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What char class are you (or planning on) maining?

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Just finished the campaign with Hyperglide.

It's been fun.

Campaign is quite short and the cutscenes are pretty damn cool, but there isn't enough of them. I liked the characters, even the annoying armless wonder. I wasn't hooked on the story, but it was serviceable.

The game looks pretty, the music is fine. Gameplay is alright. It's all pretty competent.

There is post story content, which I'll be checking out tomorrow.

I'm wondering how hooked I'll be now that I've completed the story and have a powerful Druid. I do think that the co-op enhanced the experience somewhat. It seems like a game with a fairly fun ascent, but also quite a low ceiling.

Good on Game Pass.

So yeah, I like it, I don't love it. I think it's competent. It's good, not great.

I'll give it an 8.5 out of 10.
Just finished the campaign with Hyperglide.

It's been fun.

Campaign is quite short and the cutscenes are pretty damn cool, but there isn't enough of them. I liked the characters, even the annoying armless wonder. I wasn't hooked on the story, but it was serviceable.

The game looks pretty, the music is fine. Gameplay is alright. It's all pretty competent.

There is post story content, which I'll be checking out tomorrow.

I'm wondering how hooked I'll be now that I've completed the story and have a powerful Druid. I do think that the co-op enhanced the experience somewhat. It seems like a game with a fairly fun ascent, but also quite a low ceiling.

Good on Game Pass.

So yeah, I like it, I don't love it. I think it's competent. It's good, not great.

I'll give it an 8.5 out of 10.
Now the real game begins...

The end game of Diablo is basically just roaming around and getting better gear and perks to conquer the hardest difficulty. If you continue, you'll be getting drops that you've never seen before, and it's all just "carrot on a stick" shit, where you just grind it out to make the best character possible, and truly see what the game is capable of. Kind of like the main game, but without the goal of beating it or following anything. It's the game boiled down to its core loop, and it never really ends. It's not for everybody, but there is a LOT of content still yet to be unlocked(this is also where "seasons" start to make more sense). These games just become a big curiosity once you're done with the campaign. It's lasting appeal all depends on how curious you are to see just how much of a God you can become.
Right near the end of Chapter V. Not sure how long the campaign is, but it feels like it's getting close to wrapping up.

Good thing, because my Rogue is a walking death machine, and I desperately need to get to the next difficulty level. Level 53 and I got my bow, poison traps and caltrops doing their thing, but the perks I have are getting a little out of hand. I have two that grant me invulnerability for...far too long. I've got these red explosive balls that show up whenever I kill something with "overpower"(which seems random), that are just stupidly overpowered. Got a healing perk that heals me at a silly pace whenever I'm surrounded by mobs, that practically makes me invulnerable, and today I got another that builds up..."souls" I guess, where when I hit dudes with a "lucky shot", they go into this perk where if I drop caltrops they get released as ghosts where they run into the enemies and explode for stupid amounts of damage, and I can stack them to at least 8, but I'm not sure if that's a limit, or they continue to stack for multiple attacks if you hit the limit on one.

I'm pretty sure I could play this blindfolded at this point. Great game, though, and I gotta hand it to Blizzard for making it this smooth on an old Xbox One S. The horses for some reason, can really make the game stutter, but I don't use those stupid things anyways. Outside of that(and the bullshit server stuff), it's played like butter.

9/10. Might actually buy it, if it gets taken down on Game Pass.
Right near the end of Chapter V. Not sure how long the campaign is, but it feels like it's getting close to wrapping up.

Good thing, because my Rogue is a walking death machine, and I desperately need to get to the next difficulty level. Level 53 and I got my bow, poison traps and caltrops doing their thing, but the perks I have are getting a little out of hand. I have two that grant me invulnerability for...far too long. I've got these red explosive balls that show up whenever I kill something with "overpower"(which seems random), that are just stupidly overpowered. Got a healing perk that heals me at a silly pace whenever I'm surrounded by mobs, that practically makes me invulnerable, and today I got another that builds up..."souls" I guess, where when I hit dudes with a "lucky shot", they go into this perk where if I drop caltrops they get released as ghosts where they run into the enemies and explode for stupid amounts of damage, and I can stack them to at least 8, but I'm not sure if that's a limit, or they continue to stack for multiple attacks if you hit the limit on one.

I'm pretty sure I could play this blindfolded at this point. Great game, though, and I gotta hand it to Blizzard for making it this smooth on an old Xbox One S. The horses for some reason, can really make the game stutter, but I don't use those stupid things anyways. Outside of that(and the bullshit server stuff), it's played like butter.

9/10. Might actually buy it, if it gets taken down on Game Pass.
I know I'm in the minority here but I actually liked the campaign story. There are a couple eye-rolling moments but overall I feel it hit all the right notes.

I wish that Diablo IV had stuck with the small town vibe that you encounter in the first part of the game. I don't know precisely why, but having four or five huge cities with tons of towns in between just doesn't strike the right chords like a small town with a haunted chapel does.
I know I'm in the minority here but I actually liked the campaign story. There are a couple eye-rolling moments but overall I feel it hit all the right notes.

I wish that Diablo IV had stuck with the small town vibe that you encounter in the first part of the game. I don't know precisely why, but having four or five huge cities with tons of towns in between just doesn't strike the right chords like a small town with a haunted chapel does.
Yeah, I'm impartial to the open world design, but I do think some areas lose a bit of identity because of it. I think the overall "dark and demonic" color pallet hurt it too. I've been to deserts, swamps, castles, etc, and it all blends together after a bit. I actually liked the more distinct zones of D3.

The campaign itself is fine. I'm barely paying attention to the more intricate details of it, but I like how it's been told, and it's clear they put a lot more effort into it than in games past, with some hefty cut scenes and long dialogue trees. It's nice that it's there, but it is just kind of there. I don't see many people playing it more than once or twice.
Yeah, I'm impartial to the open world design, but I do think some areas lose a bit of identity because of it. I think the overall "dark and demonic" color pallet hurt it too. I've been to deserts, swamps, castles, etc, and it all blends together after a bit. I actually liked the more distinct zones of D3.

The campaign itself is fine. I'm barely paying attention to the more intricate details of it, but I like how it's been told, and it's clear they put a lot more effort into it than in games past, with some hefty cut scenes and long dialogue trees. It's nice that it's there, but it is just kind of there. I don't see many people playing it more than once or twice.

No matter how awesome the campaign story is most Diablo players won't care too much for it aside from the ones who are deep into the Diablo history/lore. The loot is what drives most Diablo players (at least the hardcore ones). Most of us were practically steamrolling through the story (even skipping the cutscenes) just to get to the endgame. I eventually went back and watched all of it on youtube afterwards but the story is as you said. it's nicely done but it's just there...
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Started a seasonal character with @Wrath of Foamy yesterday. Played for several hours and already level 45. Started a Fire Soc. Pretty slow build, not sure how it's going to function once I hit World Tier 3. Gonna do capstone though after my shift today. Will update after. Pretty sure my Sorc can handle it, it's not that it's a bad build just slower than Frozen Orb/Blizzard.

New Season 3 story is pretty cool. It would be nice if the lore creators created some new material though bringing back Zolton Kulle again is a kinda lame. I like the new Seneschal Construct pet you get. It's pretty helpful and synergizes well with my Fire Build. The new free cosmetics are nice too. Better than seasons 1's that's for sure.

Just biding time for Season 4 though. Already getting a bit bored, I guess I should start doing NM dungeons as doing Dopamine Dungeon and Whispers gets boring real fast.
No matter how awesome the campaign story is most Diablo players won't care too much for it aside from the ones who are deep into the Diablo history/lore. The loot is what drives most Diablo players (at least the hardcore ones). Most of us were practically steamrolling through the story (even skipping the cutscenes) just to get to the endgame. I eventually went back and watched all of it on youtube afterwards but the story isas you said. it's nicely done but it's just there...

I forgot most of the mains cast except for Lorath coming back and running the campaign again after a 5 month hiatus. It's forgettable. No cool characters like Deckard Cain or Marius to name a couple.
I know I'm in the minority here but I actually liked the campaign story. There are a couple eye-rolling moments but overall I feel it hit all the right notes.

I wish that Diablo IV had stuck with the small town vibe that you encounter in the first part of the game. I don't know precisely why, but having four or five huge cities with tons of towns in between just doesn't strike the right chords like a small town with a haunted chapel does.
We gotta play Diablo 2 man. It's got all the vibes you want.
I forgot most of the mains cast except for Lorath coming back and running the campaign again after a 5 month hiatus. It's forgettable. No cool characters like Deckard Cain or Marius to name a couple.

That is true. All of them were very forgettable in D4. Even Liah in D3 was way more memorable because she was sacrificed by her mother Adria.
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I forgot most of the mains cast except for Lorath coming back and running the campaign again after a 5 month hiatus. It's forgettable. No cool characters like Deckard Cain or Marius to name a couple.
I would disagree with that. I actually liked Lilith a lot. I think Blizzard missed a huge opportunity here. I think at the endgame they should give you a choice to side with Lilith, the heaven or hell. I would’ve been on team Lilith

Blizzard just doesn’t have any ambition anymore
I would disagree with that. I actually liked Lilith a lot. I think Blizzard missed a huge opportunity here. I think at the endgame they should give you a choice to side with Lilith, the heaven or hell. I would’ve been on team Lilith

Blizzard just doesn’t have any ambition anymore

Ya but she's the main antagonist so ofc you are going to remember her because there is also an Uber boss version of her as well.

I mean side characters whom don't factor into the end game like Yorin, Donan, Taissa and even Neyrelle. Don't forget about our homie Vigo (actually had to Google him again).
Ya but she's the main antagonist so ofc you are going to remember her because there is also an Uber boss version of her as well.

I mean side characters whom don't factor into the end game like Yorin, Donan, Taissa and even Neyrelle. Don't forget about our homie Vigo (actually had to Google him again).
I’m saying she’s an awesome antagonist.
Ya but she's the main antagonist so ofc you are going to remember her because there is also an Uber boss version of her as well.

I mean side characters whom don't factor into the end game like Yorin, Donan, Taissa and even Neyrelle. Don't forget about our homie Vigo (actually had to Google him again).

The story was too short and a lot of the characters weren't fleshed out enough.

There weren't enough cutscenes either, so we were just listening to a bunch of gibberish whilst looking at the tops of characters heads.

I liked Lorath, Donan and that dickhead fallen angel.

The fact that we were going through the main story to unlock the "true" game, didn't really help my perception of the game either.

If there were more cutscenes, I'd have liked the story a lot more.

How's the seasons treating you?
Beat the campaign(finally). Lilith was a joke of a boss, but I agree with folks who were conflicted about her reasoning. It didn't feel right beating her up. They should've had two endings.

Beat the "Chapel of...Whatever" to unlock the 3rd world tier. Did one of the season events that upped the ante on enemy numbers, but it's still kind of whatever. Getting the same legendary drops, so big deal. Think I might give it rest for a bit, before I really dive into the end game.
Beat the campaign(finally). Lilith was a joke of a boss, but I agree with folks who were conflicted about her reasoning. It didn't feel right beating her up. They should've had two endings.

Beat the "Chapel of...Whatever" to unlock the 3rd world tier. Did one of the season events that upped the ante on enemy numbers, but it's still kind of whatever. Getting the same legendary drops, so big deal. Think I might give it rest for a bit, before I really dive into the end game.

The end game is when it gets fun. Tier 3 you will start getting Sacred items and also Uniques which give you entirely new ways to play. The Nightmare Dungeons and Seasonal content is pretty good too.
The end game is when it gets fun. Tier 3 you will start getting Sacred items and also Uniques which give you entirely new ways to play. The Nightmare Dungeons and Seasonal content is pretty good too.
I'm still with it, but I gotta ask, what is so special about "sacred" items? They just seem like beefed up magic items with another perk.
I'm still with it, but I gotta ask, what is so special about "sacred" items? They just seem like beefed up magic items with another perk.

Sacred is just the next Item Level up from generic Rares and Legendaries. You only get them in Tier 3. Ancestrals are next bracket up and only drop in Torment. Nothing to special just better roles. You will want to start getting Ancestrals asap so it's best to get Tier 3 over with quick.

My level 64 seasonal character just got to Tier 4 yesterday. And the capstone was pretty doable with my Fire Sorc. Died a couple of times but wasn't to hard.
Running a Rogue in seasonal. Hyperglide carried me to level 52? I think?

I'll keep running the Rogue until season 4, but as it stands now, I still prefer my Druid on Eternal.

The AOE on a Rogue just isn't that great in comparison. Also, there is a big difference between jumping back when setting up traps, to walking up to, or past something, setting off three or four circles of pain around you and instantly melting everything as you pass.

I'll probably run another Druid on Season 4, though I'm also tempted to try an Electrical Sorcerer and a Blood Necro.

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