Mass Effect + Interstellar = 'Exodus' Official Thread


Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
Reaction score
Announcement Trailer -

Info From Its Website -


Having fled a dying Earth, humanity has found a new home in a hostile galaxy.
Here, we are the underdogs, fighting our final battle for survival.
You are the Traveler, humanity’s last hope.

We have only one chance to prevent extinction… the Travelers.

Your destiny is to lead the Travelers to the stars in the hunt to steal alien weapons and technology from the most powerful enemy in this universe – the Celestials.
Leading the fight for salvation, you will be forced to make sacrifices putting everyone you love at risk.
How much are you willing to sacrifice?

No other game puts the immense storytelling impact of Time Dilation in the player’s hands.
Traveling on interstellar missions at the edge of lightspeed, days for you are decades for friends and loved ones back home. Entire lifetimes may pass in your absence.
Choices you make create consequences changing the fate of those you love most — reshaping your world, and changing the future of your entire civilization for generations.
The fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

As the visionary leader of your people, you will face impossible choices.
Sacrificing everything, you fight to protect your world from ancient aliens armed with technology that far exceeds our own.
Existing outside of time, your choices change the very nature of your world, but one thing remains the same - your destiny is tied to the fate of humanity.

The journey of the Traveler is relentless, a constant battle where enemies abound.
Rival human Dynasties vying to claim what's yours. Monstrous creatures hunting you across perilous landscapes. Alien civilizations hostile towards your plight.


The secrets of the universe are infinite, and a Traveler’s search for answers is never-ending. And to save your homeworld, you must first leave it behind.
Your epic journeys will take you across the systems of the vast Centauri Cluster. With each Exodus, you will visit uncharted and often hostile worlds in the hunt for Celestial Remnants. Whether exploring the ancient ruins of long-dead civilizations, interacting with strange alien cultures and societies, or infiltrating deadly Celestial strongholds. You must unearth what has been hidden and rediscover what has been lost.


I began as a simple salvager, scavenging ancient tech from abandoned ruins on our homeworld. From these humble beginnings, I became a legendary explorer of distant stars and worlds – a Traveler, hunting for ancient Celestial tech and weapons.
But you must become something even greater, Jun. Not just a Traveler, but something more. You have been blessed with unique genetic gifts that will allow you to control Celestial technology in ways far beyond those of ordinary humans. You must learn to harness your powers and unleash your full potential. You must rise to the challenge and embrace your destiny.
Humanity is on a path to extinction, and you are the only one who can save us.


Throughout your travels, you must always be on the search for potential allies—human or otherwise.
From your homeworld, there will be those who share your Dynasty’s vision and flock to your cause. Among the Awakened and the Changelings, you may find some of your most loyal followers in the never-ending war against the Celestials. Choose the best among them to stand with you.
No matter their origins, these Companions bring unique skills and backgrounds that will prove invaluable as you face the uncertainties of the universe together.
Whether you fail or succeed, it helps not to go it alone.

Most Interesting Details -

*Sci-Fi Action-Adventure RPG
*Lead Writer - Drew Karpyshyn (Lead Writer of Star Wars KOTOR, Mass Effect 1&2, & Star Wars The Old Republic Jedi Knight storyline.
*Developer is a 'Proud division of Wizards Of The Coast' (Magic The Gathering) & hyped to be 'Triple-A.'
*Matthew McConaughey will be voicing the main role, presumably.

Personal thoughts -
Looks to be Mass Effect + Interstellar.
While I'm a huge fan of Mass Effect, I'm not a fan of Interstellar.
But bringing on McConaughey and making so many references to Interstellar in his announcement speech is merely a marketing strategy to draw interest to the project.

The CGI trailer is... a CGI trailer. A marketing tool, not necessarily representative of the final product. The few seconds of gameplay looked very... Mass Effect, which is the root of my interest of the game.

Its still probably still in 'some-what early development' -
The development studio was still forming & hiring major roles as recently as 15 months ago.

So don't expect this to be dropping anytime soon. Probably 2026, but that's just a guess.

Amidst the dozen of game trailers & awards being dropped within a 2 hour timeframe, this deserves not to be forgotten.

IGN Developer Interview -

*'Time Dial-ation' is explained. (Too long to summarize.)
*The antagonists - 'Celestials' - have a huge technological advantage over humans.
*One of the goals on missions is to collect technology that "will even the playing field."
*You will be creating your own character.
*Single-Player only. No online multiplayer.
I’m all for a new universe without FTL travel, and having time dilation play a huge role. Very excited for it.
I’m all for a new universe without FTL travel, and having time dilation play a huge role. Very excited for it.

I'm not buying it will be as major of a game mechanic as they're hyping it up to be.

Think about it. Will the game take place over a year, or 50 years depending on your choices?

Right now they're in the marketing mode to draw interest to the product they're developing and they're intentionally vague about the details. Their biggest asset is Mathew Matthew McConaughey and the implied similarities between this project & Interstellar, so they're milking that with the talking points.

I'm not bashing it, just pointing out the eventual 'time skipping' probably won't be as revolutionary as they're trying to imply.
I'm not buying it will be as major of a game mechanic as they're hyping it up to be.

Think about it. Will the game take place over a year, or 50 years depending on your choices?

Right now they're in the marketing mode to draw interest to the product they're developing and they're intentionally vague about the details. Their biggest asset is Mathew Matthew McConaughey and the implied similarities between this project & Interstellar, so they're milking that with the talking points.

I'm not bashing it, just pointing out the eventual 'time skipping' probably won't be as revolutionary as they're trying to imply.
We will see.

I am hoping more that it does something new in games regarding storytelling. Something common in science fiction novels for a long time. Haldeman’s “The Forever War” immediately came to mind, and seeing something akin to that playing out in a game is very intriguing. Though you are probably closer to the truth, and it will not really revolutionize any actual gameplay elements. Baby steps will work for me as long as the game isn’t complete shit. Keep pushing the needle.
The gameplay doesn't look appealing to me, but the cinematic story looks intriguing.
Announcement Trailer -

Info From Its Website -


Having fled a dying Earth, humanity has found a new home in a hostile galaxy.
Here, we are the underdogs, fighting our final battle for survival.
You are the Traveler, humanity’s last hope.

We have only one chance to prevent extinction… the Travelers.

Your destiny is to lead the Travelers to the stars in the hunt to steal alien weapons and technology from the most powerful enemy in this universe – the Celestials.
Leading the fight for salvation, you will be forced to make sacrifices putting everyone you love at risk.
How much are you willing to sacrifice?

No other game puts the immense storytelling impact of Time Dilation in the player’s hands.
Traveling on interstellar missions at the edge of lightspeed, days for you are decades for friends and loved ones back home. Entire lifetimes may pass in your absence.
Choices you make create consequences changing the fate of those you love most — reshaping your world, and changing the future of your entire civilization for generations.
The fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

As the visionary leader of your people, you will face impossible choices.
Sacrificing everything, you fight to protect your world from ancient aliens armed with technology that far exceeds our own.
Existing outside of time, your choices change the very nature of your world, but one thing remains the same - your destiny is tied to the fate of humanity.

The journey of the Traveler is relentless, a constant battle where enemies abound.
Rival human Dynasties vying to claim what's yours. Monstrous creatures hunting you across perilous landscapes. Alien civilizations hostile towards your plight.


The secrets of the universe are infinite, and a Traveler’s search for answers is never-ending. And to save your homeworld, you must first leave it behind.
Your epic journeys will take you across the systems of the vast Centauri Cluster. With each Exodus, you will visit uncharted and often hostile worlds in the hunt for Celestial Remnants. Whether exploring the ancient ruins of long-dead civilizations, interacting with strange alien cultures and societies, or infiltrating deadly Celestial strongholds. You must unearth what has been hidden and rediscover what has been lost.


I began as a simple salvager, scavenging ancient tech from abandoned ruins on our homeworld. From these humble beginnings, I became a legendary explorer of distant stars and worlds – a Traveler, hunting for ancient Celestial tech and weapons.
But you must become something even greater, Jun. Not just a Traveler, but something more. You have been blessed with unique genetic gifts that will allow you to control Celestial technology in ways far beyond those of ordinary humans. You must learn to harness your powers and unleash your full potential. You must rise to the challenge and embrace your destiny.
Humanity is on a path to extinction, and you are the only one who can save us.


Throughout your travels, you must always be on the search for potential allies—human or otherwise.
From your homeworld, there will be those who share your Dynasty’s vision and flock to your cause. Among the Awakened and the Changelings, you may find some of your most loyal followers in the never-ending war against the Celestials. Choose the best among them to stand with you.
No matter their origins, these Companions bring unique skills and backgrounds that will prove invaluable as you face the uncertainties of the universe together.
Whether you fail or succeed, it helps not to go it alone.

Most Interesting Details -

*Sci-Fi Action-Adventure RPG
*Lead Writer - Drew Karpyshyn (Lead Writer of Star Wars KOTOR, Mass Effect 1&2, & Star Wars The Old Republic Jedi Knight storyline.
*Developer is a 'Proud division of Wizards Of The Coast' (Magic The Gathering) & hyped to be 'Triple-A.'
*Matthew McConaughey will be voicing the main role, presumably.

Personal thoughts -
Looks to be Mass Effect + Interstellar.
While I'm a huge fan of Mass Effect, I'm not a fan of Interstellar.
But bringing on McConaughey and making so many references to Interstellar in his announcement speech is merely a marketing strategy to draw interest to the project.

The CGI trailer is... a CGI trailer. A marketing tool, not necessarily representative of the final product. The few seconds of gameplay looked very... Mass Effect, which is the root of my interest of the game.

Its still probably still in 'some-what early development' -
The development studio was still forming & hiring major roles as recently as 15 months ago.

So don't expect this to be dropping anytime soon. Probably 2026, but that's just a guess.

Amidst the dozen of game trailers & awards being dropped within a 2 hour timeframe, this deserves not to be forgotten.

My interest is thoroughly peaked. Going to have to keep an eye on that one.
I like what I’m seeing and hearing (appreciate the info trickle) but am getting hard déjà vu via Callisto Protocol – from Hollywood mocap, VA, and big sci-fi language down.

Wait beyond launch and see for me.
For me, BioWare 10-20 years ago was the pinnacle of gaming. KOTOR, Jade Empire, Dragon Age, and especially Mass Effect. Games I've played over and over. I hardly play video games anymore. Zelda and Banner Lord is the extent of what I've played in the last couple years. I'm going to be following this game closely, looks extremely promising.