you're asking some people who literally have family caught up in this shit to "table the issue" of their family members and friends getting blown away. Not gonna be an easy sell. I don't care how dedicated one might be to a political party, if that party is aiding and abetting in the killing of your family, it's gonna be a red line.

I do agree in that situation it is more difficult. At that point you have to go with your gut on who is more likely to put more effort into stopping what's going on. Which I honestly don't know the answer to and I wouldn't believe a word out of Trump or Bidens mouth regarding the issue.

OK, so let's say they "table the issue" of their family getting bombed. What are the other issues they should be voting for instead? Yeah yeah, your family is getting blown up, but let's forget about that for a second and focus on putting more abortion mills in your neighborhood?

Literally the entire pitch for Biden is "orange man bad", but the specificity seems to crap out when it comes to what it is I'm supposed to be scared of happening. We got mean tweets and some nebulous "threat to our democracy", but not a single thing on what is going to make my life worse if I vote for the bad orange man.

I don't know that would vary from person to person. For instance me? I don't care. Don't think any president has effected my life in any real way since Obama and I was forced to pay for healthcare. Trump or Biden have been fine for me I don't care either way.
Yup, and both Muslims and Jews have been a solid voting base for the Democrats. Taking a strong stance on either side will likely lose a decent amount of that voting block. And doing nothing is already losing him voters and may have already permanently lost him voters. It's really a lose-lose-lose.
It’s almost like his only hope of winning now is if Trump gets locked up.
The only danger for Biden is if they refuse to vote altogether. Trump did squeak by Hillary in 2016, but I can't see repeat of that.

I think you're delusional to not recognize what an extremely weak candidate Biden is. He's losing in the polls to a guy who has always outperformed the polls. You had an excuse to be caught off guard in 2016 but you have no excuse this time.
I think you're delusional to not recognize what an extremely weak candidate Biden is. He's losing in the polls to a guy who has always outperformed the polls. You had an excuse to be caught off guard in 2016 but you have no excuse this time.

I agree that Biden is weak... he was weak in 2020.

But there's many who will vote Anti-Trump and not so much are pro-Biden.
holy shit, didn't know that.

It needs to be acknowledged how close the 2020 election actually was. Biden won the popular vote by a lot. But the vote in the swing states that mattered was a lot closer. He won by less votes than Trump did in 2016.

Biden won Arizona by less than 11,000 votes. He won George by less than 12,000 votes. He won Wisconsin by less than 21,000 votes. People pretending that many voters wouldnt stay home over Gaza, his age, his low approval rating, etc. are being completely delusional. As far as I'm concerned Dems should be screaming at Biden to drop out.
It needs to be acknowledged how close the 2020 election actually was. Biden won the popular vote by a lot. But the vote in the swing states that mattered was a lot closer. He won by less votes than Trump did in 2016.

Biden won Arizona by less than 11,000 votes. He won George by less than 12,000 votes. He won Wisconsin by less than 21,000 votes. People pretending that many voters wouldnt stay home over Gaza, his age, his low approval rating, etc. are being completely delusional. As far as I'm concerned Dems should be screaming at Biden to drop out.
these are differences we see in small euro countries, didn't expect to see them in America.
very interesting.
I agree that Biden is weak... he was weak in 2020.

But there's many who will vote Anti-Trump and not so much are pro-Biden.

Look at his approval rating, it's worse than Trump's was.

This isn't 2020 and that election was close. WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP.

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