Nikola Jokić is already the best basketball player in history

You're obviously young, if you weren't you wouldn't make such claims.
you could stop mike you could stop shaq you could stop kobe but jokic hits everything i saw a video of laker fan saying this guy hits everything from line from 3 from mid everything no center ever did that.people can ask them selfs shaq sucks at free throws mid jumpers ,hakim same thing not with jokic ypu ask your self in which aspect of shooting is je better shooting 3s mid jumpers or free throws
I dunno. Seems like two other centers who play right now seem to be pretty good at it. He's not the only center playing in the moneyball era.

Career 2PT: 60.9%
Career 3PT: 35.0%
Careet FT: 82.7%
Career PPG: 20.9

Career 2PT: 54.1%
Career 3PT: 34.1%
Career FT: 82.6%
Caeer PPG: 27.9

Career 2PT: 56.9%
Career 3PT: 39.8%
Career FT: 83.9%
Career PPG: 22.9
I dunno. Seems like two other centers who play right now seem to be pretty good at it. He's not the only center playing in the moneyball era.

Career 2PT: 60.9%
Career 3PT: 35.0%
Careet FT: 82.7%
Career PPG: 20.9

Career 2PT: 54.1%
Career 3PT: 34.1%
Career FT: 82.6%
Caeer PPG: 27.9

Career 2PT: 56.9%
Career 3PT: 39.8%
Career FT: 83.9%
Career PPG: 22.9
ANd still he is mvp for last 3 years
The 2nd best player on his team has never made an all star team due to injuries. Its sort of a technicality. And its one thats fluid to change.
J Murray doesn’t care about being an all star
My guy livestreams his moneyshots
2 this series
1 while he was on vacation
you could stop mike you could stop shaq you could stop kobe but jokic hits everything i saw a video of laker fan saying this guy hits everything from line from 3 from mid everything no center ever did that.people can ask them selfs shaq sucks at free throws mid jumpers ,hakim same thing not with jokic ypu ask your self in which aspect of shooting is je better shooting 3s mid jumpers or free throws
As good as your take may be, your anti-American bias never goes unnoticed and because of that, if Jokic were American, you'd be stating what a stupid poopoo peepee butt he is.
As good as your take may be, your anti-American bias never goes unnoticed and because of that, if Jokic were American, you'd be stating what a stupid poopoo peepee butt he is.
Well amerucan athletes do poopoo peepee out of their mouth alot so it would not be posible for jokic one
It would be complete destruction if you dropped prime Snaq into the game today. He put up massive numbers in the tightest era in history.

Watching today's cans try to play defense against Snaq would be comedy.


Ludicrous take.

If he continues this pace and stats for another 4-5 seasons he'll be in consideration for GOAT center. He's Top 10 right now, probably 10.

You're saying his game is peak basketball ever seen?

It would be complete destruction if you dropped prime Snaq into the game today. He put up massive numbers in the tightest era in history.

Watching today's cans try to play defense against Snaq would be comedy.


Couldn't space the floor, couldn't guard the PnR, and would get called for a ton of offensive fouls that he was allowed to get away with back then. Would be about as useful as Tacko Fall
Couldn't space the floor, couldn't guard the PnR, and would get called for a ton of offensive fouls that he was allowed to get away with back then. Would be about as useful as Tacko Fall

Lol. Guys would be wide open while a bunch of cans struggle to deal with him. Orlando Snaq would have no problem adjusting but LA Snaq would still be perfectly fine.

Look at how easy it is to get to the rim now, it's not rocket science. Who's going to defend him? This?


Lol. Guys would be wide open while a bunch of cans struggle to deal with him. Orlando Snaq would have no problem adjusting but LA Snaq would still be perfectly fine.

Look at how easy it is to get to the rim now, it's not rocket science. Who's going to defend him? This?


Prime Shaq got shut down by 6'6" Rodman and a washed Sabonis (poor man's Jokic)
Not sure about that. Wasn't it Gilbert Arenas who said a couple weeks ago who was the weakest nba mvp of all time and was completely undeserving. And hinted around his accolades being mostly because he is pale
I can't even imagine what prime Rodman would do to this league.

Prime Jokic got shut down by Draymond Green (poor man's poor man's manlet Charles Oakley).
In today's advanced era of basketball, Rodman would a benchwarmer in China lil bro. Go look at Jokic's numbers vs Draymond then get back to me
In terms of skills alone and peak ability, he might not be the best, but he definitely has some amazing versatility and credentials to be in the convo.

I think you could make an argument he's the best passer of all time, and the best mid-range player of all time (from outside the restricted area out to the elbow at least, not the perimeter but still very good from that range), and a legit 3 point threat which is incredible for someone so dangerous in the post. And for a center, a very good free throw shooter. And his decision making is GOAT tier as well, as well as his court generalship and play mapping only leaks through effectively in advanced metrics (setting screens, "hockey" assists, advising teammates where to position etc. I think you add those up and yeah, you got a unicorn of a player in terms of skillset that belongs in any conversation.

What holds him back is:
- his unorthodox defense for a center which doesn't offer anything resembling elite rim protection for the most part
- inability to get to the free throw line like other bigs
- being a point center where the offense is orchestrated around him he can't afford to get into foul trouble and play as aggressive in many situations. His crunch time defense is much better than what he offers earlier in the game

Lebron said it best after getting swept last year, against his offence you are always off balance -- whether the ball is in his hand for a fraction of a second or 20 seconds, it's not just him who is a weapon, everyone on the court becomes a weapon.

Was mentioning the other day that before the draft Boston sports radio was mocking the idea of drafting Jokic (they had two shots to get him). Him in the middle of a super team (like if he was in Boston instead of Porzingus) would be a sight to behold.

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