Locked PWD 1160: The Triple H Era has begun

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@RollSonnenRoll I like your new AV and Dusty quote. It's funny, a couple days before you changed it to that I saw that specific clip here or on IG and it resonated with me more than usual. And then you happened to use that promo and saying for your AV. It's seems like a simple saying and it probably wouldn't be as effective if it was spoken by someone else. Words are powerful. The stronger the spirit the more powerful the words. You can destroy or create with those words. That's a lesson I've been learning the past couple years. A lot of people try to be hateful whether intentionally or through their own ignorance with their words but their spirits are weak so it doesn't mean anything. Just empty words. But if you have any kind of strength in you I feel it's important to watch what you say. I think I've gotten better at that but sometimes I slip up. I can be very forceful with my energy at times. But I'd much rather be forceful with it like Big Dust and say things to create. Create inspiration, create motivation, create a dream. "Get a dream, hold on to it and shoot for the sky" I'm trying to do that now. I'm about to wrap up this BA soon then grad school plus always self analyzing myself and trying to be the best version of me then hopefully create some good in the world. Dusty was right, its important to have a dream and to go for it. This world is good at crushing dreams if you let it. Pro wrestling can be all too real at times.
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