Power Physique


Green Belt
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
I recently started college and I join an Olympic Lifting gym to improve my strength and explosiveness. I am not doing any martial arts at moment because both of the gym if was going to closed their doors (Muay thai and Boxing, some wrestling too).

I am 3-0 in amateur mma and I plan to complete again once I get more time to dedicate there. At the moment my priority is to finish college and improve my lifting abilities. I love striking.

This is a custom program they made for mma athletes. It consists of 4 weeks going from high reps in the first week all the way down to heavy 1 rep in the last week. Next month is based of the 1 rep numbers of the previous month.

My schedule is in % of 1rm max but I'll post my numbers in here.

23 years old
170 pounds

Thanks for taking the time to read this. BTW, I'm working on my split I'll post a picture once I can do it ;)

*UPDATE* January 30, 2015:

I ended up fighting Boxing as well. 3-0 mma, 2-0 boxing. Won a jiu-jitsu beginner competition and a muay-thai advanced competition.

I competed in Powerlifting in May 2014: Squat 336#, Bench 264.5#, Deadlift 452.5# Total 1,053# @ 186# bodyweight

Right now, my PRs are Squat 365#, Bench 275#, Deadlift 515# Total 1,155# @ 185# bodyweight

I am currently training for a Men's Physique competition on May 17, 2015. I have an online coach for my Diet and Training, and I watch youtube videos to practice the posing.
I am in a bulking phase for the next 4-5 weeks, we hope to hit 190# bodyweight and gain some size. Then, we diet down to 170-175lbs to get as lean as possible while maintaining strength and size.
I might open a Diet log shortly as well.

*UPDATE* February 5, 2017:

Placed 6 out of 13 at my first Men's Physique comp, had a really good time. I also competed in Powerlitfing for a second time shortly after, 1,155# total with a 500 deadlit # which was my goal.

I now train for Men's Physique with the intent of competing again maybe in a natural federation next time. I'm life time natty; nothing against roids, but I'd place better against other natties...

*UPDATE* November 26, 2017 (& June 4, 2020)

Recap of Athletic Achievements thus far:
3-0 (2009-2012)

2-0 (2013)

1st Meet 2014 (336/264.5/452 for a 1,052.5 lbs total at 186 lbs bodyweight)
2nd Meet 2015 (364/281/501 for a 1,145 lbs total at 187.6 lbs bodyweight)
3rd Meet 2017 (386/298/507 for a 1,191 lbs total at 182.5 lbs bodyweight)

Men's Physique
1st show 2015 (6th place)
2nd show 2017(2nd place open, 4th place pro)
3rd show 2017 (1st place Pro Nationals, & 3rd place pro bodybuilding)
4th show 2019 (2nd place Pro Nationals)
5th Show 2019 (5th place at IPE Worlds Championships)

October 2021: Blue Belt in No-Gi BJJ
December 2022: Purple Belt in No-Gi BJJ
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This is my 3rd week of doing this program. Looking forward to break my numbers next week !
After the workouts, I often feel like I push more. I stick to the program because I understand they make you start with lower weights to get the technique right.

Week 3-1 (First month),


Power Clean + Jerk

42.5 x 4
48.5 x 4
56.5 x 4
60 x 4

(First two reps always feel better than 2 lasts)

Good Morning + Jump

57.5 x 5
60 x 5
64 x 5
67.5 x 5
72.5 x 5

(Need to focus on lower back not rounding)

Front Squat

42.5 x 3
52.5 x 3
60 x 3
68 x 3
76.5 x 3
82.5 x 3

(Good form)

There is not core work in the program so I try to finish with Ab works at every session.


15 Leg raise
15 Leg raise
10 Leg Raise 10 Knee Raise
10 Leg Raise 10 Knee Raise
20 Knee raise
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Week 3-1


Power Snatch + Over Squat

28 x 5 + 3
32.5 x 3 + 3
38 x 3 + 3
43 x 3 + 2
45 x 2 + 1

Overhead squat with 45 I am REALLY proud of this. I could barely overhead squat with the bar 3 weeks ago.

Back of the Neck Press (Push Press if needed)

25 x 3
30 x 3
34 x 3
39 x 3
42.5 x 3
45 x 3
48 x 3
50 x 2
53 x 1

No push press needed today. Felt really good.

Back Squat

60 x 6
70 x 6
80 x 6
85 x 6
90 x 4
95 x 2


Knee raises 42 x 3
Week 3-1


Split Clean

42.5 x 3ea
50 x 3ea
56 x 3ea
60 x 3ea }x2

I need to shrug more. I did on the last reps and it went really well. This is the technique I feel the less confident with now.

Dumbell Split Jerk

5kg x 20ea }2

Explosive exercise for punches. Good tempo today this is the best so far.

Split Recovery (Lunges)

52.5 x 3ea
57 x 3ea
60 x 3ea
64 x 3ea

Felt good

Bench Press

50 x 3
56.5 x 3
64 x 3
75 x 3 }3

I cheated a bit by putting more weights and another set on the last one. I like bench I wanna do more of it.


Tried the ab wheels from the feet and still can't do one. I can do a lot from the knees tough...

Decline bench abs : 35-30-25
Lower back Machine: 10-15-20
Feel great going to the gym today. Pumped to crush my numbers this week.

Week 4-1


Power Clean + Power Jerk

78x1 PR - I had this one on the third try. I tought I could do more by now.

Good Morning + Jump

75x4 PR

Front Squat

60 x3
65 x3
76.5 x3
80 x3
85 x2
90 x1
95 x1
100 x1
103 x1 PR - Previous was 85. Really happy with this.


10 Leg Raise
15 Leg Raise
10 Leg Raise
15 Leg Raise
10 Leg Raise

50 Knee Raise

25 Lower Back Machine

Really happy with the front squat but deception with my Power Clean+Power Jerk. (105% was supposed to be 79kg)
Week 4-1


Tired but Excited to crush my numbers on Squat

Power Snatch + Over Head Squat

30x2 +1
35x2 +1
40x1 +1
45x1 +1
50x1 +1
53x1 PR (previous was 50) Weird form. Not confident at all on this.

Back Squat

60 x5
80 x4
90 x3
100 x2
110 x1
115 x1
120 x1 PR (Was 100kg one month ago !!)

Back Neck Press + Push Press

53x1 Push press from here down
68x1 PR (was 45kg a month ago !)


Decline Bench

I am really proud. I improved my squat by 20kg in a month.
Week 4-1


Split Clean

40 x 2ea
50 x 2ea
58 x 2ea
63 x 1ea
70 x 1ea
75 x 1ea PR (70 1 month ago)

Dumbell Split Jerk

5kg x 50ea x 1

One time to failure.

Split Recovery (Lunges)

50 x 3ea
58 x 2ea
63 x 2ea
70 x 1ea
75 x 1ea
80 x 1ea
85 x 1ea
93 x 1ea
100 x 1ea PR ( 70kg 1 month ago)

Bench Press

50 x3
60 x3
80 x1
90 x1
95 x1
100 x1 } 2
105 x1 PR (75 kg 1 month ago)


20Knee raise + 20 Decline bench abs } x 4

Really happy with my workout. I improved my bench past what I thought I could.
Nice work in here and quick improvements! Welcome to the logs.
Yep, I'm still alive. Retired from fighting (3-0 mma, 2-0 boxing). I broke my nose, which causes sleep apnea, and my doc said he would only fix it if I retired. I have been f**king around the gym for a couple months and now just tested my maxes:

Deadlift 355#
Squat 300#
Bench 245#

I do not follow any program. I usually go like this :

1 explosive lift (Powerclean, Snatch, Jumping Squats)
1-2 compound lift (Bench, DL, Squat, Front Squat, OH Press, Rows)
Isolation exercises (Bodybuilding type ie Pyramid, drop sets, to failure)

Mixing Weightlifting, powerlifting and bodybuilding together works really well for me. I am not trying to be worldclass or anything, just want to get bigger, stronger, faster, and aesthetic.
Rush workout, not much time. Usually, I will only post my working sets:

Power clean
5x 120#

5 x 306#

I just used the 1 rep calculator and it tells me 344 is my 1rm max...

What % of my 1rep max should I use when lifting 5 reps ?

DB Heavy shrugs
10x 75#

DB Tris OH
Pyramid 10x: 20-22.5-25-22.5-20

Elliott's triceps

DB Biceps
2x 15x 30#
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5x5 225#

DB Rows
3x10 70#

Behind Neck OH Press
5x5 100#

Seated Cable rows
5x8 130#

Working on Sumo squats. I already sumo deadlift.

I also find Ironic that I said not using a program work for me, then I ask what % of 1RM I should use when doing 5x5...
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Feeling sore. Had 2 beers at the bar before the workout. Still felt really good.

4 x 205#
4 x 195#
5x5 x 185#
1x 225 (FAIL)

DB Flys
3x20 x 25#

Incline DB Bench
3x12 x 35#

Standing Calf raises
4x20 x 165#

Pec machine
4x10 x 70#

Sumo Deadlifts
4x20 x 88#
1x20 x 132#
1x20 x 176#

Only my second time doing Sumo deadlifts. I'm amazed at how much Sumo DL works my Hamstrings and Glutes. More than any squats. Makes me wonder if something is wrong with my squat.

Also, I'm pretty sure Hamstring and glutes are the weakest part of my legs. I will start deadlifting more. Maybe Once a week really heavy and 1-2 times lighter and go for reps.

Just noticed the left side of my back is much bigger. What the fuck !?!
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Finally ! First time I see 180 on the scale. I had this in my mind for 3 years now. Don't want to drop any weight now.
Felt sore and tired today, but highly motivated.

I really think something is wrong with my squat. I will record a form check Tuesday or Wednesday.

several at 135# (Lower back hurt, stopped)

Power snatch
several at 90#

3x10 x 135#

Sumo DL
3x10 x 135#

Chin ups
6x wide GR
10x medium GR
8x medium reverse GR

Cable Crossover
3 x 12 x 40#each

OH triceps
3x15 x20#

Elliott's tri's

3x 21's with 20# on bar

2x20 x 30#
1x15 x 37.5#

Powercleans felt really great and easy, I was surprised. I did some power snatch and that felt really good too. Overall good little workout. Gym closed when I was finishing.
Welcome back. Hope the nose surgery (or whatever he does) goes well and fixes your sleep apnea.

Sumo deads definitely target the hips and hammies differently from squats. Nothing inherently wrong with your squat form.


My concern is my hip flexor really f**n hurt all the time. It gets pretty bad when I squat, but it's so much better if I go really wide and push my knees out. In this video, are my knees going too much forward past my toes ?

Trying this program for the next week I have left...

You do 10-12 reps for the first set, then sets of 3 until you hit 30-32 total reps.

Front squats

Chin-ups (Slow)

DBs Bench press Incline

Seated rows

Leg curls

Concentration curls

Rope pressdowns

Standing calf raises

Wide grip upright rows (Machine)
Felt really weird with DBs

DB Shrugs

Thanks Toonie.
I'm so pissed I have to take 6 weeks off you wouldn't believe. I feel so good, healthy and strong right now I'm really hoping I won't lose too much, except mental stability.
Misread the first time. It's one set to failure (around 10-12) and then 7 sets of 3-4

Sumo DL



Chest-supported rows
45# plate

Leg extensions
70# (Probably too much)

Incline dumbbell curls

Overhead extensions

Calf Raises (on the leg press)
6 plates total

Side lateral raises DB
15 to 17.5#

Chest fly machine

Tired as fuck. I think I don't drink enough water through the day. Probably drink 1 L through the day and a little bit at night right now.

Edit: Hip flexors don't hurt today. I stretched good yesterday and it really helped. I was doing the wrong stretch too before, knees ups... Apparently it just made it worst.
Front squats

Chin-ups (Slow)

DBs Bench press Incline

Seated rows

Leg curls

Concentration curls

Rope pressdowns

Standing calf raises

Reverse Flys DBs
17.5# (Really lacking flexibility here)

The left side of my back is even bigger now, this is retarded.
Sumo DL
10x5 x 100kg



Chest-supported rows
30x45# plate (Felt really easy)

Leg extensions
Skipped. I hate this machine and I did enough Sumo DL

Incline dumbbell curls

Overhead extensions

Calf Raises (Machine)
3x20x 150#

Side lateral raises DB
30x 15 #

Chest fly machine
30x 55#

Shrugs DBs
45 x 50#

Everything felt really good. Went in really pumped for the weekend and it showed in the sets.
Last workout. Tomorrow is the big day.
Tried to break some PRs

195 x 2 (Failed the second one and stopped there.)

Sumo Deadlift
365 x 1 (10 LBS PR)
375 x 1 (20 lbs PR, knees didn't quite lock I don't think this is good)

255 x 1 (My random spotter apparently helped me a bit... I would have been fine tho)

2x 21's x 30lbs on the bar

Pec fly machine
2x10 70lbs
2x10 55lbs

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