Media Matt Brown talks about the moment he knew he needed to retire

If UFC really wanted to keep Matt Brown around, they would've re-signed Sexyama to fight Matt. If that can't get his dick hard he really must not have it anymore and possibly gay

Prime for prime that’s an epic and equal match even if akiyama was bigger.
yeah because his voice even sounds higher pitched and more whiney than it used to before but i thought maybe it's the shitty phone mic. this interview was only 4 yrs ago...

he also looked like he aged about 10 yrs in that 4 yrs too.

I'm guessing he was dying his hair and was well groomed for fight week. It looks like he rolled out of bed in the recent interview and he's talking from his car, so probably not a big time media appearance, unlike like being on national television.
the UFC has been given to the casual fanbase.... really bo nickel on a main card?? no thanks... some of these wmma fights are garbage to... i respect the guys who saw this coming years ago.. i didn't believe them... the ufc is garbage honestly
Yet you're still here watching right along with us. Never understood posts like these lol..
I almost thought someone messed with the audio and sped it up or something to make him sound weird but no, thats literally just preliminary CTE.
Does CTE make the voice higher?

I'd imagine severe cauliflower ear could give you a bit of "deaf person voice" since you can't hear your own voice well, but CTE too?
I'm guessing he was dying his hair and was well groomed for fight week. It looks like he rolled out of bed in the recent interview and he's talking from his car, so probably not a big time media appearance, unlike like being on national television.

maybe you're right about his hair, but his face has literally aged a ton. this was posted on Apr 16th of this year.
Sounding more and more like Forest Gump…should’ve been an indicator it was time to retire
Not saying your wrong, but his comment says he'd been sick as fuck when that video was taken.

good catch, i didn't see that. hopefully he's just tired and old and using dip and not that he's about to become like Nam Phan, because he kind of has the same kind of lisp/slurring that Phan does.
that's the first thing i thought too. dude is either slurring or now has a strong lisp. but then i realized maybe he's dipping and that's what is making him sound weird because it looks like his right cheek is either swollen from getting punched or is packed full of dip.
Let's hope it's this. It's not something you want to do the rest of your life, but you can quit it, unlike CTE.

Well, if Matt needs his dick to get hard to take a fight, Max dodged a bullet.

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