Locked PWD 1138: A Date That Will Live in Infamy

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The Codester thanking the troops for their service, I hope they say THANK YOU, MR. RHODES! as well!
Is it wrong that I kinda want one of those guys to drop their rifle?
Will Punk acknowledge the troops?
Brad Nessler has a great voice.
Brad Nessler on WWE, never thought I'd see that one
JBL complimenting Gary Danielson too
Is MVP still with the company? It seems so weird that Lashley is the mouthpiece for a faction, but he got over.
I hope this old guy pulls an Art Donovan and knows nothing about rasslin
Did WWE advertise that Von Erich movie or was that just my tv?
WTF happened to Efrons face? Zac Efron had an HGH jaw, and the Stallone skin.....he not THAT old is he?
Ford was a Marine and I'm just learning that now?
Kross does not have It.
WTF happened to Efrons face? Zac Efron had an HGH jaw, and the Stallone skin.....he not THAT old is he?
When your whole gimmick is "muscly dude who takes his shirt off" and that's the difference between you and a real job, you do whatever it takes!
Scarlett might’ve lost a step. Half a dozen NXT hopefuls are ready to grab that brass ring
Scarlett might’ve lost a step. Half a dozen NXT hopefuls are ready to grab that brass ring
Just means she'll be all Velvet Sky and Lacey Evans on her eventual OnlyFans soon.
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