PlayStation Official Final Fantasy XVI Discussion

What were the sales like? I thought it was a mistake going timed exclusive. Regardless, I'm looking forward to playing it once it comes to Steam.
It did 3 million in the first week
Thread died quickly. I'm 70% through the game. Just finished probably the coolest GF fight in franchise history. Did you guys think this game sucks?

I think the game is amazing. I’d be going for NG+ and Plat if I had the time and wasn’t playing D4. There doesn’t seem to be too much to discuss about the game though besides saying certain parts are awesome or not lol.
The gauntlet of trash after Behemoth is making this final push to finish the game much less enjoyable.
The gauntlet of trash after Behemoth is making this final push to finish the game much less enjoyable.

One of the down sides is the trash horrible side like quest after big missions. The end game does have some better missions that are related to the over worlds back story and interesting but they aren't many compared to the amount of side quest.
50 hours now and I think I’m at the end. Feels like the last group of side quests opened up.

Can’t imagine how much longer this would be if I didn’t skip through almost all of the side quest dialogue lol
Alright that’s FF16 done. Took me almost two months but I finally finished. A lot I loved mixed with a lot I didn’t. Overall I really enjoyed my time with it but I was definitely ready for it to end. The pacing was kind of all over the place. Going from some of the most epic moments I’ve seen in a videogame to tedious missions was jarring. It lost momentum too often and I wonder if that has something to do with the length. Dug the combat though, thought they did a great job mixing it up with the trickle of new Eikon abilities. Definitely prevented it from getting stale. Gorgeous game but the NPC’s took me out of it, I get it’s a massive game but the difference between animations in the cutscenes and in game was again, jarring. Effects, Eikon battles, abilities, all were stunning.

The story started to grab me again towards the second half, lost some interest a couple of times but overall I liked seeing a more mature take on Final Fantasy. The idea of people controlling the summons and using them to gain power was really cool as well. The voice performers all did excellent. Thought Cid and Clive were the standouts.

Felt like a Final Fantasy game at times and then I kind of forgot I was actually playing a Final Fantasy game. I’m not a purist so it didn’t bother me much. I appreciated the fresher take on the formula.

Game was also super easy. I died a handful of times and that was mostly just due to me getting arrogant and thinking I could handle one more attack. I don’t think anything really tested me. Feels like Final Fantasy mode would have been more of a balanced challenge.

Dug it though, 8/10 for me.
Alright that’s FF16 done. Took me almost two months but I finally finished. A lot I loved mixed with a lot I didn’t. Overall I really enjoyed my time with it but I was definitely ready for it to end. The pacing was kind of all over the place. Going from some of the most epic moments I’ve seen in a videogame to tedious missions was jarring. It lost momentum too often and I wonder if that has something to do with the length. Dug the combat though, thought they did a great job mixing it up with the trickle of new Eikon abilities. Definitely prevented it from getting stale. Gorgeous game but the NPC’s took me out of it, I get it’s a massive game but the difference between animations in the cutscenes and in game was again, jarring. Effects, Eikon battles, abilities, all were stunning.

The story started to grab me again towards the second half, lost some interest a couple of times but overall I liked seeing a more mature take on Final Fantasy. The idea of people controlling the summons and using them to gain power was really cool as well. The voice performers all did excellent. Thought Cid and Clive were the standouts.

Felt like a Final Fantasy game at times and then I kind of forgot I was actually playing a Final Fantasy game. I’m not a purist so it didn’t bother me much. I appreciated the fresher take on the formula.

Game was also super easy. I died a handful of times and that was mostly just due to me getting arrogant and thinking I could handle one more attack. I don’t think anything really tested me. Feels like Final Fantasy mode would have been more of a balanced challenge.

Dug it though, 8/10 for me.
Yoshi P said the game was originally like 20 or 25 hours long. It does seem that they added some stuff to make gamers feel they getting another full length game. Gathering the ship parts and finding Goetz’s ticket were the low points for me. I think they could have cut those few hours out. Also I find it interesting that many criticize how easy it is. I feel like Dark Souls has completely changed peoples’ expectations when it comes to action titles. I would have liked it to be harder too but if you really think about the FF franchise as a whole they’ve all been pretty easy. OG FFVII was a joke. You can beat the game with the normal attack button and then once you get summons the game could be beaten by a toddler. Still an amazing game though. In terms of difficulty, I think FF7 Remake was oddly enough one of the harder games in the long running series. I died a bunch of times to Hell House and some of the end game bosses. I’ll end with this, I do genuinely hope CBU3 gets to do FFXVII or even a direct sequel to 16. What they did well they did REALLY well but what they messed up with they could improve to make a near perfect follow up
Yoshi P said the game was originally like 20 or 25 hours long. It does seem that they added some stuff to make gamers feel they getting another full length game. Gathering the ship parts and finding Goetz’s ticket were the low points for me. I think they could have cut those few hours out. Also I find it interesting that many criticize how easy it is. I feel like Dark Souls has completely changed peoples’ expectations when it comes to action titles. I would have liked it to be harder too but if you really think about the FF franchise as a whole they’ve all been pretty easy. OG FFVII was a joke. You can beat the game with the normal attack button and then once you get summons the game could be beaten by a toddler. Still an amazing game though. In terms of difficulty, I think FF7 Remake was oddly enough one of the harder games in the long running series. I died a bunch of times to Hell House and some of the end game bosses. I’ll end with this, I do genuinely hope CBU3 gets to do FFXVII or even a direct sequel to 16. What they did well they did REALLY well but what they messed up with they could improve to make a near perfect follow up

I actually think FF7R being so difficult is why FF16 is so easy. I saw a decent amount of complaints about how hard FF7R was. Like you said Hell house was hard as hell. Even the last boss was pretty damn hard. I think FF16 was to easy even in Final Fantasy mode but oh well it was still fun.
Yoshi P said the game was originally like 20 or 25 hours long. It does seem that they added some stuff to make gamers feel they getting another full length game. Gathering the ship parts and finding Goetz’s ticket were the low points for me. I think they could have cut those few hours out. Also I find it interesting that many criticize how easy it is. I feel like Dark Souls has completely changed peoples’ expectations when it comes to action titles. I would have liked it to be harder too but if you really think about the FF franchise as a whole they’ve all been pretty easy. OG FFVII was a joke. You can beat the game with the normal attack button and then once you get summons the game could be beaten by a toddler. Still an amazing game though. In terms of difficulty, I think FF7 Remake was oddly enough one of the harder games in the long running series. I died a bunch of times to Hell House and some of the end game bosses. I’ll end with this, I do genuinely hope CBU3 gets to do FFXVII or even a direct sequel to 16. What they did well they did REALLY well but what they messed up with they could improve to make a near perfect follow up
I don’t even know if it’s a criticism for me. It’s an observation. I enjoyed the combat but face rolling everything was pretty noticeable after spending so long in the game.

I think Ultima was the only time I found that I couldn’t just spam dodge out of every big attack. I probably could have but I never needed to adjust how I played.
I like how auto assigning the Eikon abilities dropped my damage drastically
Fuck yes!!! We getting two paid DLCs for this game , confirmed by Yoshi P. Theatrhythm is getting FFXVI music added to it and we have a free update with new costumes. So pumped, loved this game so much despite some flaws with quest design. Oh don’t watch this if you haven’t played it yet is
Fuck yes!!! We getting two paid DLCs for this game , confirmed by Yoshi P. Theatrhythm is getting FFXVI music added to it and we have a free update with new costumes. So pumped, loved this game so much despite some flaws with quest design. Oh don’t watch this if you haven’t played it yet is

Nice one. I really liked the game and the story except for it being a very easy game.

Given there's two paid DLCs coming up one has to be either about Leviathan, or about Cid/Barnabas/Benedikta, there's a lot of stuff to unpack there given their Waloed history.

I do hope one will be a sequel DLC though, I really hate open endings and I'm unsure if Clive survived or not. Joshua is definitely dead though. My soft ass would like to see that DLC have a happy ending where Clive and Jill make it and Clive writing the book authored under Joshua's name. They've hinted at both Clive dying and Clive surviving so it was kind of disappointing to have you as the player try to figure it out for yourself. Too many loose ends.

These guys are great. Most voice actors just move on to the next project. You can tell they actually love the game and the characters they voiced. Obviously we already know Ben is a huge FF fan. Makes me wonder what work he will get next. He’s made a name for himself with his performance. He’s got to be a lock for game awards winner.
Just voted Ben Starr for Best Performance category and Soken for FFXVI's music. I'm really hope these two get their awards, they deserve it over anyone else in those categories imo.
Supposedly you can blast through the first one in 3 hours or so, gonna wait until the other ones released then play both.

Also that felt more like a FF14 trailer
Just voted Ben Starr for Best Performance category and Soken for FFXVI's music. I'm really hope these two get their awards, they deserve it over anyone else in those categories imo.
Soken won it, right?

Without having played any other nominated game than FF16 this year, absolutely deserved. The music is FANTASTIC.