Official Judo Thread


Bringing peace and love
Staff member
Senior Moderator
May 24, 2004
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There will surely be travesting, so pre-loading the thread.
Today was a great day with some really nice ippons. I look forward to more.
I'm an ignorant wrestler.. who should I watch?
Teddy Riner is probably the GOAT judoka competitor, and this may be his last competition, so consider it equivalent to Karelin going for his last Olympic gold. If you want to see carnage delivered by an elite judoka against hapless opponents, Riner is your guy. Obligatory near-perfect annihilation by osoto, taking out the trash:


Other divisions should be much more competitive tho.
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Today's Men's final is a perfect example of why we need leg grabs back. So many counter opportunities.
Happy to see a few subs and more newaza, still think throws for ippon should need more impact.
i think matches should go to ippon with no time limit, real-time shidos, shidos for defensive newaza, leg grabs, scrambles, crossfaces, and no more newaza standups :D

Happy to see a few subs and more newaza, still think throws for ippon should need more impact.

Yes, I have seen "Ippons" that would have been given "yuko" some years ago. I remember when all drop to the knees, seio otoshi, drop seio nage etc. could only be scored yuko. And those throws ends usually up in good newaza potitions - but then they are awarded ippon for a low impact throw...
At 5:00 pst NBC sports was supposed to recap judo, but instead just showed ping pong...
Bring back leg locks, leg grabs, daki age (bb seniors only) and less grip/grip break restrictions

Penalize stalling wherever it may happen

Bring back Kano JJ.
Gneto just got booted for accidentally touching a leg with part of her arm. There's your travesty.

I agree with the 'match goes to ippon' sentiment, honestly. A lot of these matches so far have involved athletes getting a point and then running away until the clock runs out.
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so a guy from surinam just got stood up from a locked triangle :(

And then dq'ed from some sort of leg grab while I was writing this post.
men's just had another one. two in a day. at the fucking olympics.

how dynamic and exciting.
The judo is actually good to watch. A lot of strong grappling and speedy transitions with the referees breaking it up when they stall.

Reminds me of watching UFC on fast forward. Brilliant!
BASILE just ipponed the shit out of SHIEDL
MAR vs AUS was garbage. if you're up by a yuko with 15 seconds left and a shido away from a DQ, you should get DQed for stalling.
Some sleek newaza from Nakamura.

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