Social Minimum Wage now at $20 an hour in California


it sure doesnt look that easy for your cult leaders.
Laughing my "Cult" leaders and I only know two of those people. I don't belong to any party because I'm not a pawn but I must say that is one dope ass mug shot of the Don. Now go sip on your latte with your pinky up.
No, this isn't April fools. I went to Starbucks today like I do many days, and the drink I always get was 50 cents higher today. I said was there a price increase? The girl laughed and said yeah starting today.
Then I go home and turn the news on and they're praising that minimum wage workers get $20 an hour starting today. Well they don't mention the fact that corporations don't give a shit because they're just increasing their prices. <JagsKiddingMe> anything, we find positive,per hour will be smaller.
$0.50 more for Starbucks?

I don't want to be that guy but is that really going to fuck with your coffee budget?
Emperor goatsom targeryan 2028 imo

'28 or '32 is a guaranteed fact imo
If Hitler wins again in November then Newscam is definitely running in '28, if Brandon wins in November then he'll have to wait and see how badly the next 4 years go before he decides on a campaign in '28 or wait til '32
No matter what, he's gonna be president within the next 12 years, he has too many ultra-powerful people running him and he's proven to be a very valuable asset for their interests, first in San Francisco and now the entire Golden State
Credit where its due, ole boy had a plan to gain as much power as possible as he destroys everything in his wake and it seems to be going swimmingly, respect

I just hope he never comes after me for that time I cussed at his campaign worker that called me on the phone during the recall gimmick

Since you libs are too stupid to comprehend. It's not about paying 50 cents its about making it sound like minimum wage increase is great for the people meanwhile the corporations just raise their prices. So the people being paid the minimum wage increase......are just paying more for their food etc...... <JagsKiddingMe> <seedat><WhatIsThis>
lol. That dork suggested you make your coffee at home. Just imagine if most people decide to do that. There won’t be a need for as many min wage jobs. Libtards don’t seem to get that. Smdh
It's a fucking coffee shop you dolt. They're not supposed to have a "liveable wage" at a coffee shop. It's supposed to be work experience.
People who say this don't think things through.

If it's supposed to just be work experience, how are the employees supposed to live while earning it?

I know, I adult should be working there since it's a job for college kids or some other claptrap. Because every coffee shop is conveniently located for college students to get to work. No coffee shop would ever need employees at times that might not be convenient for the college student crowd. :rolleyes:

And those non-college student employees don't need a livable wage because "coffee shop barista" is a jumping off point to some unknown high wage career that will magically become available within 6 months of landing a job at the coffee shop. (I head Goldman Sachs and Tesla regularly recruit from Dunkin Donuts because of the massive experience they get. <lol>)

People really should think beyond the superficial throwaway phrases.
Laughing...its not just the coffee prices that will increase but everything else will as well. Starbuck CEO created the business that employs these workers and he has every right to give himself a comp package. If people don't like it then create their own multibillion dollar businesses.
You missed the entire point. How come the CEO granting himself millions in compensation doesn't raise prices, but a worker getting 20 bucks an hour does? Answer - "because I made it up and I love licking boots. My default is always to attack workers and worship corporations."

Also hey dummy - CEOs are not usually the founder and creator of the business.
20 is too low. You can’t raise a family of 14 with their individual Lamborghinis. If you disagree you hate people of color.

Didn’t we make fun of the 15 crowd saying they’d be asking for twenty in a couple years? Feel like we did
lol. That dork suggested you make your coffee at home. Just image if most people decide to do that. There won’t be a need for as many min wage jobs. Libtards don’t seem like to get that. Smdh

You can make coffee at home and still go to coffee shops you narrow-minded simpleton.
if everyone cooked their meals at home and never went out to eat, everything would adjust, and you'd basically end up with a smaller restaurant industry but a larger grocery and kitchen ware industry. The money that people saved from not eating out would also now go to other areas and more jobs will be created.
It's a fucking coffee shop you dolt. They're not supposed to have a "liveable wage" at a coffee shop. It's supposed to be work experience.
if your business model is so fucking bad that you can't even afford to pay your workers enough to live, then your business should not exist. This isn't a difficult concept to grasp.

Why does the rest of society have to pay for the externalities resulting from your inability to operate a business? You probably think its fucking AMAZING that the US taxpayer pays billions in welfare to Walmart employees because Walmart doesn't pay them enough to live. "Yes I love when the US taxpayer subsidizes the corporate profits of an extremely profitable multi national corporation!!"
it will never cease to amaze me how much the average US worker, hates their fellow workers. How they will infinitely go to bat for evil soulless multinationals like some kind of Manchurian Candidate but for Jeff Bezos and the Walton family. "Shill protocol activated. Must commence defense of billionaires immediately. If defend hard enough, maybe one day daddy will notice me and I become billionaire too. Engaging boot-licking mechanism." *throating billionaire cock noises intensify*
Once everything goes automated, UBI is coming.

Hope not... the few experiments have handing out free money have failed spectacularly.

Anyone paying attention to what people did with their COVID handout money understands... It's like the Left has zero comprehension of how inflation works
People who say this don't think things through.

If it's supposed to just be work experience, how are the employees supposed to live while earning it?

I know, I adult should be working there since it's a job for college kids or some other claptrap. Because every coffee shop is conveniently located for college students to get to work. No coffee shop would ever need employees at times that might not be convenient for the college student crowd. :rolleyes:

And those non-college student employees don't need a livable wage because "coffee shop barista" is a jumping off point to some unknown high wage career that will magically become available within 6 months of landing a job at the coffee shop. (I head Goldman Sachs and Tesla regularly recruit from Dunkin Donuts because of the massive experience they get. <lol>)

People really should think beyond the superficial throwaway phrases.
@Tatra is just an angry idiot that doesn’t know why he’s lashing out.