Elections My Pillow Equipment being sold off. Lindell blames cancel culture

Holy shit, don’t chug the whole jug of kool-aid.

They didn't expect Trump to win in 2016 so no fraud was done.

I realize if they wanted to get rid of him they would do so with whatever means necessary. They are attempting to do it in a different way at the moment, but who knows what's going to happen between now and election time.

So the same establishment that not only severly degraded Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Soviets and made the US the lone hyperpower allowed Trump to win in 2016 because they are incompetent but they magically became competent in 2020 and stole it from him..

You guys move goal posts and conjure up all kinds of ad-hoc arguments to explain away inconsistencies with your logic.
So the same establishment that not only severly degraded Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Soviets and made the US the lone hyperpower allowed Trump to win in 2016 because they are incompetent but they magically became competent in 2020 and stole it from him..

You guys move goal posts and conjure up all kinds of ad-hoc arguments to explain away inconsistencies with your logic.

You cannot see because Satan is your daddy
2 is conditional on 1. But yeah, if we assume 1, 2 is more likely than 1 occurring.

I will phrase it a different way.

Most likely?

1. Mike Lindell maintains his fortune

2. Mike Lindell blows his fortune in the most stupid way

He always had strong "I won the lottery and I am really really going to blow it all" vibes. If it was not election denial stuff, it probably would have been something else. "Mike Lindell loses fortune in attempt to build massive underwater city." is something that seems like a conceivable headline in an alternative timeline.
I think what Mike is finding out as a businessman and founder you cannot alienate 70 percent of your customer base.

As Trump supporters only make up what 25 percent of his customers maybe slightly more. People who run Walmart are hardly liberal but they know the bottom line profits.

He hurt himself more then his drug habit. He had a very successful business and a successful idea. Now he faces a vary different future.
I liked the my pillow good product.
This really shows your delusion. A large percentage of Trump fans sincerely believe (know) the election was stolen. The percentage is very very high. Even many democrats think it was stolen.

You assume that other people automatically think like you do, they don't.
I can confidently state that nobody thinks quite like you do...
Someone really needs to step in, and help this man. That shaking looks bad, I almost feel sorry for him.

Someone really needs to step in, and help this man. That shaking looks bad, I almost feel sorry for him.

So can I get one of those pillows for less than 60 bucks now?

apparently so. use your promo code now!

'Use that promo code!' Mike Lindell uses Trump rally to charge $16 for 'free' pillows​

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You cannot see because Satan is your daddy
I own a Trump Bible, which states go forth and bang porn stars. 2 Corinthians in the Trump Bible, says its all good as long as you buy Trump NFT's and sneakers.
Also the Book of Eddie says you can lie, cheat and steal.

I love it when MAGAdoggers throw around religion, and then defend Trump like its their job.
It is funny when people wonder why church attendance is falling. Cafeteria Christians hypocrisy ruined Christianity in America. The preachers sacrificed the word of God, for the absolute shittiest person on the planet. A morally bankrupt trust fund baby, whose father called him a dumbass all his life, who only cares about himself and Ivanka.
I find it funny the Trump is fighting for us, mantra, when the only thing Trump cares about from his supporters is will they cheer him and give him money.

If Satan was smart he was the one that unleashed a fat piece of shit like Trump on the Christians, but I doubt he thought it would work as well as it did.
I own a Trump Bible, which states go forth and bang porn stars. 2 Corinthians in the Trump Bible, says its all good as long as you buy Trump NFT's and sneakers.
Also the Book of Eddie says you can lie, cheat and steal.

I love it when MAGAdoggers throw around religion, and then defend Trump like its their job.
It is funny when people wonder why church attendance is falling. Cafeteria Christians hypocrisy ruined Christianity in America. The preachers sacrificed the word of God, for the absolute shittiest person on the planet. A morally bankrupt trust fund baby, whose father called him a dumbass all his life, who only cares about himself and Ivanka.
I find it funny the Trump is fighting for us, mantra, when the only thing Trump cares about from his supporters is will they cheer him and give him money.

If Satan was smart he was the one that unleashed a fat piece of shit like Trump on the Christians, but I doubt he thought it would work as well as it did.

Your obsession with Trump is unhealthy to say the least. Satan is your daddy.
I own a Trump Bible, which states go forth and bang porn stars. 2 Corinthians in the Trump Bible, says its all good as long as you buy Trump NFT's and sneakers.
Also the Book of Eddie says you can lie, cheat and steal.

ahh yes the 2 corinthians in the trump bible. i believe there's a passage in there that goes something along the lines of "Let he who has grabbed a woman by the pussy inside of a Bergdorf Goodman's and cheated on his pregnant wife with a whore from the gangbang videos cast the first stone."
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Not sure why he didn't know this was going to happen. He made himself a target without being secure enough to weather the shit coming his way. His fault for putting himself out there.

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