Television Netflix - 3 Body Problem

Iron Mang

Brown Belt
May 14, 2010
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I read the Three Body Problem series by Liu Cixin, that this show was based off of, and they were really well done. The series is definitely worth a read and can be found online to read for free. I believe there was already a Chinese version to this series done, but Netflix is giving it the full big budget experience for their version. Eiza Gonzalez will be starring in this one. I'm excited!

Here is the synopsis for the story:

Set against the backdrop of China's Cultural Revolution, a secret military project sends signals into space to establish contact with aliens. An alien civilization on the brink of destruction captures the signal and plans to invade Earth. Meanwhile, on Earth, different camps start forming, planning to either welcome the superior beings and help them take over a world seen as corrupt, or to fight against the invasion.
Looks great but it will be a while before this drops.
I have a 3 body solution!

So after watching the trailer I started reading the book. About 1/3 of the way in and it’s actually very very interesting.

I am hooked!

It's a great series. I especially liked book 2 and 3. Shit started to get really real in those books! lol!

Dark Forest theory is something that I hope is not what is really going on in the universe. I would like to envision more of a Star Wars universe!
Going by the teaser it looks like Netflix shall ruin it as per usual and are going to serve it to their viewers underestimating their intelligence as always. Just the summary of the plot shows how complex and how much thought and research went into these books. Amazing piece of storytelling. But it appears it will be translated into the normal netflix formula, reduced in scale significantly , onedimensional and overexplained.
i enjoyed the first book but couldnt get into the second book, it felt like it just dragged on and on about nothing.
Going by the teaser it looks like Netflix shall ruin it as per usual and are going to serve it to their viewers underestimating their intelligence as always. Just the summary of the plot shows how complex and how much thought and research went into these books. Amazing piece of storytelling. But it appears it will be translated into the normal netflix formula, reduced in scale significantly , onedimensional and overexplained.

When I was reading the books, I had that thought as well. How in the heck will this be translated to movie or television? It is very complex and epic in scale, so I am sure there will be lots of things omitted or they will focus solely on a few characters.

With that said, I am still looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.
Going by the teaser it looks like Netflix shall ruin it as per usual and are going to serve it to their viewers underestimating their intelligence as always. Just the summary of the plot shows how complex and how much thought and research went into these books. Amazing piece of storytelling. But it appears it will be translated into the normal netflix formula, reduced in scale significantly , onedimensional and overexplained.
I hope you're wrong but I suspect you are on the money here
Aren't the show runners the 2 same fucks from Game of Thrones? They've been trusted with something else? Fuck those 2 pricks.

Wow, youre right. And It seems the author, Cixim, isnt/wasnt involved, like RR Martin was, looking over their shoulder guiding/ correcting them constantly... Couldnt Netfilx spare that bit extra pennies for the actual dude who wrote it and maybe have one less intimacy coordinator.
Loved the series and really looking forward to the show. My only concern is the show doesn't pick up a following and gets cancelled after the first season.

The first book wraps things up enough that if it ends with season 1 you get a level of closure, but there is so much more story to tell.

The Dark Forest was my favorite of the trilogy and will be crushed of we do t get a season 2.
i enjoyed the first book but couldnt get into the second book, it felt like it just dragged on and on about nothing.

half way through the second. its interesting but not gripping me anywhere near as much as the first, i smashed through that first in a few days.

That said, Im very excited to see if it can be pulled off - but I don't think its going to be able to be as in depth or complex as the books.
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