Laugh all you want I don't give a sh*t. The carnivore diet is the real deal

you're right about fructose, but it comes from red meat and if you're eating meat all the time, wouldn't it be gout waiting to happen?


Gout occurs when urate crystals accumulate in your joint, causing the inflammation and intense pain of a gout attack. Urate crystals can form when you have high levels of uric acid in your blood. Your body produces uric acid when it breaks down purines — substances that are found naturally in your body.

Purines are also found in certain foods, including red meat and organ meats, such as liver. Purine-rich seafood includes anchovies, sardines, mussels, scallops, trout and tuna. Alcoholic beverages, especially beer, and drinks sweetened with fruit sugar (fructose) promote higher levels of uric acid.

Risk factors​

You're more likely to develop gout if you have high levels of uric acid in your body. Factors that increase the uric acid level in your body include:

  • Diet. Eating a diet rich in red meat and shellfish and drinking beverages sweetened with fruit sugar (fructose) increase levels of uric acid, which increase your risk of gout. Alcohol consumption, especially of beer, also increases the risk of gout.
  • Weight. If you're overweight, your body produces more uric acid and your kidneys have a more difficult time eliminating uric acid.
  • Medical conditions. Certain diseases and conditions increase your risk of gout. These include untreated high blood pressure and chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and heart and kidney diseases.
  • Certain medications. Low-dose aspirin and some medications used to control hypertension — including thiazide diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and beta blockers — also can increase uric acid levels. So can the use of anti-rejection drugs prescribed for people who have undergone an organ transplant.
  • Family history of gout. If other members of your family have had gout, you're more likely to develop the disease.
  • Age and sex. Gout occurs more often in men, primarily because women tend to have lower uric acid levels. After menopause, however, women's uric acid levels approach those of men. Men are also more likely to develop gout earlier — usually between the ages of 30 and 50 — whereas women generally develop signs and symptoms after menopause.
  • Recent surgery or trauma. Experiencing recent surgery or trauma can sometimes trigger a gout attack. In some people, receiving a vaccination can trigger a gout flare.
It comes from an individual’s ability to break down the by products that cause the actual gout not any particular foods or liquids. You dont treat yo the symptoms you treat the cause which is very poor bacteria counts in your gut that get rid of most of the dangerous stuff our bodies take in .

Gut health is usually the marker how healthy someone is ,everyone should take a PH level test and see if they are at 7.0/7.5 oxygen/ acidic levels . This tells you how actually clean your blood is and risk of getting abnormal things bc many diseases and cancers cannot live in clean systems.

The problem is stopping gout not treating it , healthy gut goes way beyond pills and medications and changing diet ,bacteria that kills off harmful by products from whatever is the key that’s literally what regulates the body’s health . We break down food’s different we all have different amounts of good bacteria,if you focus on the causes not the symptoms you get rid of anything .

You literally need gut bacteria to remove uric acid ,so gout shouldn’t actually be a problem in the first place ,it’s what your body doesn’t have enough of and it’s very easy to put good bacteria in the body instead of nightmare to try and fix gout through any other means .
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Been tempted to try this but every time I Google it an article tells me I will get cancer :(
That’s bc ppl are going overboard.

It’s a great diet short term if you can do it for a week or 2 you could then then do the Anabolic Diet which is far superior you eat mostly Protein Monday/Friday limited to 30/50 carbs per day , and Saturday/Sunday are your Carb days .

This was way bf these fad diets came out like Adkins etc . All these extreme diets should only be taking short term though , you’d have to supplement with vitamins/ minerals/ probiotics on a carb free diet .

Dr.D. Pasquale was the original guy before everyone copied from and put in their own two cents . He knew his stuff with sports ,health etc . He was a powerlifter and doctor .
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you're right about fructose, but it comes from red meat and if you're eating meat all the time, wouldn't it be gout waiting to happen?


Gout occurs when urate crystals accumulate in your joint, causing the inflammation and intense pain of a gout attack. Urate crystals can form when you have high levels of uric acid in your blood. Your body produces uric acid when it breaks down purines — substances that are found naturally in your body.

Purines are also found in certain foods, including red meat and organ meats, such as liver. Purine-rich seafood includes anchovies, sardines, mussels, scallops, trout and tuna. Alcoholic beverages, especially beer, and drinks sweetened with fruit sugar (fructose) promote higher levels of uric acid.

Risk factors​

You're more likely to develop gout if you have high levels of uric acid in your body. Factors that increase the uric acid level in your body include:

  • Diet. Eating a diet rich in red meat and shellfish and drinking beverages sweetened with fruit sugar (fructose) increase levels of uric acid, which increase your risk of gout. Alcohol consumption, especially of beer, also increases the risk of gout.
  • Weight. If you're overweight, your body produces more uric acid and your kidneys have a more difficult time eliminating uric acid.
  • Medical conditions. Certain diseases and conditions increase your risk of gout. These include untreated high blood pressure and chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and heart and kidney diseases.
  • Certain medications. Low-dose aspirin and some medications used to control hypertension — including thiazide diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and beta blockers — also can increase uric acid levels. So can the use of anti-rejection drugs prescribed for people who have undergone an organ transplant.
  • Family history of gout. If other members of your family have had gout, you're more likely to develop the disease.
  • Age and sex. Gout occurs more often in men, primarily because women tend to have lower uric acid levels. After menopause, however, women's uric acid levels approach those of men. Men are also more likely to develop gout earlier — usually between the ages of 30 and 50 — whereas women generally develop signs and symptoms after menopause.
  • Recent surgery or trauma. Experiencing recent surgery or trauma can sometimes trigger a gout attack. In some people, receiving a vaccination can trigger a gout flare.
Red meat does not contain fructose. Your first statement is patently false.

Flare ups are triggered by inflammation in the body, not uric acid. Medication for gout doesn't cause your body to eliminate uric acid because it isn't the problem.

The real problem is that you're being purposely misled with bad nutritional data that started in the 70s with donations from the sugar industry to incentivize doctors to blame meat and animal products for our health crisis.

You see the exact same thing with the cholesterol argument when cholesterol is necessary for optimal hormonal and immune health. By encouraging people to follow a low fat, high carbohydrate diet that leads to diabetes, you have more people with health problems who are then dependent on medication to attack the symptoms rather than the root cause of their ailment which is a poor diet consisting of mostly grains.
is the carnivore diet 90%+ meats? that can't be healthy at all, man. needs fruits and vegetables and SOME other healthy carbs.
is the carnivore diet 90%+ meats? that can't be healthy at all, man. needs fruits and vegetables and SOME other healthy carbs.
Well you certainly have presented a very detailed and intricate arguement to support your conclusion that no one could possibly have any counter to. I for one welcome our new balanced diet overlords.
I dont think anybody is laughing. Eating carnivore makes you miss out on micronutrients. You will be at the doctors office soon.
True carnivore gets most people around that. If you are eating liver, brain, eyeballs and other organ bits, you seem to be able to get most of those micronutrients required.
The issue is people will nothing but steak, cheese and ground beef and call it carnivore. I think the people eating fruit and meat are onto something.
I always feel great when I just eat meat and fruit. I just find I lose too much weight even though I feel great.

I would love to do it, but it's too hard with a family.
Well you certainly have presented a very detailed and intricate arguement to support your conclusion that no one could possibly have any counter to. I for one welcome our new balanced diet overlords.

quick google-fu says this. that's insane, sherbro. how is this sustainable?

What Is the Carnivore Diet?

The carnivore diet plan is simple; you only eat animal foods and products. Everything else is restricted. That means no fruits, no vegetables, no bread or grains, and limiting your dairy intake to low-lactose foods. It's almost the complete opposite of a vegan diet.
quick google-fu says this. that's insane, sherbro. how is this sustainable?

What Is the Carnivore Diet?

The carnivore diet plan is simple; you only eat animal foods and products. Everything else is restricted. That means no fruits, no vegetables, no bread or grains, and limiting your dairy intake to low-lactose foods. It's almost the complete opposite of a vegan diet.

How is this sustainable? OK I'll be serious for a second.
I think I made that comment because I just saw another post from you that included some links and science etc which is all too rare around here. Add to that how it is common for people to make comments like you did here because some things have become "common knowledge" (apply sarcasm font) so people just parrot shit without really knowing wtf they are talking about. Your other post I mentioned gave me the impression that you might not be one of the parrots.

Now "How is it sustainable?"
First off maximus already beat me to the punch on one point, there are a million things some people call a "carnivore diet" most of them would be better labelled "sort of carnivore" you provided one I say there are stricter, better definitions.

I don't know how to respond to the question other than with the absolute simplicity it asks for - just keep doing it. As long as supply doesn't dry up that's sustainable. Am I missing something?

I'd flip it back on you seeing as you seem to have intimated that it's not sustainable.

Barring the supply issue how is it not?

Certainly you can easily find a shitload of people who have been doing it for a long time, whole cultures for many generations in fact I believe.

quick google-fu says this. that's insane, sherbro. how is this sustainable?

What Is the Carnivore Diet?

The carnivore diet plan is simple; you only eat animal foods and products. Everything else is restricted. That means no fruits, no vegetables, no bread or grains, and limiting your dairy intake to low-lactose foods. It's almost the complete opposite of a vegan diet.
The idea is you literally eat the animal "nose to tail". We are talking nutrient rich organs, eyeballs, brains, testicles eggs, skin etc.
What happens is people don't like those specific organs and end up not following the actual diet correctly.

The same thing happens when people eat "vegan" and start eating nothing but processed fake meat products and wonder why it's not sustainable.

The end result is you could be extremely healthy eating fully plant based or full meat based (with some minor supplementation maybe for both), but people bastardise both diets and then talk shit about them.

Butter (sometimes)
Liver (ox or lamb)
Heart (chicken)
Beef mince
Lamb mince
Mutton mince
Homemade broth
Some fishes

Within that and my 3000 calories per day, I obtain a greater nutritional profile without supplementation with greater ease than I did pre Carnivore.

I went this way after having mostly lifelong digestive issues, of which are somewhat genetic.

Inflammation in my body is very low.
I still love food though but suffer if I throw much else in with the above.

I don't know if I can obtain my blood results from my NHS app but I'll have a look. "All within range" was the discussion.

I have my blood done privately in Poland but the language barrier makes is illegible. Even so, it's good results.

Still, I find as many religio-militant Carnivore lovers as I do Vegan militants.
I'd never make my son do this, nor my wife.
Having an organic (self grown) whole food approach is likely the best default approach for most people. I chose a carnivore approach because I am broken lol.
There’s no way you’re performing at a high level without carbs. But as long as you feel good, you do you bro
Almost none and every other day. I almost don't shit at all . Animal foods are almost all absorbed in the large intestine.. what makes you shit a lot if the fucking indigestible shit (plants) that you eat and goes directly to your colon
Good, pooping is bad for you.

Speaking of, it's been a few. How's your asshole champ?
I'm a fan of carnivore for periods of time like a few days or weeks when I have a flare up of arthritis, but I do eat carbs outside of that. I have not purposely eaten grains, nightshade vegetables, or high fructose corn syrup in the last 7 years.

One of the og advocates of carnivore, Paul Saladino, MD and author of The Carnivore Code, recently stated that he is no longer full carnivore.

I'm a fan of carnivore for periods of time like a few days or weeks when I have a flare up of arthritis, but I do eat carbs outside of that. I have not purposely eaten grains, nightshade vegetables, or high fructose corn syrup in the last 7 years.

One of the og advocates of carnivore, Paul Saladino, MD and author of The Carnivore Code, recently stated that he is no longer full carnivore.

I'm not directly commenting on this particular post, no issues with you, the post or with him changing his mind but on the subject of Saladino being some kind of expert on any subject.

Call it a reversal of the classic "Appeal to Authority" but a lot of people seem to believe everything this guy says. It is important to consider the source of anything you hear out of someone's mouth regardless of any claimed expertise.

IMO anyone who takes any advice from this guy would be well advised to take a deep dive into his record first. So many issues, either straight up lying for marketing purposes or an almost unbelievable lack of ability to interpret science and studies properly. Strangely seems to happen most often when it benefits him. While I'm here I'll say the same about Gary Brecka, I quit paying any attention to either of these guys a while ago myself.

Just a heads up, I don't intend to follow up or provide examples, they are easy enough to find if you are interested, do what you will.
I'm not directly commenting on this particular post, no issues with you, the post or with him changing his mind but on the subject of Saladino being some kind of expert on any subject.

Call it a reversal of the classic "Appeal to Authority" but a lot of people seem to believe everything this guy says. It is important to consider the source of anything you hear out of someone's mouth regardless of any claimed expertise.

IMO anyone who takes any advice from this guy would be well advised to take a deep dive into his record first. So many issues, either straight up lying for marketing purposes or an almost unbelievable lack of ability to interpret science and studies properly. Strangely seems to happen most often when it benefits him. While I'm here I'll say the same about Gary Brecka, I quit paying any attention to either of these guys a while ago myself.

Just a heads up, I don't intend to follow up or provide examples, they are easy enough to find if you are interested, do what you will.
What do you think of Shawn Baker? Jordan Peterson and his daughter have similar testimonials about how carnivore helped them with their autoimmune issues. It was very relatable to me because I have similar issues and, while not full on carnivore, following a similarly restricted diet is what literally saved my life when I was having terrible arthritis flare ups. I didn't learn about it from my personal doctors, that is for sure. They just prescribed meds and more meds. I've been off all meds for several years now. I credit my health to the diet. It's the only thing that really worked. There's a reason that so called health authorities are so against this. Pharma wants us sick and dependent on their meds.
What do you think of Shawn Baker? Jordan Peterson and his daughter have similar testimonials about how carnivore helped them with their autoimmune issues. It was very relatable to me because I have similar issues and, while not full on carnivore, following a similarly restricted diet is what literally saved my life when I was having terrible arthritis flare ups. I didn't learn about it from my personal doctors, that is for sure. They just prescribed meds and more meds. I've been off all meds for several years now. I credit my health to the diet. It's the only thing that really worked. There's a reason that so called health authorities are so against this. Pharma wants us sick and dependent on their meds.

First think I'd say about SB is that everyone should be vetted the same way as I described above for them other two guys before you buy in to what they are saying. Read the studies they cite etc. A red flag for me is someone saying "scientific studies" or "a recent study" has shown or proved X without citing said study or at least giving reference to it in a way that makes it easy to find. What institution did it, what scientist etc.
Unfortunately most of the population is not equipped to analyze or understand a lot of them and catch any issues. Sometimes however it's easy - very few subjects or an obscure cohort like a study funded by "big jello", untrained diabetic women with one leg who gained strength by eating orange jello who were self reporting what they ate 3 years ago in August and Sept. The conclusion being 50 mg of Jello improves squat strength by 75%.
I digress but some people will feel the need to trust some expert.

I only have superficial knowledge of SB from social media posts and podcast, have not done the deep dive on him personally but that's because I've never noticed him saying anything that has given me an immediate reason to suspect he is out to lunch, IOW I from what I've heard he is generally on track with what I have found to be true through other sources.

The Petersons and others including your self don't give me much reason to doubt their personal experiences, every body is different and although I'm sure there are many general truths I'd expect there are also an almost infinite number of ways each body would react to anything consumed.

I agree with your pharna thoughts too, I had a gov job in that industry and some things became very clear. Seems like 99% of everything on this big rock has at least some root in money.
I've tried Carnivore, keto, animal-based, paleo, vegan, Med, DASH etc ... currently on Blueprint.

The problem is most people cannot objectively differentiate the improvements gained switching from a poor diet to a whole foods diet, and the long term effects of the new diet going forward. So any whole food approach is going to yield almost subjectively miraculous benefits in short term health span if switching from a Standard Western Diet - however, the new diet might not be conducive to long term health, it's simply better than the previous protocol.

It's party the fault of social media & the fact most people don't have the access or time to read or conduct population scale nutrition studies. So you get an isolated pickings of data.

We also LOVE the idea of secret or hidden arcane knowledge in this day and age. The secret cure for cancer or AIDS etc. The secrets of diet!

The mundane truth is that science is slowly plodding along updating the literature as it extracts new data, as it has always done. To then isolate new findings and act as if they are standalone, new discoveries for nutritional health is absurd though. My biggest problem with Carnivore is none of the big names are willing to undergo rigorous testing, split testing, or provide any accepted scientific methods in data collection. They'll touch upon say lectins, but won't address long term mTor activation in a high meat, high protein diet.

There is simply more gold standard literature on plant based diets and foods yielding long term improvements in biomarkers and clinical outcomes than a meat based diet. Sure, if you have an auto-immune condition, eat a different diet that doesn't cause flare ups. The default health of humans isn't that of an auto-immune condition, so it's a poor basis to use someone with one as an example for nutritional comparisons.

Christ, we'll be arguing about if it's a conspiracy to wash our hands with soap, and clean our surgical tools between operations next.

Eat some chickpeas, eat some avocados, eat your greens, eat fruit, use extra virgin olive oil. Just eat actual foods. If you want to eat animal products try to do so sparingly.

It's not rocket science.
I've tried Carnivore, keto, animal-based, paleo, vegan, Med, DASH etc ... currently on Blueprint.

The problem is most people cannot objectively differentiate the improvements gained switching from a poor diet to a whole foods diet, and the long term effects of the new diet going forward. So any whole food approach is going to yield almost subjectively miraculous benefits in short term health span if switching from a Standard Western Diet - however, the new diet might not be conducive to long term health, it's simply better than the previous protocol.

It's party the fault of social media & the fact most people don't have the access or time to read or conduct population scale nutrition studies. So you get an isolated pickings of data.

We also LOVE the idea of secret or hidden arcane knowledge in this day and age. The secret cure for cancer or AIDS etc. The secrets of diet!

The mundane truth is that science is slowly plodding along updating the literature as it extracts new data, as it has always done. To then isolate new findings and act as if they are standalone, new discoveries for nutritional health is absurd though. My biggest problem with Carnivore is none of the big names are willing to undergo rigorous testing, split testing, or provide any accepted scientific methods in data collection. They'll touch upon say lectins, but won't address long term mTor activation in a high meat, high protein diet.

There is simply more gold standard literature on plant based diets and foods yielding long term improvements in biomarkers and clinical outcomes than a meat based diet. Sure, if you have an auto-immune condition, eat a different diet that doesn't cause flare ups. The default health of humans isn't that of an auto-immune condition, so it's a poor basis to use someone with one as an example for nutritional comparisons.

Christ, we'll be arguing about if it's a conspiracy to wash our hands with soap, and clean our surgical tools between operations next.

Eat some chickpeas, eat some avocados, eat your greens, eat fruit, use extra virgin olive oil. Just eat actual foods. If you want to eat animal products try to do so sparingly.

It's not rocket science.
'Science' is tainted by corporate interests. For example, I have a terrible reaction to soy, but I'm not convinced that soy is actually the issue. Hong Kong and Japan rank #1 and 2 for average lifespan and they eat plenty of soy, but it's a far cry from the Monsanto swill that we have in the US. Monsanto sprays their corn, wheat, and soy with glyphosate or atrazine, depending on the crop. The levels of glyphosate in the food today is over 100× higher than it was 30 years ago. This is the real public health crisis but you'll never hear it talked about because Monsanto is owned by Bayer the drug company who is the parent company of Pfizer. They are funding a lot of the peer reviewed research which is a major conflict of interest.

Let's not forget the role the sugar industry has had in helping to demonize animal fats and cholesterol which is essential for our immune system and hormonal health. Back in the 70s, the sugar companies paid $6,500 a piece to some Harvard grads to lie in their 'research'. This is why we have candy full of high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavor and colors advertising itself as 'fat free'. Even if you agree that candy is trash for your health, the effect that these corrupt companies have had on the 'science' is undeniable.. so it's not always as simple as 'trust the science'
Yeah, I'll trust that corporate pharma funded science wants people eating a vegan monsanto grain diet and taking a lot of meds so they can continue lining their pockets and buying more golden parachutes


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What do you think of Shawn Baker? Jordan Peterson and his daughter have similar testimonials about how carnivore helped them with their autoimmune issues. It was very relatable to me because I have similar issues and, while not full on carnivore, following a similarly restricted diet is what literally saved my life when I was having terrible arthritis flare ups. I didn't learn about it from my personal doctors, that is for sure. They just prescribed meds and more meds. I've been off all meds for several years now. I credit my health to the diet. It's the only thing that really worked. There's a reason that so called health authorities are so against this. Pharma wants us sick and dependent on their meds.
Don't the Peterson's follow the Lion diet?

"The carnivore diet has different versions but it generally includes any food that comes from an animal. Meat, seafood, dairy, and eggs. There are also people who include coffee, tea, and spices. The Lion Diet is an elimination diet that includes ONLY ruminant meat (such as beef and lamb), salt, and water. You can think of it as a plant-free, ketogenic diet."

They had substance abuse issues which contributed to some of their problems. A strict and completely limited diet probably suits their personal issues.

Anecdotal evidence has value for individuals, but I think eating nothing but beef, slat and water, might be too restrictive for 99% of the population.

Saladino's animal and fruit diet, is probably the smartest restrictive diet approach. Nobody is going to get fat eating good quality meat products paired with good quality fruit to meet your carb need. Meat and fruits have no processing which is the main thing that makes it work well IMO. The main issue here will be the cost and availability of certain fruits if you are in anyway fussy.

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