Locked PWD 1163: Post-Draft Analysis

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Neckbeards are xenophiles, Roll. 1/3 of America used to be Mexico. Shit's not "exotic" enough for them.
I actually think that's part of it too. You can drive to Mexico! That's not special enough! You need to fly 18 hours to Tokyo. Travel, and air travel in general, is so glamorized in the last ten years. You must be a big deal if you got on a plane to go make a shot!
My mark ass opinion: I feel like right now Mexican wrestling is more popular than Japanese wrestling. Japanese wrestling has fell off and it's been like that for some years now. In the mid 2010s NJPW was on fire. Now not so much. Even now on the AEW and WWE rosters there are more male Mexican wrestlers than Japanese( thats also probably a geographically issue too. The luchadoras are even getting hot now. A lot of them are just as good as the joshis and know how to be entertaining.
It has. I used to at least casually keep up with what was going on over there, mostly through the PWD but I still had a general idea. I could not care less now. Just nothing interesting going on over there!
I actually think that's part of it too. You can drive to Mexico! That's not special enough! You need to fly 18 hours to Tokyo. Travel, and air travel in general, is so glamorized in the last ten years. You must be a big deal if you got on a plane to go make a shot!
Also it would probably help if Mexico did some fetishizing of young girls and tentacle porn. cUlTuReD
It has. I used to at least casually keep up with what was going on over there, mostly through the PWD but I still had a general idea. I could not care less now. Just nothing interesting going on over there!

It's sad. A lot of used to watch wrestle kingdom late as fuck and it was really fun. The past 4 or 5 years that thread has been dead every year. I hope they get it together again.
Nice to see Eddie Kingston in the crowd.

And she relished every warm wet droplet of The Nature Boy's breath, even if she couldn't see that he was having a hard time holding those alligators down.
It's sad. A lot of used to watch wrestle kingdom late as fuck and it was really fun. The past 4 or 5 years that thread has been dead every year. I hope they get it together again.

Reminds me of something else
Even though it was fake! The referee wearing an ear piece!
H-Bomb better be his main roster finish.....because that running headbutt ain't gonna cut it.
You HAVE to give us Ilja vs GUNTHER in the finals.
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