My Wife May Have Inadvertently Invited a Guy Over to Our Place for a Date

Law Talkin’ Guy

The Worm
Sep 25, 2015
Reaction score
UPDATE to be found at post #284

So my wife and I have our 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter in daycare full time. Our routine is that I drop them off in the morning and she picks them up in the evening, as my wife starts work earlier than me, but is finished earlier. Our son had this 5 year old girl in daycare with him that was one of his closest friends, but she left at the end of August as she was starting kindergarten at the beginning of September.

My wife would often run into this girl’s dad at pickup time and they would shoot the shit a bit while the kids said their goodbyes. Before this girl left the daycare at the end of August my wife commented to the dad that our son was really going to miss his daughter and that we should arrange a play date for our kids so they could keep in touch, so she gave her phone number to the dad. Then August 31 came and went and our son’s little friend left the daycare, and we didn’t hear from her dad.

Fast forward four weeks and out of the blue the Dad texts my wife, and asks her how it’s going. She says good, and that our son misses his daughter a lot (which he does), and suggests a play date. Now normally you’d think that when a parent suggests something like that the implication is they mean meeting up at a playground or park, or maybe going over to the other person’s house for a short afternoon visit. Instead the guy suggests that they could come over for dinner, and he tells my wife that he has his daughter every Tuesday and Thursday, and every second weekend. Up until this point we had assumed that he was married and living with the girl’s mom. This was the first time we realized he was single.

In any event, my wife invited them over to our place for dinner tomorrow night. I asked my wife if she knows if this guy even knows that I’m in the picture, or if this could be a case where this guy’s operating under the assumption that my wife’s also a single parent, and that maybe this guy thinks my wife’s maybe been flirting with him all along.

I’ve been teasing my wife that this guy is going to show up thinking that this is some kind of double date between him and his daughter with my wife and our son. My wife dismissed the idea until tonight, she sent him a text message just to let him know that we have a dog (just in case of allergies or anything) and he wrote back a little joke “damn, that’s ruff”. My wife kind of stared at the message and then said “uh oh, maybe this guy does think I’m available or in to him”.

Frankly I find the whole thing hilarious and am kind of excited to see how the guy reacts when I come to the front door they arrive. Like what if he has flowers or a bottle of wine or some shit.

So what do you guys think? Does this guy think he’s coming over tomorrow night for a date with my wife, or is this all innocent and harmless and that the guy just has a somewhat peculiar notion for timing and venue for a play date?
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Leave the garage door half open with the light on so he knows you are swingers.
If this was just about the kids having a play date, why would the dude suggest coming over for dinner if he wasn't interested in her? He's obviously interested in her.

Your wife is dumb
Your wife should just let him know, no? Get your panic room ready.
pack your bags. She just texted me it's a sleep over date.
Just read everything, this guy brought out the dad jokes - you're donezo, boy.
You should answer the door in a dog outfit.
I find this a bit weird...

Women are good at letting guys know they aren't on the market and they're also good at leading guys on.

Every woman knows how to somehow bring up "my husband" or "my boyfriend" in conversations to let a guy know they aren't romantically interested.

She does wear a ring, right?
Why is your wife giving out her number to strangers?
you should answer the door with your wife both together, fully penetrated. show him what's up.
I find this a bit weird...

Women are good at letting guys know they aren't on the market and they're also good at leading guys on.

Every woman knows how to somehow bring up "my husband" or "my boyfriend" in conversations to let a guy know they aren't romantically interested.

Most likely she probably has at some point, in which case this guy probably does know about me. The thing is my wife can’t say definitively whether she would have brought me up. He likely would have seen her wedding ring too, but who knows for sure? The guy could be oblivious to all that.
It's only polite for a good host to invite him for a three-way play time.
Most likely she probably has at some point, in which case this guy probably does know about me. The thing is my wife can’t say definitively whether she would have brought me up. He likely would have seen her wedding ring too, but who knows for sure? The guy could be oblivious to all that.

I added the ring question right before you replied, but luckily you answered it anyway.

He's probably thinking he could bang a married woman. Sounds like one of those dudes who are all: "she said good morning to me bro, she wants the D!"
I was joking with my colleagues at work that I told about the situation that I should basically do the opposite of this classic scene from Old School

When I open the door I should say “you must be here for the gang bang!” :D
Answer the door naked so he knows what's good
At the very least have her shoot him a message saying her husband is excited to meet him. If he cancels you have your answer.