Locked PWD 1149: NikkitaXT

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They opened the show last night with LA Knight vs Solo Sikoa which surprised me cause I thought they were both higher up on the ladder than that but I guess the old house show rules don't apply now days
Crowd popped for LA Knight but they didn't have him talk before the match which also made no sense to me, I thought that was the whole point with him, he did a promo after the match but it wasnt great, he even said "I don't have anything to talk about but I gotta do my schtick", or something to that effect, crowd didn't mind cause they just wanted to yell YEA!

Match was pretty good, mighta been the best match of the night
Carlito beat Austin Theory which was a total surprise to me, I thought Theory was a star on the ride and Carlito was just there to do the job

@My Spot maybe you are right about about Austin Theory, last time I saw him he looked great because he was following LA Knights lead, this time he just came off as corny and mid cause he had to stand on his own
Gunther was fighting Chad Gable but then New Day came out and they turned the match into a 6 man tag, it was decent action
MVP came out with a freaking massive huge gargantuan dude named Omos, dude was bigger than a freaking skyscraper, and cut an old timey carnival barker style promo telling us how lucky we were to see a giant and then challenged anyone in the crowd to try and knock Omos off his feet for $10,000

Some tiny Asian wrestler came out from the back and they did a comedy match where Omos kept teetering inches from the mat but never got completely down until he squashed the Asian
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In the queue now and the smell is okay so far.
Finally it was time for the main event, Shinsuke Nakamura did his full schtick coming to the ring and then Cody came out and the place exploded
They had a decent street fight around the ring and down the aisle
Then Cody stole me and Big Juicy s gimmick when a fan handed him a drink and he smashed it on Shinksuke's head and it exploded all over the crowd, since it's Cody I will take it as an honor and appreciate him appreciating me
The fans were chanting for tables so they pulled some from under the ring and smashed each other into them
Cody won and then he gave a speech thanking all of us for putting him back in the main event
He broke up a bunch of table pieces and signed them and started giving them to the fans at ringside
The end
I've honestly never encountered stinky wrestling fans with makes me really worried that I'm the stinky one and I don't know it.

It's like @lakersfan45 with deodorant
Maybe it was the huge rainstorm we all had to fight through to get there but the night was just kinda down, not the buzz and electricity I saw a few months ago in San Francisco
Plus there was no Randy Orton or Bianca Belair even though they were both on the poster, that grated me a bit

In San Francisco they had a digital ring with electronic lights on the ring skirts, here in Oakland it was just a regular skirt with cloth ring skirts, maybe they were worried they'd get bipped during the show
Carlito beat Austin Theory which was a total surprise to me, I thought Theory was a star on the ride and Carlito was just there to do the job

@My Spot maybe you are right about about Austin Theory, last time I saw him he looked great because he was following LA Knights lead, this time he just came off as corny and mid cause he had to stand on his own
He's regressed in the last year imo. Million dollar look but he hasn't progressed on the mic or in that 20 x 20 ring. I don't remember a thing he's done since getting a match with Cena

@Pliny Pete @Stargazer Rex @Frank23 @PRIDEWASBETTER @SoCalprodigy09

Great American Race rained out
Impromptu AEW intentional title match!
First match was fun. Orange Cassidy obviously won but still really fun
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