Tech PEB's Motion Simulator thread (for Racing Games and Flight Simulation)

A one million dollar motion simulator.

Been fixing various aspects on the simulator as I clean up the look of it.

I need to build a budget sim rig with the smallest footprint possible. Any advice?
I need to build a budget sim rig with the smallest footprint possible. Any advice?

This is similar to my cockpit and it is affordable.,aps,96&sr=8-6&ufe=app_do:amzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3

Better version also similar to my cockpit more costly but seems more ridged.

Monza R9 base highly rated wheel don't have it I have the Fanatec racing wheel with the compatibility mode adapter and Wheel Fanatec feeling the heat just dropped the price of the motor down to 200.00 that's an amazing deal but you have to buy a few things to it.

Thrustmaster shifter or Fanatec shifter.

You are pretty much all in for around 1,000 to 1,500 depending on how far you want to go.
Higher end but also cost more this looks good but not compatible with my LG 45 inch curved monitor.
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I haven't had much time on the simulator been at the restaurant I invested in an here is the latest photo. Still tons of work before opening.


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What a 120,000 to 150,000 dollar simulator looks like wow 8 thousand dollar actuated load cell pedals 3 of my 45 inch LG monitors I think he got the idea from me lol. My buttkicker is way bigger then his one difference an explains why his get hot under load mine is 1,500 Watt amp and speaker setup. I designed all my actuators, framing material 3D printed and my mounting hardware working on the G-Force simulator hardware and will add traction loss without making the rig look so huge.

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These are nice slightly expensive pedals for around 400 bucks.

Little update with my simulator using new GoPro 11 camera vs trying to hold on to my cellphone like an idiot lol.
The restaurant I invested in is progressing along for slated opening in September.


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Another photo from the Mexican restaurant I invested in an gave money to my tenant to set an ownership 30 percent stake.

Some more photos from a Mexican Restaurant I invested in slowing making progress on my other projects. My tenant is doing most of the work himself painting, wood work, an the flooring. He saved according to his co-owner over 50,000 dollars.



Been working on other projects specifically the restaurant and my Garage remodel. Looking up ideas for the wall.

The rose wall and swing are coming along nice.

I am converting my 3 car garage into a work area. I got tired walking into things an this is 2 an half times larger an a much larger overhead area.

It took me 5 weeks an 5 dumpster loads to to clean out the area. Then began the work on the framing the interior. There was deciding ĺ how to frame the interior an trusses. Pretty much done with a lot of the framing soon to begin the ceiling work. This will be my work area and simulator development area in the near future.

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