Multiplatform Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 finally revealed, coming this year!


Red Belt
Jun 6, 2010
Reaction score
This makes me very happy! There was nothing like it on the market, and considering it was their first effort as a studio, it was incredible, after several patches of course lol

I can't wait to see how they build on everything they learned from the first game, trailer looks amazing!

This is pretty cool, more of a deeper dive.
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The first game was clunky but fun with unique gameplay and a very good story and setting. Looking forward to seeing a more polished game for the sequel.
The first game was clunky but fun with unique gameplay and a very good story and setting. Looking forward to seeing a more polished game for the sequel.
I found it really frustrating the first go around. The clunkiness and learning curve coupled with bugs was a bad mix.

I think I played it again in winter 2022, so it was in a good state, bug wise. I got really good at the combat, one on one at least. I really enjoyed it, especially the tournaments and how tactical it can be. However, once you add in more enemies it becomes a Team America mess.

I can't wait to see how they improved it. I hope they also have a quick save method without some food thing, or better save/respawn options natively. The game could go sideways quickly losing tons of progress. A quick save was the only mod I used I think, maybe a target for the bow too.
I found it really frustrating the first go around. The clunkiness and learning curve coupled with bugs was a bad mix.

I think I played it again in winter 2022, so it was in a good state, bug wise. I got really good at the combat, one on one at least. I really enjoyed it, especially the tournaments and how tactical it can be. However, once you add in more enemies it becomes a Team America mess.

I can't wait to see how they improved it. I hope they also have a quick save method without some food thing, or better save/respawn options natively. The game could go sideways quickly losing tons of progress. A quick save was the only mod I used I think, maybe a target for the bow too.

The lock picking was probably the worst game mechanic I've ever seen. That needs to be redone entirely.
The lock picking was probably the worst game mechanic I've ever seen. That needs to be redone entirely.
I forgot all about that. That was brutal. Turning down the sensitively/DPI on your mouse helped a ton though, not sure how it was on a controller.
I forgot all about that. That was brutal. Turning down the sensitively/DPI on your mouse helped a ton though, not sure how it was on a controller.

It was next to impossible at release, I spent hours trying to do an early quest where you have to sneak into a guy's house. Had to save scum over and over. I heard they improved it in a patch though.
Its looks like it could be the darkhorse of this year like Baldurs Gate 3 which surprised everyone
Its looks like it could be the darkhorse of this year like Baldurs Gate 3 which surprised everyone

Don't think they are quite there yet but they could definitely be a future Larian in the RPG genre.
I didn't finish the first one but it was fun.
KCD 2 and Manor Lords, life is good for us Medieval lovers.
Manor lords looks amazing!

I always wanted a proper settlement builder with some sort of military/army aspect. I think some of the Settlers games had that, but I hated the cartoon-ish graphics. Combat wasn't very fleshed out either.

Let's hope he supports mods, especially through Steam.
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Its looks like it could be the darkhorse of this year like Baldurs Gate 3 which surprised everyone
Did it really surprise anyone?

It was from a pretty dam hyped studio and the early access built massive hype. Everyone was already balls in before the game ever released.

KCD2 should be a cracker if they refine it a bit.
This title multiplat or what systems, brother? @GtehMVP
This title multiplat or what systems, brother? @GtehMVP
Yeah, Xbox, PS5, PC. I'm glad most, if not all of us (regulars), will be able to play it at launch if we choose to, or it's worth it.

KCD 1 was excellent, and I'm sure this will be better in most ways. I just hope it doesn't need a year or two of patches as well.
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I watched a video on it this morning and I'm really intrigued. What I thought was the coolest part is that the game remembers your actions. So if you rob a group of knights and then pick a fight they'll basically show up with nothing. I love this and think it's really immersive. Will keep an eye on it.
The original was...unique. I didn't love it or hate it, but some of it's "realism" was a bit much at times, and the combat was okay, but still a far cry from optimal. They still haven't figured out a way to make first person melee combat work, without it turning into an action scene in a found footage flick.
The original was...unique. I didn't love it or hate it, but some of it's "realism" was a bit much at times, and the combat was okay, but still a far cry from optimal. They still haven't figured out a way to make first person melee combat work, without it turning into an action scene in a found footage flick.
I think Chivalry got it the best

I agree, I loved the ambition of KCD but it needed more time in the oven