Kettlebell workout progress

Been doing 3 workouts a week, and I just moved up to my 50-pounder for the 16 sets of 20 swings.

After 2 months off from Kettlebells I feared I would have to start from ground zero, but within a week I'm doing the full workouts, plus a few more sets, with my 50-pounder again.

I'm taking alot of breaks, unfortunately.
Took a break after 8 sets, 6 sets after the first break, and 5 sets after the second break. Grand total of 19 sets as a 'punishment' for taking breaks. I look forward to getting back to doing all 16 sets without a break again.
Progress is a hell of a motivator.

Did 12 straight sets, then finished out with a final 6 sets.

May challenge myself by doing the 10K challenge for February.
Are you just doing swings? 1 hand 2 hand. Or is there variation mixed in, would be a long grind doing 10k nothing different. Good job coming back and getting back in the schwing of things
Are you just doing swings? 1 hand 2 hand.

2 hand, for now. Will soon upgrade to 1 hand.

Will probably mix in cleans & presses in with my 40-pounder.

Thinking of doing a mix of 1-handed swings & cleans/presses with my 40-pounder for the 10K challenge. I'll plan it out later.
would be a long grind doing 10k nothing different.

I did it back in September. 10K double-handed swings with a 50-pounder.

It significantly improved my endurance. At the beginning I was wondering if I could eventually do an entire 16-sets without a break and I blew through that quickly.

At one point I did a 50-minute workout with only one or two breaks. That was around 40 sets.
I did it back in September. 10K double-handed swings with a 50-pounder.

It significantly improved my endurance. At the beginning I was wondering if I could eventually do an entire 16-sets without a break and I blew through that quickly.

At one point I did a 50-minute workout with only one or two breaks. That was around 40 sets.
Thats so much repetitive motion in one place. Bravo for gritting through it. Seems like the clock would be your enemy without 2-3 variations of movements.
Thats so much repetitive motion in one place. Bravo for gritting through it. Seems like the clock would be your enemy without 2-3 variations of movements.

With respect, I don't understand your objections.

'So much repetitive motion in one place?'
'The clock would be your enemy?...'
'...without 2-3 variations of movements?'
With respect, I don't understand your objections.

'So much repetitive motion in one place?'
'The clock would be your enemy?...'
'...without 2-3 variations of movements?'
He don't know the hips were made for movin. Must be a one-pump chump.
With respect, I don't understand your objections.

'So much repetitive motion in one place?'
'The clock would be your enemy?...'
'...without 2-3 variations of movements?'
I may be completely misunderstanding the assignment. Or missed some major details, but these workouts are only doing 1 type of swing for hundreds of reps or extensive time frames?
I may be completely misunderstanding the assignment. Or missed some major details, but these workouts are only doing 1 type of swing for hundreds of reps or extensive time frames?


Thought so. That's grueling and mental capacity with work volume. best of luck on your journey again. Struggle to do 1 min EMOMs with them.

Nah, I have a DVD that I use to keep pace with reasonable rest between sets.

I knock out 20 swings in 35 seconds & rest for 40 seconds.

In 20 minutes that's 16 sets & 320 total reps.
I restart the DVD to do more sets.

In September I routinely did 25 sets per workout, which was 500 reps.

Doing 20 workouts in a month = 10,000 reps.

10K Swing Challenge Completed.
Been doing 20 minute workouts, swings & cleans/presses

1 set of 20 Swings with my 62 pounder.
1 set of Cleans & Presses, with my 50 pounder, like this -

Clean with left hand & 2 presses -
Clean with right hand & 2 presses -
Clean with left hand & 3 presses -
Clean with right hand & 3 presses -

I find I do those 10 presses in about the same amount of time I do 20 swings.

8 sets of swings & 8 sets of Cleans/Presses.
35ish seconds inbetween sets.

Sounds weird, but this may be too easy, and I thought upgrading to the 62 pounder for swings would make it tougher but I was able to do the entirety of the workout with minor exertion.

Maybe I should do 8 straight sets of Swings with the 62 pounder and then 8 straight sets of Cleans/Presses.
Been doing 20 minute workouts, swings & cleans/presses

1 set of 20 Swings with my 62 pounder.
1 set of Cleans & Presses, with my 50 pounder, like this -

Clean with left hand & 2 presses -
Clean with right hand & 2 presses -
Clean with left hand & 3 presses -
Clean with right hand & 3 presses -

I find I do those 10 presses in about the same amount of time I do 20 swings.

8 sets of swings & 8 sets of Cleans/Presses.
35ish seconds inbetween sets.

Sounds weird, but this may be too easy, and I thought upgrading to the 62 pounder for swings would make it tougher but I was able to do the entirety of the workout with minor exertion.

Maybe I should do 8 straight sets of Swings with the 62 pounder and then 8 straight sets of Cleans/Presses.
Let's talk about the double yellows dude
I bought the Mark Wildman Turkish getup mastery program and it's quite good. It only takes 30 mins and gets a good sweat going.
Time to add 2 bells and cut the time in half. Win / win
Glad to find this thread, been doing kettlebells again since after the summer after I recovered from the bacterial infection which helped me shed (in combi with Keto) of over 50lbs

I'm back up from 193lbs to about 212/215 and would say 80% of what i do is kettle bell.

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